Discrimination and Loss of "freedom of movement" for poor and disabled

Is exclusion and discrimination of the poor and disabled in regards to cycling a serious problem?

  • yes

    Votes: 10 12.0%
  • no

    Votes: 29 34.9%
  • I am ignorant on the issue (lack of knowledge, not dumb)

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • your trolling

    Votes: 19 22.9%
  • your not trolling

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • They are a danger and should not be allowed (for what ever reason)

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I never knew I was discriminating by "exclusion"

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I don't want them cycling and think you need to be silenced

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • please educate me

    Votes: 12 14.5%
  • TMI (if this is your selection please PM as to why)

    Votes: 8 9.6%

  • Total voters
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Über Member
Your in the USA and this is in most part if not all an English forum that deals with England (sometimes Europe ) so there's not much point in appealing as your issues (which you have many) do not relate to England.
Is it really? Can you point me to the Welsh, Scottish and Northern Ireland site then please.
AKA the UK :thumbsup:
:stop:Don't go there.


Leg End Member
Everthing I have said, concerning you has been found on here & else where. This is not the only place, by your own admission, that you have posted this "problem" on.
You assume & exclude that because we are over here that finding out a persons whereabouts isn't possible. Post as much as you do & it becomes easy.

If me and mr hippo are "ganging up" on you why would I be making calls to the relevant departments in the US, from the UK, seeking answers to questions raised by you. If you had shown up, where you claimed you have been, then the people I have spoken to were willing to go dowm & meet you. You excluded those bodies which are not on your agenda in all your replies, possibly because they will give you the one answer that you do not want to hear. That being what you have been told all along is correct at state & federal level. But then you don't want to hear that, do you.

You have made claims on here & elsewhere that you are "going down city hall", odd thing is you are now claiming you don't actually go down, you phone. That will be why those who are wanting to see you never get to actually speak to you.
MNDOT do have your details, as in one call to them based on the question asked, I had to make it clear to them that I was not you. Going sofar as to have to give a return call number, UK number & dialling code on which I could be contacted. They checked, I answered.

You cycle 100 miles(one way) is that correct at a speed of "2-3mph" That however doesn't stop you from over exerting yourself, heart & undiagnosed problem. Also "skeletal problems". These will all dis-appear when you hane the right to cycle on the pavement.

I'm now starting to get the feeling that you actually believe what you are saying and that could be dangerous.

Nowt else


Über Member
I have been really unsure as to whether to add any comments to this thread. I stumbled across it this morning and have been blown away by the complexity of the issues raised.

I have been working with people with physical disabilities, learning difficulties, and serious and profound mental health problems over the last 16 years, so feel I have some experience in some of the socio-economic aspects of this thread (social isolation, poverty, discrimination despite legislation, and the harm done by others to people who live with a disability). These all have a massive impact on people with disabilities, whether unseen or multiple & complex.

However, the issues of the impact of local & national transport and planning laws and the perceptions we have of ourselves (cyclists) as equal road users is an issue that affects all of us on this forum.

All of these issues are pretty uniform across the western world ( I don't think the Vietnamese for example worry too much about cycle lanes), so I think there universal nature makes them fair game to discuss on an international forum, despite local or national differences in law or implementation.

I have to say, Disabled Rider, that you have a great courage and motivation in raising the issues you have, and clearly have taken a lot of time to share and detail the issues you have faced. I'm sure that many other people with disabilities, whether cyclists or not, would benefit from someone with your energy advocating for them.

I don't want to get into suggesting what you should or should not do, as plenty of people have already given you some great advice (yes, it's all on this thread somewhere!). But all I can say is don't let the issues blind you to accepting help resolving them. You're talking about some absolutely massive issues of national and state law and planning & implementation. These issues are far too big to be fully dealt with by one person, no matter how passionate and well informed they may be. There are millions of disabled Americans out there, as well as countless organisations advocating for them, I'd imagine some of them would be interested in dealing with these issues and would welcome you and your energy in supporting them.

Anyways, back to the cycling. Some observations:

The planning laws relating to cycling are often poorly planned or executed.
Some cycle lanes are total BS.
Other road users get frustrated with us.
We feel victimised by them.
Pedestrians can be a pain in the ass.
Cycling long detours to stay safe really sucks.
Wind really blows.
Punctured make us all swear.
It's part of being a cyclist.
A normal cyclist.

Whatever you do, keep cycling. And don't forget to post on other threads!! :thumbsup:


Living Legend & Old Fart
One of your favourite words seems to be ‘excluded’ and yet you directed this to Classic 33 “Do this one more time I will put you on permanent ignore”. What gives you the right to exclude any poster?
lets say I am using a trike I am only going 2-4 miles an hour” If you were doing that speed, I would tell you to release your brakes! Average walking speed is about 4 mph!
You love misquoting, don’t you? “You left out this (c) Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway or shoulder shall not ride more than two abreast and shall not impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic and, on a laned roadway, shall ride within a single lane. (means you have to be right as much as possible downtown unless your doing 10 miles an hour or higher. At that speed your going weaving sporadically. All though 10 maybe on low side on main street which also happens to be a highway at the same time. What is "practicable” at 2-3 miles an hour is not at 10-20 miles an hour. What I was describing is the speed at which I am traveling when using examples. The distance to next object increases the faster you go. Thus moving left sooner in order to safely pass.)”
If you had even bothered to read section a: “Every person operating a bicycle upon a roadway shall ride as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway except under any of the following situations:
(1) when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction;
(2) when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway;
(3) when reasonably necessary to avoid conditions, including fixed or moving objects, vehicles, pedestrians, animals, surface hazards, or narrow width lanes, that make it unsafe to continue along the right-hand curb or edge.”
So you do not have to ride in the gutter
“The distance to next object increases the faster you go.” The sky on my planet is blue, what colour is it on yours? From my home in Korat to Bangkok is 300 kms if I drive, If I cycle there then it would only be about 100 kms and by helicopter about 800?
British motorways also have a wide shoulder, should cyclists be allowed on them?


