FNRttC 4th September to Whitstable 2009

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Lover of things that come in 3's
mike e said:
I've already been threatened, hence I've decided to make the effort to come down for tomorrow's Southend ride.

yeah but have you exhausted all possibilities? there's still mystery illness, act of god, terrorist threat and the classic, sabotage the wedding. I mean, as long as we're not talking close relative, you could always try and sleep with the bride to be, piccies required of course.

Just a question of priorities really


pre-talced and mighty
Marilyn B
Louise L
Katsura I
Barry J
Andrij B
Peter W
Adrian C
Matt L
Martin F
Clive B
Tim O
Andy C
Stuart A
John G
Matthew S
Els V
William C
Jo H
Jane D
User10571 B
Claudine C
Al MacD
Chris M
Davy S
Andrea W
Andrew A
Lee 1010
Alastair S
Anthony McC
Kim W
Andrew B
Tim H
Nicholas T
Luke C
Mick D
Alina E (needs to get back to me on the basics)
Tynan D
Mark T
Richard C
Colin C
Jack M
Captain Adam Kirk
Alan B
Alan L
Tim Hall
Steev - which makes about 46
Paul R
Ian S
Ruth ?
Chris T
Andrew T
Andy A (who will not be going down the towpath!)
Greg C
Charlotte S
Ned L
Des O'D - which makes about 56


I'm not used to 'Tynan' being qualified with an initial

47 is relatively initimate these days init


New Member
Hi Dellzeqq,

Would there be room for another small German on this ride? Her name is Ruth and she's interested in joining. I've e-mailed her your address, so I expect she will contact you shortly to see whether there is any space left. She would also be coming from Swansea - the great reputation of the FNRttC is drawing people from far flung places...

Meanwhile, I'm getting psychologically prepared for the rolling road! It sounds a great ride!


Silencing his legs regularly
dellzeqq said:
The recce was a salutary reminder of the difference between flattish and rolling. It's a tougher ride than Bognor. After Greenhithe the road never quite settles, and you're continually shuffling from gear to gear. The reward is in the open skyline, the views over the Thames and, as I mentioned, the prospect of sunrise on the way to Faversham. This is the ride where it really pays to spend time at the back (I'll probably TEC for most of the way) - you get to see a string of red lights making their way across the marshes ahead of you. Stirring stuff.

Both Andy's Cafe and the Waterfront are looking forward to seeing us, and, yes, as Davy says, the Waterfront does have a license.

Bognor...'flattish'? Not very flattish in my book, far too many climbs to call it that (enough of this 'rises' nonsense!) but at least I'm warned about this one...Might well be seeing you at the back if it's that bad. That said, my new steed should have certain advantages in climbing them.


pre-talced and mighty
Andrij said:
Will Capt. Kirk be riding one?
he's asked if he can...


Well-Known Member
Charlton, London
E-m sent. So far this year I've missed out on every FNRttC and the Dunwich Dynamo so I'm well up for this one (if I'm in time to sign up!).

Breaking myself in with a midnight run to Brighton tonight......maybe I should wait until I've got back home before signing up for the FNRttC.....


Post of The Year 2009 winner
Bromley, Kent
Goodness these fill up early these days:smile:
Room for one more? No training rides since LEL means I have a pass card :ohmy:
Will be bl00dy great to catch up with you all again:smile:


Here for rides.
Hope there is room for one more, just got back from my 'holiday with cycling' (as opposed to a cycling holiday) so have emailed the be-talcéd one. May post some hols ride reports elsewhere when the pain in my legs/arse/arms (200 miles in 2 days coming home) subsides.


Openly Marxist
Aperitif said:
Oh dear! And the last ride to Bognor was such a happy affair...

Welcome back Greg:smile:


Hello Greg. Trust you had a good holiday? I thought you were going to get Admin to amputate the Grumpy bit?
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