Discrimination and Loss of "freedom of movement" for poor and disabled

Is exclusion and discrimination of the poor and disabled in regards to cycling a serious problem?

  • yes

    Votes: 10 12.0%
  • no

    Votes: 29 34.9%
  • I am ignorant on the issue (lack of knowledge, not dumb)

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • your trolling

    Votes: 19 22.9%
  • your not trolling

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • They are a danger and should not be allowed (for what ever reason)

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I never knew I was discriminating by "exclusion"

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I don't want them cycling and think you need to be silenced

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • please educate me

    Votes: 12 14.5%
  • TMI (if this is your selection please PM as to why)

    Votes: 8 9.6%

  • Total voters
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disabled rider

Update: Not easy being a self advocate and an advocate for other people with impairments.

Talked to city again. As it stands they tried to give the end run not to do anything and to uphold the status Quo for normalized discrimination. I pointed out the part where it is discrimination when considering the level of risk comparison. That the data is not there to show one way or other and it needs to be looked as at a case by case basis as result. He started to get real nervous, when I mentioned that if this is not resolved. It would be heading for the DOJ ADA complaint under title 2 discriminatory policy. If I can show that my risk of getting killed personally following current rules is higher than the average able bodied. And how current policy will stop my ability to care for myself. Case is over. DOJ will make them adapt policy to include. DOJ may up the ante and go after the state law itself.

In doing so every disabled rider benefits. Because of the secular segregation and disenfranchising of our lives, this is the tactics disabled people are left with, when trying to advocate for themselves and for the larger body of people with impairments. We stand alone when trying to enforce or rights in The vast majority of cases. Rarely do we come together for things like the ADA, only real reason that happened was the large support by able body community, who helped connect us for that goal.

If this was a race issue. I would better be able to find the other people in the race areas due to there better rights of assembly. Martin Luther King and groups like the Black Panthers was big part of making their rights to assembly possible. They could rise up and cause havoc and have. Thus the rest of the population gave them leeway we do not have in disability community.

The point is when I was asked here specifically who else this effects. I can't give you individual names I can only give you class of impairments, Like extreme poor sight, or epilepsy, or deaf, or impairment to balance, Down syndrome, etc All of these groups have a significant increase in risk of getting killed over the able bodied when cycling, when you look at it from a case by case basis. If you try to use the flawed data collection, collected by able bodied, then the there is no risk difference. Like how many Impaired people were killed. Data shows very few to none, because The impairments a person had, was not recorded because it was not deemed to have any validity as contributing factor of being killed. Able bodied just record "cyclist got killed". And NOT "deaf cyclist got killed" The data collection itself was discriminatory when collecting statistical data. By leaving out relevant data that did not match an able bodied criteria of the data needing to be stored.
Sorry been out, Writing a petition and appeal to the city, been getting hopelessly behind, I glanced at a few of the latest post. I said my example is only one I have direct access to, So it going to look self absorbed, I am sorry for that. I can not help it. I cannot find other people in my boat specifically writing about it. There are multitude of reasons(NOT EXCUSES) for not finding it. Like there are so few of us. The disenfranchised nature of our lives. which society wants. (You know they want it, by how the rules are set to prevent us from assembling in mass and saying we had enough.) I know for fact people with severe sight and people with epilepsy have the same issues in how the law discriminates when They ride their bikes as utility purposes from point a to point b.

