erm..the things only women do?

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Jane Smart

The Queen
Dunfermline Fife
badkitty said:
Eh hello!!!

Pot calling kettle black, pot calling kettle black!!

Who was it that posted this thread then????????:biggrin:


Oh Greedo, you sweet child of nature!

That was a mega p*ss take of someone else who was doing my head in by posting their every mundane thought.....
I just posted what I thought they should have been posting, but I think it was too subtle for some..:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Sorry-I thought that everyone knew what that was about..didn't realise not everyone was keeping up... :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:[/QUOTE]

Hmmmm I wonder who you were taking the p*ss out of on that one :smile:


Cake connoisseur
ttcycle said:
Oh Jesus Greedo - the comments on here are not limited to your posting on this thread alone - how many female forummers and male forummers is it going to take to post a thread saying that the stuff that you mainly and sadly a few others too post is just crass, unimaginative and offensive.



Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
badkitty said:
What you see as bandwagon jumping is simply a group of women all realising that they weren't alone in being p*ssed off that the Cafe had turned into some lowbudget Nuts magazine. I thought it was just me, then realised that it wasn't.
And you know it's not just the women, there are plenty of men here who don't want to devolve back into the 1970's either.

I am most definitely thinking for myself. I think the cafe was a much worse place when it became "Greedo's Caff".

Overexposure is a terrible thing.

I'm one of those men - last time I posted on a thread which I found offensive I was accused of just looking for threads to be offended by....


Cycling Excusiast
'Teef - I'd be careful in here, we might just chuck you onto the bonfire with all the bras or paper greedos we're burning -

PS where's those jam tarts btw?


Cake connoisseur
goo_mason said:
I'm one of those men - last time I posted on a thread which I found offensive I was accused of just looking for threads to be offended by....
Aye, and Chuffy is another who has been accused of the same on numerous occassions.


Cycling Excusiast
Baggy said:
Aye, and Chuffy is another who has been accused of the same on numerous occassions.

Tiring isn't it when there's a core of idiots that just don't get the message.

When's Chuffy back btw? Is he ever coming back?
Better a punning rogue than a running


Cycling Excusiast
yes- I'll be there, wheezing and lungs burning (with cross-bow and arrow- I've got good aim y'know)


Cycling Excusiast
Please tell me what is hysterical about this thread User76 - please enlighten me...

I've seen a man get hysterical at the sight of blood so that's one out as gender specific.
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