erm..the things only women do?

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Cycling Excusiast
Aperitif said:
This is CycleChat - we love u :biggrin:

why thank you:biggrin::girl:

Hippocrates might say I'm lacking in my 'humour' -probablhy not bile.


he was good for some things ie early ideas of anatomy but the whole original idea of hysteria...puh!


North Wales

Can everybody please pick all their toys up and put them back in the pram, its a right bl**dy mess around here and Iv been doing housework all day;)


Cycling Excusiast
User76 said:
Hey, it's good enough for ICD10 Coding (F40-F48) and the World Health Organisation, then it's good enough for me. Obviously we now know old Hippocrates was a touch wide of the beam with his theory, but the fact remains, only women have a uterus.

Maggot, you still haven't answered my question as to how this thread demonstrates hysteria. Plus yes women have a utereus but if you have already pointed out that Hippocrates' early ideas of hysteria are questionable what is the point of pursuuing this line of thought?

ICD10/DSM4 - may be psychiatric markers to symptomology and diagnostic criteria but I'm certain you also know about the studies conducted that question the internal robustness of the diagnostic manuals.

The World Health Organisation may be a bigwig but at the same time, their classification of mental health does not always take into account cultural and country norms-- now don't get me started on this one.

Wish you'd taken on someone with only a lay knowledge of psychiatry now don;t you?
ttcycle said:
Maggot, you still haven't answered my question as to how this thread demonstrates hysteria. Plus yes women have a utereus but if you have already pointed out that Hippocrates' early ideas of hysteria are questionable what is the point of pursuuing this line of thought?

ICD10/DSM4 - may be psychiatric markers to symptomology and diagnostic criteria but I'm certain you also know about the studies conducted that question the internal robustness of the diagnostic manuals.

The World Health Organisation may be a bigwig but at the same time, their classification of mental health does not always take into account cultural and country norms-- now don't get me started on this one.

Wish you'd taken on someone with only a lay knowledge of psychiatry now
don;t you?

tt - stop scaring the boys...stick to cushions, ffs...


Cycling Excusiast
No not heard of her Teef, besides, my time is taken up with all the brow wiping from the victorianesque repression on these pages oh and I spend my days by the fridge getting Noodley his continuos stream of refreshments.
ttcycle said:
No not heard of her Teef, besides, my time is taken up with all the brow wiping from the victorianesque repression on these pages oh and I spend my days by the fridge getting Noodley his continuos stream of refreshments.

Still :evil:
Calm down. You are as important as anyone else. ;)


New Member
User76 said:
Now calm down dear girl. It's a fact. Hysteria referred to a medical condition, thought to be particular to women, caused by disturbances of the uterus. The term hysteria was coined by Hippocrates, who thought that suffocation and madness arose in women whose uteri had become too light and dry from lack of sexual intercourse and, as a result, wandered upward, compressing the heart, lungs, and diaphragm. The belief was that hysterical symptoms would emanate from the part of the body in which the wandering uterus lodged itself. It was a neurotic condition peculiar to women and thought to be caused by a dysfunction of the uterus ("Hysterical").

See? Men cannot possibly be hysterical, because we don't have a uterus.

I see User76 practised medicine in the 19th century..medicine has moved on since then, Maggot, although it would appear that the attitides of some of the male denizens of CC towards women have not. :evil:


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
Had no internet access for the last couple of days. Ah, I thought, a bit of light-hearted banter to read through so I have actually read the whole thing in one sitting. I was really quite pleased when my ipod moved onto a Smiths album, which has actually lightened the mood a bit.

We need to remember that occasionally it is perfectly acceptable to take offence. We shouldn't necessarily seek to understand why someone appears to go along with a subject one minute then rail against it the next. What we MUST do however, is accept that offence has been caused, offer a sincere apology and move on. Knowing that what you have said or posted has upset someone should surely be the moment to seek to undo some of the harm?

I have told many people that this forum exists as it does because outside of P&L fierce debate and flaming rarely happen. There are a couple of exchanges on this thread which appear to dig and keep digging at various people. Surely we can all be reasonably friendly? If we can't play nicely then log off ffs.


New Member
User76 said:
Oh for heavens sake. The word hysteria is derived from the Greek word for the uterus, therefore only women can do it! Read the title of the thread.

In the meantime, I bow to your obviously superior knowledge of ICD 10 and DSM IV(it's not referred to as the number 4, but I guess you knew that), I shall be sure to refer to you in any psychiatry related matters I come across in the future. Would that be OK? Seeing as you have a greater knowledge base in the subject area than the average lay person.:evil:

User76 has a uterus.
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