Game: Name that road!

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
North Wessex Downs?


Legendary Member!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i33!5m1!1e4

Union lane


looking a hannington mast


Putrid Donut
Well done @T4tomo, out of its misery at last.

You all remember that I grew up in Kingsclere, right? Union Lane wouldn't be where I learned to ride a bike, but for many kids like myself it might have been where I was first released onto a proper road.

Over to you!


Legendary Member
Now if any of these three are on Cycle chat this will go quickly....

so I guess not.

Still surprised its not gone, there is something that you are just not seeing.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
So, we are on not only a single carriageway road, but one without any central line (or indeed any central or edge road markings) noting that it is just over 2 cars wide, and hence this is not a major road. Or even a B road.
Despite this, there is a VRS barrier on the left to prevent cars accidentally careering off a straight road on to the nice wide grass verge.

At a guess, this means that there is some significant industrial facility straight on.

Regarding the shadow, yes there appears to be something behind the photographer casting a shadow onto the three intrepid cyclists. Or just two photographs stitched together, as per the grey sky suddenly changing to blue sky with small fluffy clouds.

I'm not being much help here, am I?
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South Wales
So, we are on not only a single carriageway road, but one without any central line (or indeed any central or edge road markings) noting that it is just over 2 cars wide, and hence this is not a major road. Or even a B road.
Despite this, there is a VRS barrier on the left to prevent cars accidentally careering off a straight road on to the nice wide grass verge.

At a guess, this means that there is some significant industrial facility straight on.

Regarding the shadow, yes there appears to be something behind the photographer casting a shadow onto the three intrepid cyclists. Or just two photographs stitched together, as per the grey sky suddenly changing to blue sky with small fluffy clouds.

I'm not being much help here, am I?

I'm pretty sure that is where two photos get spliced (streetview presumably).

There are shadows, but very short, and to the left, which implies it is close to noon, and facing East.

There is also an information sign of some sort behind the barriers - possibly to do with the water feature below. It is possible the barrier is more to stop parking than to prevent accidental off road.


Legendary Member
Is the blue sign for a car park? Looks like the road turns to the right after the hedge. Is the house behind the trees significant?

Starting to wonder if we're on the entrance road to some kind of visitor attraction, encompassing both the lake and the house.
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