Give me some dialogue from your day

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
I had another blood test done today. I went with a friend and she went off to do some shopping while I went to the clinic ...

Dialogue #1:

The nurse asked me how I felt and I told her that I had been feeling a bit wobbly for a couple of days, so I was worried that my Warfarin dose might be too low and not doing its job properly. (I am taking less than I did last time, so I think the dose might need to be increased. The blood test will show whether or not this is the case.)

I looked away and the nurse stuck the needle in, took the sample, whipped it out again ...

Nurse: "No - there's no problem with clotting - I pulled the needle out and the little spot of blood clotted immediately!"

Queasy ColinJ: "Oh, er, are we done already? I'm clotting properly - excellent!"

6 hours later, it finally dawned on me ... Thinks: "Hang on a minute - I don't want to be 'clotting properly' - I want to be clotting slowly!" :wacko:

Dialogue #2:

ColinJ (To friend, before we split up): "I might be in and out quickly, or it could take 30 minutes or so if there is a queue. I'll give you a ring when I leave the clinic. You have got your phone with you, haven't you?"

Friend: "Yes."

I came out of the clinic after giving my blood sample, and rang her number ...

RoboWoman: "The number you called is not available - please try again later."

Thinks: "Next time, I will ask if she has a fault-free phone, with a charged battery, switched on, with her!" :laugh:


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
You ok?
No not really
Whats up?
Too many memories


"Young and Ex-whippet"
Background: I am on this evenings club ride and we are nearly finished. We are all cycling on the road and need to join a shared use path on the other side of the road. The path has a nice flat drop kerb at the end but has very sharp and steep kerbs along the length of it, so if you miss the first kerb, you have to slow right down for the rest.
So I am cycling and a few cars are approaching as we get to the first kerb. I and a few others miss it. We continue to the next kerb but I miss that one too.
I keep looking for a place to join the path but all the kerbs are too steep and I would cause other riders to slow down if I joined them.

I continue cycling on the road and a car comes behind me. They dont overtake and just as I indicate to turn right, their signal comes on. I catch the woman driving raising both hands in an "I dont know what I am doing" kind of gesture.
I eventually rejoin the group on the path.

We continue cycling for a bit until Pete comes up to me.
P: Try to get on the path because you caused all the cars behind you to slam on.
M: I was trying but the kerb was too steep.
P: I am not having a go but staying on the road when everyone else is on the path isnt the wisest of things. It is dangerous on the road and I am trying to teach my kid good road sense. You were holding up the traffic behind you.
M: I wasnt really holding them up. The woman behind was being patient. Its only other drivers that make it dangerous.
P: I know but its unsafe on the road. Try to stay on the path next time. Like I said, I am not having a go but staying on the road like that gives the club a bad rep because people see everyone else on the path and expect you to be there.
M: Okay.

It felt like he was having a go.

The particular road isnt dangerous but people do tend to bomb along it. The woman behind was being patient and not trying to force past. I dont really understand how I was making the club look bad by staying on the road. We are all riding ROAD bikes anyway.


Reminds me of the time a friend told me she'd just bought a Mini. What kind I asked. A yellow one she said.

Takes me back to about 1978. We used to have a Toyota, back in the days before they were reliable. Ours broke down one day, and my dad sent my mum off to phone the AA whilst he did manly things under the bonnet.

Mum trudged off to the phone box, which was some distance away. Half an hour later she was back, looking shifty...

Mum 'What sort of car is it?'
Dad 'A Toyota Carona...'
Mum 'Hmm...'
Dad 'What did you say to the AA?'
Mum 'That we'd broken down...'
Dad 'And?'
Mum 'They asked what car it was'
Dad 'So, what did you say?'
Mum 'A blue one...'

Bit like the air...


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
NT's feeling a bit washed out today, having had a pretty busy couple of weeks. Even last weekend, although we had days out, they involved a drive and a lot of walking about...

Me: Well, we're not the sort of couple to just go out and sit on a rug somewhere.
NT: No. Well, we haven't got a rug.
Me: We could aspire to owning a rug someday.
NT: What, with plastic sewn on one side?
Me: Yeah! And tartan, to match our Thermos.
NT: Huh?
Me: Our tartan Thermos flask...
NT: Oh! I thought you said thongs!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
NT's washing machine beeps continually to indicate it has finished the wash. He got up and went to empty it into the dryer, saying "alright, alright, I'm coming!"

Me: It's very insistent isn't it? They should make them with a voice chip that coughs discretely.
NT: Like "ahem!"?
Me: Yeah, or says "Oh, excuse me, I'm ready. No rush, whenever you like..."
NT: Trouble is, it's a Bosch. It would probably shout <faux German accent> "Your Vashing Iz Ready!"
Me: "Schnell, schnell!"


Active Member
Background: I am on this evenings club ride and we are nearly finished. We are all cycling on the road and need to join a shared use path on the other side of the road. The path has a nice flat drop kerb at the end but has very sharp and steep kerbs along the length of it, so if you miss the first kerb, you have to slow right down for the rest.
So I am cycling and a few cars are approaching as we get to the first kerb. I and a few others miss it. We continue to the next kerb but I miss that one too.
I keep looking for a place to join the path but all the kerbs are too steep and I would cause other riders to slow down if I joined them.

I continue cycling on the road and a car comes behind me. They dont overtake and just as I indicate to turn right, their signal comes on. I catch the woman driving raising both hands in an "I dont know what I am doing" kind of gesture.
I eventually rejoin the group on the path.

