Give me some dialogue from your day

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Let me set the scene ...

I was standing on the cycleway through the park in Hebden Bridge. I was wearing my Pendle Pedal t-shirt which bears a picture of a bicycle. And, of course, I probably looked like a superfit cyclist! (:whistle:)

I had the air of somebody who knows his way around this area by bike. Clearly the kind of man to ask for help when cycling through the town.

Two cyclists are heading towards me and slowing to a halt. I prepare to direct them towards some obscure area of South Pennine loveliness ...

Cyclist: "This 'ebden Bridge?"

ColinJ: "Yes ..."

They rode off without uttering another word ...! :laugh:


Approximately 9 year old kid with his mate..called out to me as i passed them playing on a field..
'Hey..hey...are you racing on that bike ? :hyper:'
'No no' as i shake my head smiling.
'Hey, is that an olympic bike ?
'Good God no :laugh:'

A few days ago on holiday in Turkey..
We're sat in a beach resturant, its warm and the sun is setting, the sea is to our right and we're fairly surrounded by palm type trees. As the light has been falling, more and more bats are appearing and flitting around the trees, all around us. Look up at any time and you can see maybe 10 bats at a time.
The waiter see our interest..
'Wow, there's loads of bats' we said.
'Yes, these birds always come out at night, can you help me and spell their name for me' as he proffered a pen and napkin.
BAT i wrote on the napkin...'Its a very simple word...but they're not birds, they're....'
My words fell away..he'd already thanked us and was already walking away with his napkin...with those birds name on...BATS :laugh::banghead:


Myself to my junior colleague..
':ohmy: I hope you've noted which wires went to which terminal :sad:'
He replied..
'Oh sh1t...:sad:...i cut them and instantly thought...gawld, i hope you know which went where'

A terminal had broken off a low voltage sensor (5V), it required a replacement which involves three wires being soldered...i'd gone to get the new sensor, when i got back...:ohmy:...he's tried to be proactive and prepare things for me..
He's young and learning and it can be tough..he made a rash decision without thinking.
What was a 20 minute job turned into three hours of trying to find diagrams..unsuccessfully, trying to compare other machines...that had different colour wires, then chasing the cables back to their source then we were able to figure out the connections.
When we got it all back wouldnt work :sad:

'You DID turn off the power before you cut those wires didn't you :whistle: ?'
':sad:..yeah...i think so :sad:'
'We'd better hope you havn't blown the PCB'
'No, surely it wouldn't, how could it ?'
'If you've shorted the live against one of the other wires, you could have sent voltage down a line it shouldn't, we're already up to £150 in sensors, the box/PCB cost circa £800'

We changed the box/PCB, no difference :sad:...we tried ANOTHER worked. We blew two sensors, the third was faulty.

'Don't worry bud, there's a lesson in there...ALWAYS make a drawing of ANYTHING you disconnect...ALWAYS make sure you've turned the power off when working....and don't worry, we've all made our mistakes, ive made mine, that's the trouble when you're working on unknown equipment with limited knowledge, made even more difficult by the fact the manufacturers dont have standard cable colours...and dont even make the same connections when they do use the same colours.'


Earlier, we'd been talking about how fast time goes.
He said...'Yeah, notice how you always look back and think...where's the time gone ?'

Me..:huh: 'Wha ???. You can't look forward can you ?..that'd be like saying..Fcuk me, next week just flew by :whistle:...where did it go ?'



Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
When we got back in after the afternoon round, our admin person said:

"Oh, I've had an email from the council, number 16 XXXXX Square say they haven't got a recycling box..."

Us, more or less in unison: "Yes they bloody do, they fill it with bloody rubbish every week, and every week we pick out the recyclables and leave the crap bagged up in carrier bags in the box and they just leave it there until it fills the whole box and we have to leave the bags of crap on their lawn instead"

Admin person: Right. I'll email the council back....

Apparently the residents had been told off for having bags of rubbish on their lawn. Well, if they threw the bloody rubbish away in the bins when we left it, that wouldn't happen. Hey, they could even try reading the info and only putting recyclables in their recycling box! :banghead:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
On a lighter note, as we were unloading, my colleague noticed a big spider among the bags.

Her: What shall I do with it?

Me: Just bung it on the grass. We haven't got a skip for putting spiders in.

Her: :laugh:

Me: Maybe we need one. Perhaps we could order one over the Web...

Her: <Groan>


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Who would be Jerry and Margot?

<bites tongue really hard, trying not to nominate TVC and Lu...>



Wife to me...
'You going for a ride ?'
I think for a second...'Nah, long day, feet hurt, can't be bothered'
'Up to you'
'You got a TV night then ?'
'Yep, corrie etc etc etc'

I go through this dilemma every time, I want to get out, my fitness is shot but ive kinda got used physically to not cycling, but mentally I still need to get out there...
'Suppose I could....sod it, I'm tired...I'll leave it'
'Up to you,...go on, get your bike out'
'....yeah, I will, I'll just do a few circuits round town then'

3/4 hour in the saddle and the light is falling quickly now...glad I did get out there.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Me to workmate first thing: I saw the most awful horrible thing ever on the way in this morning.
Him: What?
Me: A slug eating a dog poo.
Him: xx(
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