Last night the wife had a couple of Bailey's and was scouring t'interweb for holiday ideas, it turned out that we can either both get next week or never! So she asked me about a Tipi (tepee, teepees are also available) by the side of Coniston Water. I agreed it'd be nice.
Wife (this morning): Oh no, I've just realised that a tipi is like a tent, that means we're camping!
(I'm just happy we're near bike and boat hire, although the weather is looking wet, very wet!)
TV trailer: <yada yada blah blah>"...Tasmainian Devil..." <yada yada blah blah>
Mum: "What's that? A pig?
Me: "No, a Tasmainian Devil.
Mum: "A dog?"
Me: "No, a Tasmainian Devil.
Mum: "A pig then.
Me: "No, a Tasmainian Devil.
Mum: "That's a funny looking dog!
They spent a lot of time taking photos of each other, and asking other people to take photos of them on the rug. Later, one was scrolling through her iphone images and I could see the photos. Her on the rug, her and her friend on the rug, her in a red dress, her in a blue dress, her looking at herself in a long mirror, her looking at her face in a mirror....
It was all photos of herself.
Person 1: Well "they" said it was going to be called either George or Victoria.
Person 2: Its a boy, so it won't be called Victoria...
Or use the method the beckhams's used, name it after the place of conception.