I have not been using any other impairment examples because I have no direct contact with people with such impairments and as result. Anything I post from their direct point of view would be pure speculation, But it does not mean that the speculation isn't true.
I don't want to give false information by accident because it would do more harm in the long run. So I stick to "my" specific example in how it applies.
You ever consider that what you see as being self absorbed, is a result to the forced segregation by society in its practice of normalized discrimination of exclusion? My only real contact with the outside world is people at the farmers market for a few hours on Sat. An appointment with a professional. And talking to one of two neighbors every now and then, one being bound to wheel chair the other lives with epilepsy who has a hard time following conversation that I spend 1/2 or more of my time explaining what I am trying to tell her. Lot of times she still doesn't get it. The rest doesn't even warrant a conversation. I might have to go talk to City hall or something every once in great while. something like that..
have you ever considered that cycling is vital to my ability to survive? If I can't get from point A to Point B without a cycle, I physically CAN NOT TAKE CARE OF MYSELF. I would starve to death, I would not be able to get to appointments, get other necessities etc. I am having it taken away from me because I will not risk getting killed for sure. "EXCLUSION FACTOR"
You ever consider that the reason I do not have other examples, is other people with major impairments are so terrified of getting killed, that A they are illegally riding on sidewalks themselves, or B they are not riding at all and are cut off and suffer as result. That due to being cut off. That it is extremely difficult to impossible to advocate and plead to able body people, to take up the mantle of justice for the fight of inclusion? Or when they do plead to able body people they are told flat out sorry there is nothing they can do. In reality they don't want too because it is such an uphill battle that can last 5 or more years to correct.
I am having to do this all by ear here, There really is no form for me to follow. Things that would work for able bodied would not work here. Due to the format being able bodied generated that does not consider or include things that effect people with severe impairments.
The claim that I did not interpret the law right: What I been describing all along is not my interpretation It was the police officerS in bicycle safety training. That said this. The part about being as far right if there is a shoulder you go far right as possible only to move out away from edge to pass obstructions or to turn left. If there is no shoulder then you are to be as far right in the right hand lane, only moving away from edge to get around obstacles or turning left.

lets say I am using a trike I am only going 2-4 miles an hour, Downtown there is a space of several hundred ft You need to move right between where you are and the storm drain ahead, and move out into the lane when you get close to avoid running over said drain. This is an example of the portion Highlighted you claim, I fail to understand. If the pot hole and storm drain and a parallel gap in the road in the direction of travel are spaced 10 ft apart from one another then you move left to pass all three and back right after you have passed them. If you do not see another obstacle short distance of 10 ft or whatever you move right again till you get to the next one. If your going 20 miles an hour then the distance traveled to do a safe pass increases so the farther the obstacle is before merging out left to pass.

How much time you spend as close to edge is based on your speed. use some common sense. When I was describing it I was factoring multiple speed levels.

when I been talking as far right there is no shoulder DOWNTOWN
You left out this (c) Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway or shoulder shall not ride more than two abreast and shall not impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic and, on a laned roadway, shall ride within a single lane. (means you have to be right as much as possible downtown unless your doing 10 miles an hour or higher. At that speed your going weaving sporadically. All though 10 maybe on low side on main street which also happens to be a highway at the same time. What is "practicable " at 2-3 miles an hour is not at 10-20 miles an hour. What I was describing is the speed at which I am traveling when using examples. The distance to next object increases the faster you go. Thus moving left sooner inorder to safely pass.)

Where I live, if you stay in the lane to avoid the so called obstacles, because your too lazy to pull right your impeding traffic. Traffic downtown Is congested. What I was trying to show is how the law fails when the roads were not specifically designed to be wide enough to allow cycles.

When I say far right on a shoulder, that is common sense, because traffic coming from behind are going to have a lot of turbulence. I was talking in reference to 52 specifically. When they banned cycles claiming safety as excuse. When it wasn't due to shoulders being 10-12 ft wide, if you stay far right when traffic is going by you at 65 miles an hour you do not get the turbulence pull/push.

