Give me some dialogue from your day

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Secret Lemonade Drinker
Woman in silver 4x4 c/w kids front and rear drives up behind me on narrow single track country lane while I am towing Miss CP in her trailer.

Her - Beeeeeep - "What the blinking flip** are you doing? Get off the road"

ME, "What am I doing? Same as you, transporting a child, but not using 2 tons of metal to do it, or intimidate and endanger others"

Her - "Oh blinking flip** off"

**She didn't use the words binking flip, she used one that rhymes with luck, muck, duck, buck, suck or tuck.......


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
Woman in silver 4x4 c/w kids front and rear drives up behind me on narrow single track country lane while I am towing Miss CP in her trailer.

Her - Beeeeeep - "What the blinking flip** are you doing? Get off the road"

ME, "What am I doing? Same as you, transporting a child, but not using 2 tons of metal to do it, or intimidate and endanger others"

Her - "Oh blinking flip** off"

**She didn't use the words binking flip, she used one that rhymes with luck, muck, duck, buck, suck or tuck.......

What a bunt!
yesterday at the wetland centre, discussing butterflys...

her: i like the ones with the brown tips to their wings, what are they called?
me: brown? are you sure it wasn't orange tips on the wings?
her: yes, sorry, orange tips. what are they called?
me: orange-tips.

Cycling Dan

Cycle Crazy
Driver= D Passenger=P
D: Move
D: Get out the way
D:waaaaaaa what you doing
P: Get off the farking road.
P(2): Sticks finger up. (not really dialogue)

Me thinking WTF is going on. A domestic in a car. Although it was directed at me.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Email from solicitors...
"We are pushing to complete for friday "

WTF !! thats a bit short notice to get packed/arrange everything !!


Vice Admiral
He was in Finland the second week of January. He stayed somewhere in the very far north, and saw the Northern Lights three times. Slog dedging Dog sledging and Skiddoo (sp?) were amongst the other activities they tried. ^_^


Senior Member
I was mowing the rear lawn this evening with my little girl playing in the garden. It was quite long grass so I had to empty the bucket about a dozen times, each time I turned the mower off it was met with a 'Daaaaaaad' to which my replies were getting more and more curt (dental abcess and headache starting, added to the fact it was just inane stuff).

The final time she shouted 'Daaaaaaad' and I snapped back 'what?'.

'You're my king. And I'm your princess. '

Well, she was half right tonight.


Pulling onto the drive, un-clipping, removing my helmet, lean my bike against bay window feeling all self concious in cycling shorts and man boobs protruding in cycling jersey....

Sexy next-door neighbour :blush: is mowing our lawns - Hi pplpilot, you been out cycling then?

deeeerrrrr.... she may be cute but she's dumb as a box of rocks.
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