Charming but somewhat feckless
I don't know why many of you folks have such a hard time following this. I run this same information past people at the farmers market and they get it right away, vast majority, aren't even cyclists. And the 2 people in the building I talk to, they get it. My psychologist gets it. City hall staff gets it, making them nervous. City attorney gets it..

If so many people local to you and in positions of authority 'get it', what are you doing here? Can we add our voice to yours with any hope of being effective? Would your authorities listen to representations from a foreign cycling forum, whose members are not affected by Minnesota cycling laws?

Minnesota is billed as America's Best Bike City; there must be plenty of people or organisations within easy reach who could help you. Then again, maybe that's the answer as to why you're here: you can tell us how wrong we are and how we don't get it because we're thousands of miles away. I have a feeling that were you to tell your story to a fellow Minnesotan commuting cyclist, able bodied or disabled, he'd tell you straight that you're talking nonsense.

You are content to misinterpret the law on cycling to read it as being compulsory to cycle against the curb and skim the doors of parked cars because it suits your agenda.

I did want to have a reasonable discussion with you regarding cycling but your rambling and indirect responses make that impossible.

Good luck and goodbye.

apart from the rest of your bullshlt ,,




thread now going on ignore ..i dont tolerate fools lightly


Leg End Member
The list of ailments have grown as this thread has grown.

I could, if I felt like it increase my list of dis-abilites to include:
Epilepsy(which limits medical treatment available, that includes surgery)
Bursitus, Osgood-Schlatters.
Three knee caps, two in one knee. One growing under the other, forcing the lower part of the leg to twist slowly out. Out by about 5 degrees when compared to the other(unaffected) leg. At some stage this will lock, without warning. The muscles slowly pulling it one way. Gets bad enough, I'm in trouble. A local anesthetic cannot be administered to release it due to complications. You want an idea of what its like, get someone to hold your leg, with the knee against a solid object and pull the lower half of the leg forwards, past its natural point of limitation. Do that & tell me what it feels like.
Cancer, for which treatment was denied on health grounds!
Heart Attacks, Two major ones over the last few years.
Toxic shock syndrome.
Severe anaphylatic shock to minor medications. Complications arise if given by someone else.
Oh, almost forgot. I've "died" twice. But I'm still here.

You know what despite the above, I class myself as one of the lucky ones. Others never leave. You make great play of the number of ambulance rides you have had. You're lucky you can still count the number. I've had that in a year at times. Everyone of them has involved someone else doing the phoning, not me. You seem able to phone, if that'st he case you're luckier than me.

There are others worse of than yourself, you have mobility. Yet you chose not to use it fully. Too much effort required. Won't look for work, tried & turned down only 29 times, Too much effort required to look for work Take the longer & safer way round. Too much effort required. Do you see a pattern emerging here?. Work, too much effort required.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself, get off your backside & put some effort into something.

You mention epilepsy as one of those dis-abilites that that you feel are covered by your agenda. As some-one who actually suffers with/from the condition, how do you know what its like. You cannot understand what it is like, so far it hasn't appeared in your list of dis-abilities sufferred by yourself, yet! Give it time though.

I have had 100% hearing loss due to head impact caused by the epilepsy. Have you ever had epilepsy as a result of hearing impairment? Not total loss as you first descibed. In the meantime do not say you are speaking for all those with epilepsy as you are certainly not speaking for me. Your comments on the condition would have most wanting to put as much distance between them and you as is possible. You insult a condition you know nowt about.

You are hunting in an area that is known to carry a disease on what you are hunting. Are you selling this meat at the farmer's market you mention? And just as important, do those in charge of the markets know you may be selling infected meat? You might be breaking the law


Leg End Member
Is it really? Can you point me to the Welsh, Scottish and Northern Ireland site then please.
:stop:Don't go there.

With Cycling, Technology, Business, Pets, Gardening, Photography & his newest Food. Don't you thinks he's got enough on he's plate, taking a photograph of his morning meal, grown in his own garden(some of which he gives to his pets). Before setting out to cycle to work where he gets to play with the latest "toys".


Leg End Member
Have you seen the first one?

on the road

Über Member
I do NOT have full mobility, I very clearly stated I have a skeletal problem. with nerve pinching. that causes vomiting, swelling and bed rest for period directly related to the duration past pain threshold I push. I walk 10 blocks, I am in a lot of pain. PAIN MEDS DO NOT HELP. Then there is the cardiac issues. If I am not careful I can over tax my heart, Due to undiagnosed condition. I been in and out of the ER since 26 for this. More than 10 ambulance rides since I was 26. 3 in the last 2 years.
That's new, you've not mentioned that before. Next you'll be saying you have no arms and no legs :rolleyes:
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