Dumbed Down, Not Much Of Interest

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Just had another look it the title of this thread . It reminded me of the comment a former girl friend said to me, as she gave me the push many, many years ago .:whistle::cry::giggle:


I know you're really just angling for some squirty-nozzle footage Cookie-love ...

Maybe another time 😇
Rusty, I think we are talking at cross purposes.

The "Close The Thread" people I was thinking about and I think Smokin Joe was meaning were those who, particularly on the Friday night is music thread, would nominate their song and then put nonsense like "The best song ever, close the thread" regardless of whether anyone else liked it.
Apologies. I have never read the thread in question enough to remember those bits.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll

If you're never allowed to talk 'politics' or debate current events, you'll end up with a pretty narrow field .

That's what's been decided upon for this forum, by the owner.
His forum his rules.

If you want something a bit more ' lively' come join us in NACA..

We don't (all) bite
I understand it was a simple case of moderating the NACA debates was far too time consuming. Much like the helmet threads.
Just reading the NACA debates was a chore because all too often it felt like 1/20 posts were rational and informed with the rest just a bunch of angry rants.
I thought I'd end up joining NACA but i have more fun trying to name roads.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
I understand it was a simple case of moderating the NACA debates was far too time consuming. Much like the helmet threads.
Just reading the NACA debates was a chore because all too often it felt like 1/20 posts were rational and informed with the rest just a bunch of angry rants.
I thought I'd end up joining NACA but i have more fun trying to name roads.
NACA just seems to purr along on its own. A little more diversity of considered views would be nice, but it's way less angry than it was when it was here and moderated!

Deleted member 1258

I preferred Grease

I saw my problems and I'll see the light
We got a lovin' thing, we gotta feed it right
There ain't no danger we can go too far
We start believin' now that we can be who we are - grease is the word


Obviously an Aubergine
I understand it was a simple case of moderating the NACA debates was far too time consuming. Much like the helmet threads.
Just reading the NACA debates was a chore because all too often it felt like 1/20 posts were rational and informed with the rest just a bunch of angry rants.
I thought I'd end up joining NACA but i have more fun trying to name roads.

Well as FF has outlined I'd say it's a bit less angry ranty than previously really.

Possibly because people don't feel they have to get absolutely everything they have to say on an issue across in one or two posts, before the whole thread is closed down by deliberate trolling or 'over' reporting.

You get to explore many more avenues, and angles, on a subject, at a more relaxed pace, knowing that no one there is going to get topics 'closed down' just because they don't personally like 'awkward' issues being raised.

If someone is being a nasty idiot then they'll get called out for it, or if they're an obviously persistent troll - just there for the 'wind up'- they can be ignored - they're not difficult to spot.

It would be good to hear from a broader range of considered viewpoints, and even demographic .

There is a scarcity of women for example, but then that's the case here on the main forum too.

Sunsets are nice too 👍🏼


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
If someone is being a nasty idiot then they'll get called out for it, or if they're an obviously persistent troll - just there for the 'wind up'- they can be ignored - they're not difficult to spot.
Or alternatively..... It's all very pleasant and lovely because there's no opposition to the bunch of lefties who run the show. Especially now that Pale Rider has been bullied into submission. You can all slap each other on the back and continue with the big love-in without any fear of contradiction :rolleyes:.


Hello decadence
Or alternatively..... It's all very pleasant and lovely because there's no opposition to the bunch of lefties who run the show. Especially now that Pale Rider has been bullied into submission. You can all slap each other on the back and continue with the big love-in without any fear of contradiction :rolleyes:.
Do you know that for a fact about Paley? I am slightly worried his health isn’t great - he’s not been seen on here, either - or do you think he’s been bullied into submission here also?

I hope you are ok @Pale Rider …… if you are reading this.
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