Give me some dialogue from your day

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Me - Hi, I posted something to a customer in Devon on Monday. They just emailed to ask where it is.

Courier firm - It has been impounded by the police. It was on board a HGV which was invloved in a pile up on the M5 which killed the driver just north of Brizzle on Tuesday morning.

Me - Oh :sad:


Legendary Member
Me (minding my own business washing my hands in the gents loo's at work)
Door opens, in walks a lady, looking happy, until she realises what she has done and jumps out of her skin, "oh bloody hell, I am sorry" and does a quick about turn whilst looking very red in the face :laugh:


The washing machine leaked hours before I was going to the airport last week. I managed to order a part, I doubted it was the correct part judging by the operators apparent lack of experience. While we were away, my daughter opened the was the wrong part. She went to the Hotpoint factory nearby with the broken part in hand (bless her) and managed to talk to someone in technical, who informed her they couldnt identify the part, it may well be obsolete. The machine is less than three years old.:ohmy:
Once back, I phoned them, obtained a full refund on the incorrect part and the lady helpfully sent me an email with parts diagrams that may help me ID the part.
'Once you identify the part, ring me back and I will place an order for you'
'Excellent, thankyou''

15 minutes later, I ring back, I have the right part on the drawing, i queue for maybe 15 minutes, then ask for the lady in question...
'Sorry, there are hundreds of us here, perhaps I can help'
''The lady sent me an email, I now know which part to order, can you place it for me ?'
'I dont have access to that email sir, perhaps I should pass you back to the switchboard, then ask for ?????'
'Ok, I will try that'

I ring back but get another lady, Clair, in the correct department...
'Hi, can I speak to ???? '
'Sorry, there are problems with her phone ' (wouldnt you know :angry:)
'Ok, she sent me an email, i have identified the part, perhaps you can help me ?'
'I cant myself sir, but i will pass you to our sales team, they will have access to the drawing and they will help you'
'ok, thankyou' :whistle:

She then transfers me to David, and you JUST KNOW in those opening seconds, this guy is going to be 'difficult' :angry:
'Hi David, ive spoken to ????' she's sent me an email drawing to ID a part, i'd like to order that if you can open the drawing, its drawing number 2031239'
'I'm sorry, I don't have access to those drawings, perhaps if you tell me what you need, I can order it for you '...In a smug, you just know you want to throttle him, manner :angry:
'If it were that easy David, i'd already have done so, this part hasn't been ID'd by several departments, I don't even know what it is called myself, that's why she sent me the drawings' :whistle:
'If you just tell me the part sir....'
:angry:' Its a connector on an Aqualtis model *******'
'What sort of connector sir ?'
:angry::angry:'The whole point is David, I DONT know, no-one seems to know, that's why I needed the drawing, the one I was told you WOULD have, but you say you havnt'
'Perhaps if you just tell me...'

:angry::angry::angry: 'Im beginning to lose it now :angry::angry::angry:
'I'm not sure I like your attitude David, perhaps you can put me through to someone else' :gun:
'I'm sorry you feel that way sir' he replied with a superior, smug air. 'I'll put you back to blah blah if you prefer'
'Thankyou' :angry:

I wait in another queue for 5 minutes and talk again to 'Clair'
'Ok, ive just spoken to David, he HASNT got the drawings to help me tell you exactly what I need, PLEASSSSE will you sort this for me, ive maybe been on the phone for 30 or 40 minutes now'
'Certainly sir, i'm sorry...what drawing is it ?'......and I told her, ID'D the correct part which cost £12, postage included, paid and sorted, no fuss, no aggro.
I was so happy to get it sorted, I forgot she said in the first convo she COULDNT help me, and yet 15 minutes later, she could ?

The first part cost £13 in postage :ohmy: Its a piece of plastic weighing grams.
'BTW, £13 postage, is that correct ?'
'Yes sir, that's for our priority service'
':whistle: £13, I could WALK to your factory, seriously, I live about 1 mile much is it to go standard'
'It'll be £12 sir, unfortunately its a post ONLY service, you cant pick it up yourself'
'Wha ???, £12, I may as well do it priority then.....ahhhh, do you mean £12 postage, or £12 for the part AND postage'
'No sir, £12 all in'
'OK, that's fine, thankyou'

£13....they could pay a man to WALK to my door and still me in profit....£13 my ar...:angry:
What a bunch of tossers, sorry to profanicate, I got a headache now.


