I picked up the Y performance this afternoon. My lad has taken it for a few hours to test drive.
You can buy a dashboard that sits in the traditional place behind the steering wheel and displays what you want (Speedo etc) for a couple of hundred from amazon.My lad liked it overall, his comments were its blooming quick. Which is surprising given he has got use of a 400 hp ICE motor RS something-so feels much quicker.
It corners like on rails, crap rear view mirror, feels huge inside, has so much loading space front rear and inside pockets, harsh ride on 21" rims. His final comment it would take a little time to get used to the centre only display.
Gone away to think about it.
You can buy a dashboard that sits in the traditional place behind the steering wheel and displays what you want (Speedo etc) for a couple of hundred from amazon.
Imagine feeling you have to do that on a £44,500-£60k car 🤣
the EQC we looked at has rear air suspension?! Not run flats either but defo rubber band territory! The cars come with a tire sealant and an inflator if I’m reading things correct?
Yeah I've driven an EQC too and yes it has rear air sus. I'm not sure about RFT, I just assumed all Merc and BMWs have it (GLC does, which the EQC is based on).
Style choices are fine, but moving the instruments off to the side seems like a basic failing of ergonomics.Tesla have taken a very stylised view of how are car can be. The experience is differnt. Some like it, some don't. Those that don't can tweak it.
Everybody has to drive safely. This is not facilitated by having to look to one side for vital information.Nobody has to do anything.
Style choices are fine, but moving the instruments off to the side seems like a basic failing of ergonomics.
Hopefully there's a HUD speedo
Style choices are fine, but moving the instruments off to the side seems like a basic failing of ergonomics.
Hopefully there's a HUD speedo?
Everybody has to drive safely. This is not facilitated by having to look to one side for vital information.
Bad enough that so many manufacturers are replacing physical controls with touch screen menus.
Style choices shouldn't compromise safety choices.
Cars can change dramatically once they are fully self-driving. That's not the reality right now.
Style choices are fine, but moving the instruments off to the side seems like a basic failing of ergonomics.
Hopefully there's a HUD speedo?
Everybody has to drive safely. This is not facilitated by having to look to one side for vital information.
Bad enough that so many manufacturers are replacing physical controls with touch screen menus.
Style choices shouldn't compromise safety choices.
Cars can change dramatically once they are fully self-driving. That's not the reality right now.
That's why Intelligent Octopus is great. Generally speaking I get 7.5p per KWH between 11pm and around 6am. It varies - sometime it can be as longas 9pm to 7am. They are also advising on the greenest nights to recharge if you wand to be extra eco friendly.Chargers is another mind field . Will need to read up on Octopus website . Would want , cheap overnight , with ability to charge my solar batteries ! Not sure the IO tariffs are any good to us, we are out all day .
You honestly don't miss it Take a Y for a test drive is the easiest way to see if you can get on with it.Style choices are fine, but moving the instruments off to the side seems like a basic failing of ergonomics.
Hopefully there's a HUD speedo?