We continue cycling for a bit until Pete comes up to me.
P: Try to get on the path because you caused all the cars behind you to slam on.
M: I was trying but the kerb was too steep.
P: I am not having a go but staying on the road when everyone else is on the path isnt the wisest of things. It is dangerous on the road and I am trying to teach my kid good road sense. You were holding up the traffic behind you.
M: I wasnt really holding them up. The woman behind was being patient. Its only other drivers that make it dangerous.
P: I know but its unsafe on the road. Try to stay on the path next time. Like I said, I am not having a go but staying on the road like that gives the club a bad rep because people see everyone else on the path and expect you to be there.
M: Okay.

It felt like he was having a go.

The particular road isnt dangerous but people do tend to bomb along it. The woman behind was being patient and not trying to force past. I dont really understand how I was making the club look bad by staying on the road. We are all riding ROAD bikes anyway.

You are not obligated to use the shared path, IMHO they tend to have smashed glass and bad debris along them. I would always use the road, regardless of shared path or not.
The conversation started with my OH commenting that my mother had stated on facebook that the Mary Rose sank on this day in 1545 (not sure it did, but close enough). It is the sort of thing my late Grannie would have said, my mother is taking over that role, but it got us onto where we were 2 years ago (on tour heading for Nordkapp in Norway) which brought us round to the subject of a 13mm spanner I found whilst rummaging around a box of 'stuff from the tour' during the week. It is an exceptionally nice chrome vanadium spanner which feel great to handle and was given to us by a bike shop whilst we were on tour. I'm in the kitchen making up some cashew nut cheese (I'm allergic to dairy) whilst this conversation is taking place.

Me: Can you remember where the bike shop was? (thoughts along the lines of which country?)
OH: Err no.
Me: It feels really good to handle, lovely and smooth.
My OH puts his head back around around the kitchen door: I do hope you are refering to the cheese
Me: :eek:No, the spanner, what else would your wife be referring to!
OH: Good point :laugh:.

Normality can now resume.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
NT's feeling a bit washed out today, having had a pretty busy couple of weeks. Even last weekend, although we had days out, they involved a drive and a lot of walking about...

Me: Well, we're not the sort of couple to just go out and sit on a rug somewhere.
NT: No. Well, we haven't got a rug.
Me: We could aspire to owning a rug someday.
NT: What, with plastic sewn on one side?
Me: Yeah! And tartan, to match our Thermos.
NT: Huh?
Me: Our tartan Thermos flask...
NT: Oh! I thought you said thongs!

Random follow up to this post:

Last night we were out at an outdoor show, and as we perched on a low wall, a pair of girls arrived and spread out a rug on the ground in front of us. The rug had a pattern of large brightly coloured squares. One of the girls was wearing a very clingy long dress, of a thin bright pink material that matched one of the squares. Not only that, but rather clearly visible under the dress was a thong, of a blue that seemed to match one of the other squares!

Night Train

Maker of Things
Random follow up to this post:

Last night we were out at an outdoor show, and as we perched on a low wall, a pair of girls arrived and spread out a rug on the ground in front of us. The rug had a pattern of large brightly coloured squares. One of the girls was wearing a very clingy long dress, of a thin bright pink material that matched one of the squares. Not only that, but rather clearly visible under the dress was a thong, of a blue that seemed to match one of the other squares!
By 'girls' Arch means women who are probably in their 20's but due to their make up look more like the far side of their 30s.

They spent a lot of time taking photos of each other, and asking other people to take photos of them on the rug. Later, one was scrolling through her iphone images and I could see the photos. Her on the rug, her and her friend on the rug, her in a red dress, her in a blue dress, her looking at herself in a long mirror, her looking at her face in a mirror....

It was all photos of herself.

Me: <whispers> Do you think she has problems remembering what she looks like?
Arch: :laugh:


My boyfriend and I have bought ourselves a tent. It arrives, and I insist that we unpack it and check that all the bits are there.
Me: OK, so that's the outer, and here are the poles
<checking list that came with the tent> there should be a grey pole, a yellow pole and a blue pole: yes, here they are.
B/f, struggling with more poles: there should be two poles here but I think there's just one.
<we faff with the poles> no, there are two of these, that's good.
Me: here are the tent pegs. But, there should be two inner tents, and this looks like just one.
B/f: Wait...
<I unroll the inner to check that it isn't two inners rolled together>: No, there's just one here.
B/f: you silly person, we didn't buy a tent with two separate inners, we bought one with one big inner at the back.
Me: Oh. So we did. Help me to roll this back up again...


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
Went to see The Fabulous Thunderbirds :becool: in Wolverhampton last week, when they finished their set and had gone off stage a guy stood behind us kept shouting in a strong Brummie type accent "moo-ah, moo-ah, moo-ah".

Night Train

Maker of Things
TV trailer: <yada yada blah blah>"...Tasmainian Devil..." <yada yada blah blah>
Mum: "What's that? A pig?
Me: "No, a Tasmainian Devil.
Mum: "A dog?"
Me: "No, a Tasmainian Devil.
Mum: "A pig then.
Me: "No, a Tasmainian Devil.
Mum: "That's a funny looking dog!:scratch:
Me: :wacko: :rolleyes:


Senior Member
Last night the wife had a couple of Bailey's and was scouring t'interweb for holiday ideas, it turned out that we can either both get next week or never! So she asked me about a Tipi (tepee, teepees are also available) by the side of Coniston Water. I agreed it'd be nice.

Wife (this morning): Oh no, I've just realised that a tipi is like a tent, that means we're camping!
Me: What did you think it was?
Wife: I don't know, I didn't really think, I'd had two glasses of Bailey's.
Me: Well you keep saying you want to go camping - at least this way we don't have to pitch a tent.
Wife: What about a toilet?
Me: There are toilets there, don't worry.
Wife: What about in the night.
Me: We have torches and they still have toilets!

(I'm just happy we're near bike and boat hire, although the weather is looking wet, very wet!)
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