I am trying to track down over head shots diagrams of what is required here. I am having trouble locating them my safety training(part of boy scouts) was back before the internet was in wide use. It is the same now as it was then. I bumped in to this in the process.: Anyway if your interested here is one in our state, who have to deal with this and know first hand, discussing the finer points on this http://www.city-data.com/forum/minn...06-crazy-bicyle-riders-costing-us-more-4.html pay particular attention to "Golfgal" That is not me. Snofarmer is off base he/she tried to use an article that doesn't exist now but is re-posted. They were applying OHIO case about what is "traffic" to minnesota. Ohio laws have no barring on minnesota interpretation. Snofarmer is trying to apply your interpretation. Golfgal is using the interpretation the courts use here in MN.
I don't know why many of you folks have such a hard time following this. I run this same information past people at the farmers market and they get it right away, vast majority, aren't even cyclists. And the 2 people in the building I talk to, they get it. My psychologist gets it. City hall staff gets it, making them nervous. City attorney gets it. I think one of the biggest things that makes the council nervous is they don't control the entire city. MAYO Clinic has power at the same level or more than the city. MAYO is a company which thinks its above the law most times. And has a record of butting head with the city council if MAYO doesn't like something. In the end City has to abide the federal law ADA title 2. I do not envy the city council on this. Yet I am not backing down till my risk of life is lowered to be more on par with able cyclist. This is do or die literally.

Even a woman, who has had close calls, with crazy riders, trying to blow through bus stop area, across from ST Mary's on the sidewalk, understood what I was talking about. UM the crazy riders she mentioned were able bodied.
I just got off the phone with the LT from the police department. I described exactly what I wrote above. He says that is absolutely correct. You must move right between obstacles, (only time you leave the curb is to navigate around obstacles) riding just to right of traffic is not allowed, unless your rate of movement say 30 miles an hour causes you to frequently weave in and out of the main lane of traffic to miss pot holes every 10 - 20 ft or berm of snow along road, gravel that would destroy speed bike tires, etc. even at those speeds your still required to move as far right as possible if there is a shoulder you move right as long as the hazards are not blocking your path at the speed of which your traveling..

So people that are claiming I am incorrect, stop. I just had the information verified by the police department here. It is as hazardous as I have been claiming. I am not exaggerating anything, regarding how we are required to ride. To continue to say, it is incorrect, you saying the police department is wrong. You are claiming the courts interpretation is wrong.
food shelf = http://www.channel-one.org/ http://www.emergencyfoodshelf.org/ all you would of had to do is do minnesota "food shelf" in google
@mr hippo refrain from name calling "deranged rider" is not an accurate description of me. you took me out of context. I really do not want to break the law. I said that if my life is being threatened by laws that will cause my death, then I will steal "NECESSITIES ONLY, FOOD, WATER, ETC" in order to survive, to prevent death to me. http://www.debate.org/opinions/is-i...means-by-which-the-food-may-be-obtained?p=yes http://www.ehow.com/info_8118380_ethical-dilemmas-accountability.html http://d2bb.org/morality.htm If you read through these links, you would understand there is nothing deranged about stealing food if there is absolutely no other means to acquire food at all. ESPECIALLY taking in to account the person doesn't want to do it and is given only two options die or steal.

Quote:"In some cases, stealing is permissible, and New Orleans presents one of those cases. Thomas Aquinas argued that in cases of desperate need, stealing to meet basic needs would involve no moral crime. Aquinas reached this conclusion by distinguishing natural right from human right. He argued that the goods of creation exist to meet human needs. While the uneven distribution of these goods throughout society may be protected by human law, nonetheless, the goods were intended to meet the needs of all people. Even in normal conditions, through a quotation from St. Ambrose, Aquinas reminded the wealthy to remember that "it is the hungry man's bread that you withhold, the naked man's cloak you store away, the money that you bury in the earth is the price of the poor man's ransom and freedom." In other words, our claims to our possessions always are limited by the needs of others." "needs of others" are necessities to survive only

Quote;"Anyone who has watched video from New Orleans will acknowledge that Hurricane Katrina created just the kind of "dire need" Aquinas described. Moving video of elderly in wheelchairs and without medication, of young mothers with babies at their breast, of parentless children wandering aimlessly, confirms that in these kinds of cases "stealing" may not only be permissible, it might even be morally obligatory. To take from a Walmart, or a pharmacy or grocery store, formula, medication, water, and food ceases to be stealing in this context and becomes the exercise of one's natural right to survive. The police and other authorities who recognized this and ignored and apparently even facilitated such behavior knew this."

