erm..the things only women do?

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Openly Marxist
User76 said:
tt, it's a shame isn't it? The real problem in all this is that men and women do language differently. Have you read any work done by Alan Pease? He really nails the communication differences between the sexes.

Not true, I'm afraid. Or at least it is partly true, but nowhere near as true as you think, and certainly not true in the essentialist sense you seem to mean. Insofar as there are consistent differences between male and female language use, they are entirely cultural. I commend to you the work of Deborah Cameron. And I've rarely seen anything so desperately missing the point as your "hysteria" argument. Which is saying something, as I spend a considerable amount of the day sparring with Linf. Actually this thread has improved immeasurably since it started, with only you and Greedo appearing not to get it. So thanks to Big for listening (although it's not actually true that I was 'upset' - I'm made of sterner stuff than that), and to RR (who, it transpires, does give a monkey's after all, and bothered to tell me so).

rich p

ridiculous old lush
theclaud said:
Not true, I'm afraid. Or at least it is partly true, but nowhere near as true as you think, and certainly not true in the essentialist sense you seem to mean. Insofar as there are consistent differences between male and female language use, they are entirely cultural. I commend to you the work of Deborah Cameron. And I've rarely seen anything so desperately missing the point as your "hysteria" argument. Which is saying something, as I spend a considerable amount of the day sparring with Linf. Actually this thread has improved immeasurably since it started, with only you and Greedo appearing not to get it. So thanks to Big for listening (although it's not actually true that I was 'upset' - I'm made of sterner stuff than that), and to RR (who, it transpires, does give a monkey's after all, and bothered to tell me so).

What a load of c*ck, TC. This thread has gone rapidly downhill now that nobody is squabbling. I love watching others having a domestic. You can't beat a vicarious, voyeurist argument;)


Openly Marxist
rich p said:
What a load of c*ck, TC. This thread has gone rapidly downhill now that nobody is squabbling. I love watching others having a domestic. You can't beat a vicarious, voyeurist argument;)

Oh, don't worry. I'll start another one in P&L. You can watch through the window.


theclaud said:
Not true, I'm afraid. Or at least it is partly true, but nowhere near as true as you think, and certainly not true in the essentialist sense you seem to mean. Insofar as there are consistent differences between male and female language use, they are entirely cultural. I commend to you the work of Deborah Cameron. And I've rarely seen anything so desperately missing the point as your "hysteria" argument. Which is saying something, as I spend a considerable amount of the day sparring with Linf. Actually this thread has improved immeasurably since it started, with only you and Greedo appearing not to get it. So thanks to Big for listening (although it's not actually true that I was 'upset' - I'm made of sterner stuff than that), and to RR (who, it transpires, does give a monkey's after all, and bothered to tell me so).

yet again you bring me back into this. I think you'll find that I have apologised for any remarks or posts I've made in the past and I'm not going to keep doing it. I'm not sexist and won't be posting anything like things I have in the past. I have stated that quite clearly.

You seem to have double standards though as it's obvious RR PM'd you and you have resolved any issues with him whereas when I PM'd you yesterday morning you took it upon yourself to refuse to reply in private and post publicly on a thread.


Openly Marxist
Greedo said:
yet again you bring me back into this. I think you'll find that I have apologised for any remarks or posts I've made in the past and I'm not going to keep doing it. I'm not sexist and won't be posting anything like things I have in the past. I have stated that quite clearly.

You seem to have double standards though as it's obvious RR PM'd you and you have resolved any issues with him whereas when I PM'd you yesterday morning you took it upon yourself to refuse to reply in private and post publicly on a thread.

Am I obliged to enter into PM correspondence with anybody in particular? You asked me a question which could just as well have been posted on the thread, whereas RR simply sent me a message to answer an incorrect assumption I had made, and to go a little way towards explaining the tenor of certain posts. We do not necessarily agree, but managed at least to communicate. You seem very touchy. For the record, you overestimate how offensive I find you - for me it's simply a case of you being a bit crass and mildly sexist. I've spent a lot of my life working in bars, and I can promise you that everything you've ever posted is tame stuff in the grand scheme of things. It's the defensiveness that's irritating - if women, as well as plenty of men, tell you that they find a lot of your posts sexist, then you ought to listen. It's our call, Greedo.


theclaud said:
Am I obliged to enter into PM correspondence with anybody in particular? You asked me a question which could just as well have been posted on the thread, whereas RR simply sent me a message to answer an incorrect assumption I had made, and to go a little way towards explaining the tenor of certain posts. We do not necessarily agree, but managed at least to communicate. You seem very touchy. For the record, you overestimate how offensive I find you - for me it's simply a case of you being a bit crass and mildly sexist. I've spent a lot of my life working in bars, and I can promise you that everything you've ever posted is tame stuff in the grand scheme of things. It's the defensiveness that's irritating - if women, as well as plenty of men, tell you that they find a lot of your posts sexist, then you ought to listen. It's our call, Greedo.

That's the point. I did and have listen and apologised to certain people. I have not posted anything since Friday which has been in the manner I have in the past.

The defensiveness as you say was merely me being slightly taken aback that a thread I posted nothing offensive on was then used as a vehicle to point out certain issues regarding me and others on the board. The thread seemed to be light hearted and some people posted no problem their input. After your comment though I just felt they jumped on your bandwagon. That's all!

I've taken on board everything that was said and actually "get" the whole thing despite people saying otherwise.

I will not change my general posting style but I will not be posting as much or anything deemed as offensive or sexist again as it is a cycling forum after all.

I also was working from home yesterday preparing for a board meeting today and had more time than normal to reply. In a way I'm glad I did. As I suppose I wouldn't have even read the thread yesterday.

Right, that's me said my final word on this. I'm away to the above mentioned meeting and will be in it for sometime.

Have a pleasant weekend!


Openly Marxist
Greedo said:
The thread seemed to be light hearted and some people posted no problem their input. After your comment though I just felt they jumped on your bandwagon. That's all!

I've taken on board everything that was said and actually "get" the whole thing despite people saying otherwise.

I will not change my general posting style but I will not be posting as much or anything deemed as offensive or sexist again as it is a cycling forum after all.

'Taint my bandwagon, Greedo. Occasionally it helps to know other people feel similarly, that's all. Cheers.
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