Game: Name that road!

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All uphill

Still rolling along
That was my original idea, but...

I realised that is true so I changed the 'rules'.

The rules now are that you should have ridden there (as opposed to wanting to ride there one day); the road must be in the UK (to stop things getting silly - dirt road into the Amazon, anybody? :whistle:); and we should be able to check our ideas/search on Street View.

Still, using your own photo is always a plus.

Oh, and ideally the road should be somewhere that other people would actually want to ride... I have seen many lovely roads in this thread and will try to ride some of them. As opposed to one memorable example - Coventry Ring Road... I lived in Coventry for over 20 years and never once felt like cycling on that! :laugh:

I claim the undesirable Name that Road prize for my picture of a road and bus shelter in the rain in Stoke on Trent a couple of years ago.

Here is is again in case you missed it the first time. 😉


Putrid Donut
Thank you @Venod.

Did someone really post the Coventry ring road? It wasn't me, was it?

I agree with @ColinJ that own photographs are preferable, but we need to keep the thread moving.

There are pros and cons: streetview allows you to pick your spot, but sometimes the images fail to capture a perspective that a human photographer would see. I did have one lined up from streetview which encapsulates a scene better than I could have hoped to do myself - but if @Ming the Merciless has a good one he's welcome to take my turn. ;)

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Thank you @Venod.

Did someone really post the Coventry ring road? It wasn't me, was it?

I agree with @ColinJ that own photographs are preferable, but we need to keep the thread moving.

There are pros and cons: streetview allows you to pick your spot, but sometimes the images fail to capture a perspective that a human photographer would see. I did have one lined up from streetview which encapsulates a scene better than I could have hoped to do myself - but if @Ming the Merciless has a good one he's welcome to take my turn. ;)

Here you go. Taken today. I’ll give a help and say it’s Hertfordshire taken late morning.



Puzzle game procrastinator!
I claim the undesirable Name that Road prize for my picture of a road and bus shelter in the rain in Stoke on Trent a couple of years ago.

Here is is again in case you missed it the first time. 😉
View attachment 679433
I do remember it! :laugh:

Did someone really post the Coventry ring road? It wasn't me, was it?
We can blame @Milkfloat for that one! :okay:

I am going to change the tack totally here. Lot's of clues though.

View attachment 537296


Kilometre nibbler
I only use my own pictures. I get to go very rarely and even I am running low on suitable ones. I do stop and take special NTR pics sometimes


Legendary Member
That was the initial idea... but maybe it's only a handful of us actually take photos on rides. I know I don't very often. It means stopping.

Sometimes these days I stop on a ride and photograph a road with the express thought of posting it one day on Name That Road. Maybe I've been following this thread for too long.

Nb I always wait a while before using them as I'm not hard to find on Strava and that would be too easy

Mr Celine

The problem with your own photos is there was usually a reason you stopped there, like an interesting feature or spectacular view, the sort of thing that the cheats ;) that use reverse image search will easily find.

Frame grabs from go pro videos are better, with the added bonus that you can upset anyone with OCD by the simple expedient of attaching scabby insulation tape to your shifter cables. :whistle:

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Hills in Herts? I recall some around Royston part of the world

The average climbing figure for rides is 26 feet per mile. You can get the figure up to 41 feet per mile but you have to pick your route to do that. Steepest hills around 25%. It’s not flat, but it’s not hilly, rolling is how I’d describe it.
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