A meandeeing discussion evolved at work as we cleaned up in the workshop.
'Yuk, I just got covered in cobwebs'
'How did it get there ?'
'Well, if im honest, I don't know how they do it, a strand of web from one point to another...does the spider get carried on the wind and leave its web as it goes, or do they shoot out the web and it gets carried to another point'
'Wha ???, how does a spider fly through the air and land where he wants to ?...said my colleague with incredularity
''He doesnt pick his spot ya pillock, he cant aim, he just goes where the wind takes him...and that might be bollix anyway, I dont actually know how they do it'
'Nah' he replies, pointing to a spot on the wall,'he's here, walks to that point there (moving his finger to a spot 3 feet away)..and leaves his trail of web'
Me, incredulously...
'What !!!..thats a flat surface, what about when hes in a bush and travels to the next bush ?...whaddya think he does, walks down to the ground, leaving his web as he goes, climbs up the next bush, fixes his web then pulls it taught'

'No of course not, but they cant frikkin fly like you said'
Me, now sarcastically and with humour..
'Of course they can, spiderman can


'You t×××, spidermans not real '
Me, with mock shock ...

'WHAT !!!!!, of course he Is'
Stupity often prevails