Give me some dialogue from your day

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not really dialogue, but Jo Rowsell did answer a tweet about her injury to tell me she's back on the turbo trainer. she is fast becoming my favourite female cyclist


Just about surviving
We walked past an hotel today and noticed they had a pool. When we were walking back we called in and asked if we could have a drink and use their pool.
"No problem. Sort yourselves out with a sun lounger and we'll bring your drinks over".
We had 3 hours by a pool for the cost of 2 drinks each.
I'll post photo when I get home.


A machine isnt sealing punnets properly. We've had a look and mechanically it looks fine. Check the punnets in the mould they sit in...they dont sit properly, theyre slightly wrong.
'Its the punnets, they're slightly different.'
'They can't be, they're the same punnets we always get'
'Look, you can see for yourself, they dont sit properly'
'You sure its not the machine, you sure its not the mould they sit in ?'
'The mould is metal, it doesn't change, the punnet is flexible, it can..and has'

Several layers of management came and went, all questioning the validity of my diagnosis. Thesenior engineer came and agreed with me. The director of the customer came, questioned, looked, and walked away...and finally, they accept the punnets are to blame.

Little old me told em in the first place. 3 hours later....they grudgingly finally accept I was right...


Me: Show me again the area we are going to move my department into
Production Manager: It's from this beam to... blah, blah,... down to blah
Me: OK, so that's for all my stuff and the four machines, guillotines and racking we're bringing up from London when it shuts.
PM: (confident bordering on cocky) Yup.
Me; I've paced it out, it's about 20% smaller than the current area.
PM..... silence.... frown..... disguised panic

I like it when a plan falls apart. He'd already moved another production cell out of the area to make way for me, with no consultation or checking and certainly no appearance of a tape measure. The owner is back from his hols on Monday, that should be a good bit of explaining :crazy:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Me: Show me again the area we are going to move my department into
Production Manager: It's from this beam to... blah, blah,... down to blah
Me: OK, so that's for all my stuff and the four machines, guillotines and racking we're bringing up from London when it shuts.
PM: (confident bordering on cocky) Yup.
Me; I've paced it out, it's about 20% smaller than the current area.
PM..... silence.... frown..... disguised panic

I like it when a plan falls apart. He'd already moved another production cell out of the area to make way for me, with no consultation or checking and certainly no appearance of a tape measure. The owner is back from his hols on Monday, that should be a good bit of explaining :crazy:

Tell us his name and we will sort it out just leave us the guillotine :boxing:
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
"Granddad" said my 5 yr old granddaughter as I showed her the new house Mrs P and I are moving into in a few days "You should get a bungalow instead because you're old"

Awwww bless... I'm only 60


Moon bunny

Judging your grammar
During on-the-boat-training*, talk turned to what a £10M grant was going to buy
;Hover Fly: "We will need a museum cat, for the people not all that interested in boats to stroke and make a fuss of, and feel sorry that they have to leave it behind when they go, as if they were its special friend."
Me, "Yes a ginger I think, we could call it Raae"
Boss, "OK I'll see what we can do"

* On-the-boat-training sounds better than swanning-about-on-a-borrowed-steam-launch, which is what we were really doing.


Nr Cambridge
During on-the-boat-training*, talk turned to what a £10M grant was going to buy
;Hover Fly: "We will need a museum cat, for the people not all that interested in boats to stroke and make a fuss of, and feel sorry that they have to leave it behind when they go, as if they were its special friend."
Me, "Yes a ginger I think, we could call it Raae"
Boss, "OK I'll see what we can do"

* On-the-boat-training sounds better than swanning-about-on-a-borrowed-steam-launch, which is what we were really doing.
I've got a black tabby in training for the job


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
When we picked up the recycling from Dylan the wheelbuilder, he gave me a couple of old tyres to make into belts.

When we got back to base to unload, I got out and said to my workmate:

"Jonny, I don't to unload. I'm... <flourish tyres> two tyred!"

He laughed, and said, "You have to do that joke when we go up for lunch.

So we go up after we've unloaded, and I go into the office to hang up some keys, and Jonny follows me and says, in front of two colleagues

"Hey, Sue, are you alright?"
Me: No, Jonny, I'm <flourish> two tyred!"

Colleague: :laugh: How long have you two been plotting that gag?


"Young and Ex-whippet"
Some friendly banter among workmates.

Danielle: Me and Dean (colleague) have a special relationship. I scratch his back and he scratches mine.
Me: You're gunna scratch Deans back?
Danielle: Oh, shut up Matthew.



Some friendly banter among workmates.

Danielle: Me and Dean (colleague) have a special relationship. I scratch his back and he scratches mine.
Me: You're gunna scratch Deans back?
Danielle: Oh, shut up Matthew.

More friendly banter between workmates. My colleague drives a battered, knackered, rusty old Golf, it really is a heap.
Me..talking about our holiday ...
'Oh yeah, we hired a Jeep for the day, what a pile of crap, its gearbox was impossible, the brakes were non existent, it was good fun, but'd have felt right at home in it....'


Legendary Member
My youngest, just back from a YouTube convention: You know the narwhale song?
Me: Better than is I suspect good for me.
Her: The guy who did the narwhale song was there, and....he did the narwhale song! And he got everyone to sing along. 1,000 people singing the narwhale song! ...Then we sang the badger song.
Me: That must have 'awesome' a good word?
Her: Yes. Awesome is good.
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