I can't take the notion the Mail has the power to alter oil prices with any seriousness.
Just as well, because no one has suggested that.
The retail price of pump fuel was the matter under discussion. Perhaps the reason you don't take it seriously is that you have not been following the discussion properly?
Either way, we'l know within a few days. The price of oil has not risen, and neither has the price of refining and distribution. So when the price rises, which it is already starting to do, it must be for another reason. Perhaps you know what it might be if it isn't the media driven rise in demand?
Do you have a credible alternative explanation? That would be rather more satisfactory than simply denying the matter at hand.
The suggestion that the media do not affect events is an odd one in a country with laws to prevent them doing exactly that, for example, resteictions on reporting during voting. Why the need for such laws if the media have no such influence? Certainly you remain in a minority nationally if you do not believe that the media is at leadt partly responsible...
Even in the most simplistic sense the media are guilty. Without reporting no one would have known, and no person would gave any motivation to panic buy. The matter at hand is rather more complex, but that is the fundamental, bottom-line truth - the public respond to matters placed before them by
the media.