erm..the things only women do?

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Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
Take me to Dunelm, I'm very happy to Pimp My Trike. My mesh seat doesn't offer the ultimate comfort experience that some suitable scatter cushions would. Although they'd have to be waterproof really as it's quite mucky down there with passing cars propelling slush sideways into me...


Barbara Woodhouse's Love Child
Auntie Helen said:
Take me to Dunelm, I'm very happy to Pimp My Trike. My mesh seat doesn't offer the ultimate comfort experience that some suitable scatter cushions would. Although they'd have to be waterproof really as it's quite mucky down there with passing cars propelling slush sideways into me...

Awww Aunty H. We could match swatches and everything!!!!!:sad:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
theclaud said:
Very nice. Talking of bling, there's something fairly spangly going on with your hub bolts, isn't there? And don't let MacB see those handlebars, or he'll be after 'em on the Northern FNRttC...

Oh, yes, the skewers, they are a hang over from his previous paint job, when he was blue and silver. Haven't got round to changing them yet. Might take years!

I have a few odd anodised bits and pieces on my bikes, from when my late boyfriend was working with a chap who ran a bike shop and got a job lot of stuff cheap. The granny ring on my FCR is the same blue.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Oh, Helen, how's the back? Mine is vacilating between ok-ish, and ow! I've been trying to do the stretches, and can't work out if they help.

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
Back is now fine, fortunately. Did a ride today with Wowbagger, Uncle James and Oaky from YACF which was supposed to be 45 miles but we got to the rather fine curry house in Dunmow after 12 miles and stayed there for two and a half hours eating loads of food and the chaps drinking lots of beer. We then cycled back, so did 25 miles in total. A good way to spend a day!


Barbara Woodhouse's Love Child
Greedo said:
and did start a thread last week based on the best looking talent show judge. If it is offensive to admire a beautiful looking woman then I apologise.

Look back, you may learn. A certain post was made because 'blind' members voted for Amanda Holden.

It stinks like a cattle market. :sad:

And this is what upsets people.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
alecstilleyedye said:
nice to see you have a sturdy looking rack arch :sad:

Well, I needed a new one, the old one was cracked. And one day I'd like to take him off round Europe, camping, so reckoned I might as well get a good strong rack now anyway.

I gather Uncle James has the same type....


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
snapper_37 said:
Look back, you may learn. A certain post was made because 'blind' members voted for Amanda Holden.

It stinks like a cattle market. :sad:

And this is what upsets people.

There was also the fact that until it was trimmed, there were three pics of each woman, with some in underwear. Completely gratuitous.


Smutmaster General
I learned summat useful yrs ago... only women can gestate, lactate and menstruate. Only men can impregnate. In all other attributes (physical and mental) there is a crossover (i.e. most men are physically stronger than most women, but some women are stronger than some men; most men are hairier than most women, but some women are hairier than some men... etc).
This theory falls down only when you consider scatter cushions.:sad:


snapper_37 said:
Look back, you may learn. A certain post was made because 'blind' members voted for Amanda Holden.

It stinks like a cattle market. :sad:

And this is what upsets people.

Really, in all honesty. Have you two not got anything else better to be getting on with?????

For people who despise everything about which you supposedly think I am you don't half have an detailed knowledge of everything I post.

I'm not interested in certain people on here so I don't read their threads. It's quite simple really.

You'll really need to stop this jumping on the bandwagon posting. If The Claud hadn't had a dig at me none of you would have even mentioned me in this thread.

Start thinking for yourselves!!!!!!

Arch said:
There was also the fact that until it was trimmed, there were three pics of each woman, with some in underwear. Completely gratuitous.
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