This is the context in which I speak of. In my case it is a lack of "compassionate action"(donation of food to food shelf as example) by people and laws in which prevent me from caring for myself.

If you consider my exercising my natural right "right to live" to survive from death "deranged" then I am guilty of it.

The context you tried to twist me into doing, was stealing, when I had other options available to me. THIS context is immoral and unethical for me to do. BUT THAT IS NOT THE CONTEXT I WROTE. So one of two things happened. Either you do not comprehend what I was talking about. OR you willfully manipulated what I said to argue something that doesn't exist because I simply did not say it, in the manor of context of your arguing that I am deranged.

In the real world from the perspective of a person with impairments: Blocked access means there is no way in. Any time I talk I am talking from the perspective of the person with impairments, I try to announce if I am using from any other perspective. "like from the perspective of an able bodied".
You would have known, what this meant, if you were using the perspective in which I suggested you had from the start. person with impairments. you would have realized its talking about exclusion in how able bodied people threw up a physical and policy barrier that prevented access. to that whole area. The whole southern tip of rochester is cut off to anyone not in a car past the 52 bridge crossing 63. 63 is Broadway south. 63 is the highway, Broadway is the city street, bisecting east and west. They share the same roadbed to the city limits.

your still looking at it from an able bodied perspective.


Senior Member
OK, enough now. You're deluded. Search long enough and you'll find some long dead geezer who said something vaguely profound that will support your view. It's OK for you to steal. It's OK for you to conveniently ignore laws that don't suit you. Whatever.

You're alienating yourself from society, not the other way round. You'll just never see it. You can add blind to the disability list.


Senior Member
MLK and the Black Panthers? See Longshot's comment for my answer:dry: +1000000 and a tin of tuna (dolphin friendly)


Leg End Member
Strongly suggest you read this, AND THEN CONTACT those whose e-mail addresses are given
RE: "Discimination" against disabled cyclists‏From:
Mitchell, Tim (DOT) (Tim.Mitchell@state.mn.us)
15 October 2012 16:01:35

Jorenby, Kristin (DOT) (kristin.jorenby@state.mn.us)
Thank you very much for your inquiry.
First, I would like to clarify your question. In the title you note that this was in regard to discrimination against disabled cyclists. Did you intend for this to be in the literal sense? If so, we will need to coordinate your concerns with our Affirmative Action Office.
If not, then the answer to your question is relatively straight forward. In Minnesota, state law allows bicyclists to travel on any roadway with the exception of controlled access highways (visualize one of our interstates).
Specific to your question, most of U.S. Highway 52 is open to bicycling. There are specific stretches in the Twin Cities area that bicycling would be restricted, as well as a stretch through the City of Rochester.
I hope this assists you. Please let me know if you have more specific questions.


It clearly says that there is only "a stretch through the City of Rochester", that cyclists are not allowed/prevented from using. I have only removed my personal details from what you see there & in the post where it is given in image format.

I have spoken to various officies/departments, on the phone, from the UK, at local, county, state & federal levels. You may not want to believe that. That choice is yours. Others on here have tried to help, you say that they do not understand where you are coming from. An example was given by one person, and your immediate reaction was to say that the example given was wrong because it failed to fit into what you wanted. Your examples however wild cannot be wrong, as you(and only you) know what its like to be dis-abled & ride a bike.

Why were appointments made for you to meet with those who you needed to speak to not kept. You failed to show, when you said you would be going. Did/have you actually gone to any of the public buildings you claim to have been to? People were advised you were coming & you never turned up.

As a "dis-abled bodied" person I feel I have as much right to tell you that you know understand. I have ridden on one wheel through to 7 wheels. I'll admit that the 6 & 7 wheelers were not fit for prolonged road use, but they have been ridden on the road. Please do not say that I look from"able bodied perspective "on this. You are viewing this a simple case of I should get what I want.
“What We Want, What We Believe”. Black Panthers
Martin Luther King Jr. Had a dream where all men were created equal.
You are neither of the above, please don't insult them trying to liken what you want to what they did.

