Drago's murder deathkill slaughter massacre panic petrol buying watch!!!

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Legendary Member
Katie Price is always up for a bit of driving.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
If you look at the posts here and listen to people up and down the country it is easy to see that any issue has been in London and the south. Any issue has been pumped up by the press who will al;;ways make up a good story or start a panic to make sales. I don`t believe a word of the press tell me!

Perhaps you'd care to point out a couple of the many stories which have grievously misled you.


Legendary Member
Just been speaking to my Dad in Kent, up on the rural Kent downs, and he's had no real issue buying fuel this week.

Perhaps you'd care to point out a couple of the many stories which have grievously misled you.

It's not so much as case of misled, rather than just 'led'. The media in some quarters have whipped up a frenzy, and before the panic buying has even begun in earnest were bigging up the shortages and panic buying to come. Even some of the more sober media sources have been flogging that deceased equus.

So rather than calmly and objectively reporting events, some parts of the media have instead been driving events. Ultimately most news outlets have been correct, but only because they've been pushing and prodding a gullible/fearful audience in that direction themselves.

The Mail are now reporting a 5p rise in the price of petrol next week, and it will likely happen - not because the price of oil has gone up (it hasn't), or because supplies at the strategic level are short (because they are not), but because the Mail said so. That will pressure people into further panic buying before the price does rise, which will perpetuate shortages at the pump, and with limited availability to the public at the pump the laws of supply and demand will ensure that there will be a rise. There will be a rise for no other reason than the likes of the Mail are telling us there will be.

If all media had remained totally schtum on the subject none of this would have happened. Yes, they're reporting real events, but these are real events that the media themselves have had a very large hand in bringing about.
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Here's the latest meme for you. 😂😂😂



Resolutely on topic
Funny, isn't it? On one hand the media have no effect on voting intentions, but on the other a couple of stories about shortages are enough to cause and sustain petrol panic.

Is big media influential or not?
It is quite simple
The media simple report the news as it is - truthfully and in an unbiased manner - nor profit motif in any way - just good solid journalism

Unless they are looking for some sponsorship deal or influence from an organisation or are selling advertising - in which case they can go though a multi pages PowerPoint showing how much influence they can have and how much they can affect how the public think

simple really

warning - above post may contain sarcasm


Trouble is slow news days where they go looking for news, if a stack of things had happened the fact a handful of BP stations had not had deliveries would not have received attention.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I'm OK - full tank and today I got a Turkey which is now sitting in the freezer waiting for Christmas

Sorry - must re-phrase - I bought a frozen turkey crown which I have now stored in the freezer

I have NOT bought a living turkey and cruelly put it in the freezer
just to be clear
We once got a turkey from a farmer friend with it's wings still flapping even tho' it was dead. Fortunately my wife being properly brought up was not fazed in any way and set about it outdoors as the feathers tend to spread too far indoors. We did decapitate it just to make sure before starting work.


Went through Worcester two weeks before the panic and they had no fuel, since then things have got worse, and tricky in the rural areas where the next pump is a long drive away. Hopefully it will calm down now.
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