Yesterday, my workmate Vicky and I were just driving out of a little housing complex, when a car drove in - a nasty orange coloured Audi, we see it every week. It parked, and the woman driver got out..
Me: Blimey, see the colour of her hair? It's almost the same as the car ! (It was pretty yellow, certainly not what I'd call blonde...)
Me: And those boots, look at the heels! (about 5" high, stilettos)
Vic: Ugh!
Me: She's got a sort of leopardskin flap look... (the tail of a blouse sticking out from under a jacket)
The woman walked into a hairdressers - she must work there, as the car is always there.
Vic: <heavy sarcasm> I'd love to meet her at a party.
Me: Yeah, I bet she's a really interesting person to talk to.
Vic: Oh yeah!
Me: With her yellow hair, and her stupid shoes, and her leopardskin flap and her car the colour of a faded satsuma...
Vic: <laughing>
As we move on to collect the next recycling box, there's a pause, then:
Me: You know, we shouldn't judge like that.
Vic: No way! She was crying out to be judged!