I can also talk as a person who was his own advocate, mentioned earlier if you read it. I took on government under legislation so new at the time that many thought it was a joke. That "joke" stopped when they found that it was real & I was serious about what I was doing. I never descended into stating that in order to survive I'd end up having to steal. I've fought the petty minded predujices of people & companies that take only what they can see & their narrow minded opinions into account. I'm prepared to fight for what I believe I'm entitled to. Under the Disability Discrimination Act1995, that was covered by "reasonable adjustment" That for me was give me the chance, let me try & if I can't do it I'll go. But at least let me try.

We had a guaranteed interview scheme for jobs, whereby because I'm classed as dis-abled, I am guaranteed an interview, regardless of ability to do the actual job. Thats unfair to the "able bodied person", better qualified through having actually done it before. Thats exclusion of the 2able bodied", but you're not bothered about them.

You're chances of being hit, whilst legally cycling on the road are the same as those ofwhat you class as "able bodied". Because you cannot hear traffic approaching, does not put you at any greater risk than someone who can. You put yourself at greater risk by not being willing to look behind, as any other cyclist would have to. On that you are no different. Just lazy, and that to you is good enough.

You have done more to alienate those with a dis-ability than anyone I have come across. Purely & simply because "I want, I get" is what you believe is your right. It isn't. You may not like the law, everybody hates/disagree with some law(s), but that does not give you the automatic right to say that you will resort to stealing/theft if you do not get what you want. No matter what excuse you make up.

There are others worse of than yourself, you have mobility. Yet you chose not to use it fully. Too much effort required. Won't look for work, tried & turned down only 29 times, Too much effort required to look for work Take the longer & safer way round. Too much effort required. Do you see a pattern emerging here?. Work, too much effort required.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself, get off your backside & put some effort into something.

disabled rider

For those, including disabled rider, who may have thought that what I was saying as having done, wasn't. I offer some proof that it wasn't all talk.
View attachment 13926

Phonecalls, who said what to who & when, cannot be placed as easily on here. But my efforts were serious attempts at trying to find out/help. You may not like the answers given, but there's more than me tried to help out.
What I've posted on here is as was said/done & now its upto disabled rider, who doesn't always sign in, but does watch, to take it further

I was hoping for a response before this thread died, but such is the nature of trying to get an answer in a short period of time(not always possible) I'm posting now.

appreciate your efforts.
overall MNDOT is not interested in "inclusion of disabled riders" other than lip service to prevent getting sued under title 2 of ADA.

MNDOT is the one who was responsible for cutting off access to the southern tip of Rochester for us to reach critical services we need. City hall fought to keep the intersection, we needed to legally get over there. MNDOT ignored the strong protest against the intersections removal and the fence installed to prevent people from going over there.

MNDOT is the one RESPONSIBLE for removing the right to use 52.

note in the inquiry "we will need to send you to "our" affirmative action Office". for further help. note also they are the ones forcing us to use the road by their own admission. MNDOT This is legal speak to head off litigation by DOJ "Department of justice" or advocacy groups. Affirmative action office is their legal department dealing with discrimination.(They won't openly admit that.)

This is in terms of impaired rider who is utility cycling, NOT RECREATIONAL. time and efficiency/ safety are crucial.

The part about the 52 access from Rochester. what they are not telling you is, you can not get access to 52N within the city limits legally, its posted at the on ramps heading out of town. You can not get access, outside city limits, unless you take a more hazardous roundabout, using back roads that is more than 10 miles out of the way in 1 direction for me, if it is even possible.(This is a harassment and discouragement tactic they deploy to discourage/ forbid the use of 52) All back roads connecting to 52, have no shoulder, what so ever, hilly and twisty roads and often have heavy fog early in the day or evening in spring and Fall 75th st is not a back road.. Discovered this when trying to find the safest route to fishing by Oronoco dam.

taking county rd 112 or 18th ave NW, there is a real steep hill(from a kids perspective in front passenger seat of car, you are looking at nothing but sky going up that hill, scared the crap out of me the first time mom went over that hill thought mom was going to flip the car over backwards.), at the bottom of said hill gets a lot of fog early and late. On the north side. Back side of that hill is narrow and twisty road with lot of blind spots. People are driving in access of 45 miles an hour there Closer to 50 to 55. It is easy to get run over here. You go north to 75th st NW to take a left towards 52n they put in a new clover like crossing bridge at 52. The sound barrier stops at 37th st NW and continues no farther north 52.

