erm..the things only women do?

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Cycling Excusiast
Maggot, that may be the origin of the word but things have moved on, that's what the point of this thread has turned into.

No I'd rather you didn't refer to me for pyschiatric matter thanks..

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Room 101 calling. I think everyone who was concerned has made their point(s) ad nauseam and now it's drifting off to the scent of red herrings.


New Member
User76 said:
You didn't actually read my post did you? Now be honest. If you did you would see I was explaining the belief from many years ago. The word "was "should have given it away.

Yebbut, me being a mere girlie and wot with all that uterus stuff, it's obvious I just wouldn't be capable of taking it all in...

*goes back to plaiting Barbie's hair and drawing pictures of bunnies and puppies wearing pink ribbons*


Europe Endless
The TerrorVortex
rich p said:
Room 101 calling. I think everyone who was concerned has made their point(s) ad nauseam and now it's drifting off to the scent of red herrings.

A few points have been made, but the Nuts/Loaded fraternity don't seem to be listening. As per usual.
And User76 is rolling his eyes. What a very adult response.


Europe Endless
The TerrorVortex
User76 said:
Have you seen the response I am rolling the eyes to?
Indeed I have.
I'd just like to point out that not all CC guys are Neanderthals, despite the preponderance of evidence to the contrary.
But then, I'm sure I'm just looking for stuff to be offended by, which is what anyone is told should they object to the few misogynist twunts we have on here.
Blimey. It just keeps on goin' on don't it?

I actually thought of making the 'origins of the word hysterical' post but as part of a 'it's etymology is not helpful to women and reflective of those traditional views of gender' argument.

Hey ho...


Europe Endless
The TerrorVortex
User76 said:
This sort of post is not increasing your chances of getting laid you know. Birds love a bit of a rough Neanderthal really, look at Noodley, hundreds of miles north, yet he has one pouring the beer, and seemingly another one upstairs 'warming up'. And he's a right rough sort.

I think you've just made my point for me. I shall go to bed now.
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