Legendary Member
My attempt to grow a moustache for Movember has been a hotly discussed topic in the Stowie household. I must confess that my ability to grow facial hair is somewhat limited. The conversations have included :

Wife : So, what is this Movember thing?
Me : Well it is growing a moustache in November for charities supporting research in mental illness and prostrate cancer.
Wife : It sounds like it is one of those men things
Me : Well, I am sure that if women want to grow a moustache then they would be allowed. I am pretty certain the limitation to men is due to biology and not sex discrimination.

Later on after I have shaved the rest of my face

Wife : Oh, so you decided to give up on Movember thing
Me : No I just shaved the rest of my face, I still have kept the moustache
Wife (looking incredibly closely) : Oh yes - I thought you had just missed a bit

And finally - for this you should know my wife is a foreign national

Wife : This Movember
Me (Wearily) : yeees..
Wife : This is another one of those customs where you Brits give to charity by doing something that makes you look ridiculous?
Me : Well I hope me growing a moustache doesn't make me look completely ridiculous.
<< Rather long silence broken only by my wife saying "hmmm">>


Hard of hearing..I said Herd of Herring..oh FFS..
County Durham
My attempt to grow a moustache for Movember has been a hotly discussed topic in the Stowie household. I must confess that my ability to grow facial hair is somewhat limited. The conversations have included :

Wife : So, what is this Movember thing?
Me : Well it is growing a moustache in November for charities supporting research in mental illness and prostrate cancer.
Wife : It sounds like it is one of those men things
Me : Well, I am sure that if women want to grow a moustache then they would be allowed. I am pretty certain the limitation to men is due to biology and not sex discrimination.

Later on after I have shaved the rest of my face

Wife : Oh, so you decided to give up on Movember thing
Me : No I just shaved the rest of my face, I still have kept the moustache
Wife (looking incredibly closely) : Oh yes - I thought you had just missed a bit

And finally - for this you should know my wife is a foreign national

Wife : This Movember
Me (Wearily) : yeees..
Wife : This is another one of those customs where you Brits give to charity by doing something that makes you look ridiculous?
Me : Well I hope me growing a moustache doesn't make me look completely ridiculous.
<< Rather long silence broken only by my wife saying "hmmm">>
Pictures or it hasn't happened!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
NT and I were trying to access the car park at my work, which is at the end of a cul de sac. We turn into the road to find a car 'parked' in the middle of the road, blocking it completely. Can't see if there's a driver, it's dark and the car has its lights on (as does NT).

NT flashes his lights. Nothing.

I get out and walk up to the window, to see a girl busy texting.

Me: Excuse me!
Her: <window down> What?
Me: We're trying to get by!
Her: Oh! Sorry, I didn't see you! <reverses car to side of road so we can pass>
Me: No, well it's tricky with those big shiny lights on the front I admit.
Her, after slightly affronted pause: You're supposed to stop when you use your phone!
Me: Not in the middle of the bloody road!

We got past, and lo and behold she moved back to the middle of the road to finish her text!

Fortunately, she'd moved off a few minutes later when we left again, or the sarcasm might have had to be racked up to 11.

London Female

Über Member
I don't know why this made me smile today but it did.

Patient: "You normally looks so nice but today your hair looks a mess"

Me: "Oh sorry, I will try harder tomorrow"


Me..'...'C'mon then, :angry:?...i'm gonna getcha'.....

Dog...:hyper:'grrrr, bark, grrr...:hyper:'
'I'm gonna getcha, :gun:' i poke at his paws, which always sends him mental..
Dog...':hungry:..makes a meal of my arm.
I headbutt him playfully on his side and next thing....
'Argggh, gerrof, your not supposed to bite my ears ya daft mutt :cursing::laugh:


Colleague: Where's the meeting? Downstairs?
Me: No, it is in Beijing
Colleague: Humpf. I'm going to get my jacket.

(There is a good reason for the big meeting room in the other building to be called Beijing, but I did think the resulting conversation was a bit surreal)


Old git on old bikes
Me "Lovelly morning"
Mog "It won't last though"
Cue all assembled to instantly burst into song "Always look on the bright side of life"

Mog is his nickname...Miserable old git...he's the only one who hasn't worked that out yet. You just got to love him
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