Taking county rd 112 past 75th st nw is a "death trap" for cyclists it is a straight run with frequent rises and dips that completely hides a rider from a drivers perspective. They often hit 55-60 miles an hour here, because of how straight it is, they get a rush coming over a rise feels like soaring. When they do that they hit the cyclist that is in the actual lane Absolutely no shoulders along this stretch.

If I take the frontage roads going parallel to 52 to the county rd 22/ "west circle drive" get on 52 there, past the barriers, that is a straight shot efficient safest route to oronoco and beyond. MNDOT knows this. Yet forbids it.

I go to the on ramps myself in the attempt to go to Oronoco or some point before pine island.

And to top it, you misunderstood the 52 dilemma, you reversed it , 52 use, is poor on bicycle vs rich in car which "block freedom of movement" of the poor. This is constitutional issue. It also effects the disabled riders who are poor as well.
52 goes almost smack dab down the middle of the hunting zone 602 in the CWD(chronic wasting disease) zone where I will most likely be hunting due to the safest access for me.

The discrimination mainly within the business district inside the city limits where your not permitted on the side walk.

I put them both together in this thread because they both impact the disabled riders ability to care for themselves, when the use of bicycle is their sole means of getting around. and walking isn't really feasible or time efficient. in my case the skeletal problem I have.

Other reason for putting it together here along with promoting advocacy is it is easier to follow 1 thread rather than 3-4 with frequent cross references to the other threads for relevant information.


Leg End Member
OK, enough now. You're deluded. Search long enough and you'll find some long dead geezer who said something vaguely profound that will support your view. It's OK for you to steal. It's OK for you to conveniently ignore laws that don't suit you. Whatever.

You're alienating yourself from society, not the other way round. You'll just never see it. You can add blind to the disability list.
Post 572, Page 27
"You are pompus, arrogant & blind to those around you. You are two thirds of the three wise monkey statue, blind & deaf. And you'll not get much sense out of the statue, either."


Leg End Member
I have spoken with the very people you say that what you are say is wrong. Why don't I just pass them your details, (You post to much elsewhere) and let them get in touch with you on this matter.

When the dis-abled side doesn't work out you revert to the poor side. If you want any chance at convincing people you are serious on this matter you are going to have to stick to one or the other, not swap as you see fit for your argument.

I think you'll also find that some of the state law is the same as the federal law. If you are poor as you constantly say you are. How are you going to mount any kind of case?

In this case you are the nenegligent one in this You are placing yourself before everyone else & blaming them to boot. At some point you are going to have to learn to look out for yourself.

Hunting won't be a problem much longer for you, so your need to use the restricted parts of the roads system will no longer exist. Unless you continue to do it, illegally!


Leg End Member
You are saying you are hunting in an area with this.
http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/mammals/deer/cwd/index.html & http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3323184/
Cousin this side of the water being "Mad Cow Disease".
Unlike Spock I don't think you're going to "Live long and prosper" if this is the case.
You have greater worries than riding a bike mate.

disabled rider

Strongly suggest you read this, AND THEN CONTACT those whose e-mail addresses are given
RE: "Discimination" against disabled cyclists‏From:
Mitchell, Tim (DOT) (Tim.Mitchell@state.mn.us)
15 October 2012 16:01:35

Jorenby, Kristin (DOT) (kristin.jorenby@state.mn.us)
Thank you very much for your inquiry.
First, I would like to clarify your question. In the title you note that this was in regard to discrimination against disabled cyclists. Did you intend for this to be in the literal sense? If so, we will need to coordinate your concerns with our Affirmative Action Office.
If not, then the answer to your question is relatively straight forward. In Minnesota, state law allows bicyclists to travel on any roadway with the exception of controlled access highways (visualize one of our interstates).
Specific to your question, most of U.S. Highway 52 is open to bicycling. There are specific stretches in the Twin Cities area that bicycling would be restricted, as well as a stretch through the City of Rochester.
I hope this assists you. Please let me know if you have more specific questions.

