We have a new Health and Safety manager, nice chap, amiable, approachable....but he's naturally H&S focused.
I went up to the offices to replace some fluorescent lamps, four girls are sat there, happy they wont have to endure a flickering lamp any more...
Me....waving a tube as I approach...
'You're not gonna to give me a hard time are you?...I'm only on light duties'

...which raised some laughter, surprisingly...theyre either bored or easily pleased.
So, step ladder up....i start to climb...
'want me to turn the lights off'...asked one of the girls
'no, its fine'.....and i got to the top of the steps.
And here come Mr H&S

'Hi Colin...you doing lights ?'
'Yep, just a couple'

...'you got a bigger set of steps..they look a bit small'
'we'll soon find out, i think theyre ok'....i replied..and they were.

..'you going to turn the lights off ?'
'no Its fine, im not touching the fitting itself, just the glass tubes'

'dont suppose youve done a risk assessment ?'
'No...i havnt done a single one In the three years ive been here...no-one has ever requested we do any at all'
'To be fair, i suspect things will change, whatever systems the company will wish upon us, we will comply of course....we simply work according to what was required previously'
After hed gone, i sensed the girls had been enjoying the conversation...
'H&S eh ?

...i suspect things are going to change...'...'if i do this next week, it'll be three men, scaffollding, four pieces of paperwork, a half hour risk assessment, full body armour, clean underpants and ...lights off...just to play safe

I think It was the highlight of the day for the girls in the office.....