Its Xmas bonus time.. I was thinking as i drove home, its funny how when you really need money...its never there. We're not well off compared to some but very comfortable and have a simple lifestyle. Now, we don't need the money...not really, its just icing on a cake.
Picked up the wife from shopping half an hour after thinking that.
I know when the wife has something on her mind, she won't ask directly, rather mildly skirt around it and see what my reaction is....
'I talked to Zoe today'.
She's our sons partner. He is despite our damnest efforts, one of lifes coasters, no drive, just does enough to get by..perhaps a waster in some peoples eyes, but he's our son and despite some acrimonious times, we love him. He's a pain at times, drives us nuts, hes 30 and will never have money, but that's the deck of cards he's been dealt, he'll never change, he doesnt have the skills or will. I feel for him sometimes, he's good hearted, but can't find a way to deal with lifes struggles, he's effectively opted out...he's very fatalistic about things sometimes. To his credit, he does and always has worked, minimum wage stuff, but work he does.
I listened...
'I wondered how they were doing for Xmas..if they were ready. They're struggling, she said she cant get stuff until blah blah date so she's a bit stressed. I'm thinking of taking her food shopping next week, get her a weeks worth and I'll get her a taxi home....ive already brought them some treats'
Now she's waiting for my reaction.....
'Lovely....why not. Sod it, there's more to life than saving money' and I told her what I'd been thinking half an hour before.
'I'll ring her, see what she thinks