It clearly says that there is only "a stretch through the City of Rochester", that cyclists are not allowed/prevented from using. I have only removed my personal details from what you see there & in the post where it is given in image format.

I have spoken to various officies/departments, on the phone, from the UK, at local, county, state & federal levels. You may not want to believe that. That choice is yours. Others on here have tried to help, you say that they do not understand where you are coming from. An example was given by one person, and your immediate reaction was to say that the example given was wrong because it failed to fit into what you wanted. Your examples however wild cannot be wrong, as you(and only you) know what its like to be dis-abled & ride a bike.

Why were appointments made for you to meet with those who you needed to speak to not kept. You failed to show, when you said you would be going. Did/have you actually gone to any of the public buildings you claim to have been to? People were advised you were coming & you never turned up.

As a "dis-abled bodied" person I feel I have as much right to tell you that you know understand. I have ridden on one wheel through to 7 wheels. I'll admit that the 6 & 7 wheelers were not fit for prolonged road use, but they have been ridden on the road. Please do not say that I look from"able bodied perspective "on this. You are viewing this a simple case of I should get what I want.
“What We Want, What We Believe”. Black Panthers
Martin Luther King Jr. Had a dream where all men were created equal.
You are neither of the above, please don't insult them trying to liken what you want to what they did.

I can also talk as a person who was his own advocate, mentioned earlier if you read it. I took on government under legislation so new at the time that many thought it was a joke. That "joke" stopped when they found that it was real & I was serious about what I was doing. I never descended into stating that in order to survive I'd end up having to steal. I've fought the petty minded predujices of people & companies that take only what they can see & their narrow minded opinions into account. I'm prepared to fight for what I believe I'm entitled to. Under the Disability Discrimination Act1995, that was covered by "reasonable adjustment" That for me was give me the chance, let me try & if I can't do it I'll go. But at least let me try.

We had a guaranteed interview scheme for jobs, whereby because I'm classed as dis-abled, I am guaranteed an interview, regardless of ability to do the actual job. Thats unfair to the "able bodied person", better qualified through having actually done it before. Thats exclusion of the 2able bodied", but you're not bothered about them.

You're chances of being hit, whilst legally cycling on the road are the same as those ofwhat you class as "able bodied". Because you cannot hear traffic approaching, does not put you at any greater risk than someone who can. You put yourself at greater risk by not being willing to look behind, as any other cyclist would have to. On that you are no different. Just lazy, and that to you is good enough.

You have done more to alienate those with a dis-ability than anyone I have come across. Purely & simply because "I want, I get" is what you believe is your right. It isn't. You may not like the law, everybody hates/disagree with some law(s), but that does not give you the automatic right to say that you will resort to stealing/theft if you do not get what you want. No matter what excuse you make up.

There are others worse of than yourself, you have mobility. Yet you chose not to use it fully. Too much effort required. Won't look for work, tried & turned down only 29 times, Too much effort required to look for work Take the longer & safer way round. Too much effort required. Do you see a pattern emerging here?. Work, too much effort required.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself, get off your backside & put some effort into something.

OK you and mr hippo are ganging up, that example your referring to had nothing to do with exclusion(that was what I was objecting too). I was putting the example in to a exclusion context related to this thread. Which is NOT what mr hippo was giving. MR hippo was giving an example of the two of you going to a cafe 30 miles away and you choose not to go because you do not feel like it. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with exclusion I been talking about that prevents me from participating.

I changed that example to say you and MR hippo wanted to go to the cafe and the cafe excluded you because your epileptic and excluded you out of fear that you would have a convulsion that caused injury to another patron. NOW it has relevance to the thread.

That is your view regarding I have done more harm to people with impairments. I could say the exact same thing about you.
PS THERE IS A LARGE CHUNK SINCE PAGE 18ish I HAVE NOT HAD CHANCE TO READ OVER. I have NOT IGNORED ANYONE I have not had chance to read it yet I would not have told you this If I had been ignoring it.

IN essence IT would be me telling you that your trying to insult and derail the purpose of this thread by trying to deliberately ask MR Hippo to help gang up and try to discredit anything that I been saying, by attacking me as a person and to put full blame for the exclusion on my shoulders. And that everything that ever occurred to me was somehow my fault. and that people don't discriminate against the disabled at all. I am reversing your actions to show you what you just did to me. I do not mean any of this point literally I do not have enough information to assess your motive of action anyway..
WHAT IS THIS? I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT HERE: "Why were appointments made for you to meet with those who you needed to speak to not kept. You failed to show, when you said you would be going. Did/have you actually gone to any of the public buildings you claim to have been to? People were advised you were coming & you never turned up."

I have not made any appointments. All of my interactions here in rochester mn, have been either over the phone or in face to face on "walk in basis." If I can not call toll free I can not speak to them. if I can not email, then I can not deal with them at all. If they do not provide one of these two methods of contact, then I am being excluded, for simple fact of being poor. Not being able to afford long distance. I have a 3 hour limit local calls a month, for emergencies, using phone. Using toll free counts on the 3hr limit. People in our MN government know of this issue. When I requested that all the State agencies and leaders have toll free or email as contact point for the poor.

If it has to do with this thread this it is secondary, to getting food and seeing city officials, writing up an appeal to city council etc, Seeking advocate groups in MN, getting material from library to show lack of statistical data etc. talking to people I know who may know someone else etc. Going through the list of sites posted early, which are turning out to be duds so far, even the most promising one, the first advocacy group one turns out to be resource site geared for other advocacy groups and not the individuals, who are seeking help or self advocating.
Do you really expect me to listen to what you have to say if your accusing me of being a freeloader and a slacker, and refusing to take responsibility not only my own actions but everyone else too, who had committed exclusion?? after saying something like this?I take responsibility for my actions I refuse to take the responsibility for actions of others I can not control them.

"There are others worse of than yourself, you have mobility. Yet you chose not to use it fully. Too much effort required. Won't look for work, tried & turned down only 29 times, Too much effort required to look for work Take the longer & safer way round. Too much effort required. Do you see a pattern emerging here?. Work, too much effort required."
I do NOT have full mobility, I very clearly stated I have a skeletal problem. with nerve pinching. that causes vomiting, swelling and bed rest for period directly related to the duration past pain threshold I push. I walk 10 blocks, I am in a lot of pain. PAIN MEDS DO NOT HELP. Then there is the cardiac issues. If I am not careful I can over tax my heart, Due to undiagnosed condition. I been in and out of the ER since 26 for this. More than 10 ambulance rides since I was 26. 3 in the last 2 years. The doctors have no stinking clue what is going on. It is not connected to the WPW. When cycling, I can back off and coast and it does not cause the jarring impact to cause nerve pinching.

"Too much effort required. Won't look for work, tried & turned down only 29 times, Too much effort required to look for work Take the longer & safer way round. Too much effort required. Do you see a pattern emerging here?"

You just purposely changed everything I been saying about my work background etc. around to be something it is NOT. This is outright slander. STOP IT NOW. You ARE IMPLYING a PATTERN THAT DOES NOT EXIST. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I TOLD YOU IN THE FIRST POST NOT TO DO!
YOU purposely took what I been saying out of context and completely changing the meaning of what I had actually said! THIS is more damaging than anything I have ever done here. You have purposely accused me of an action I have not done. This is the slander. You said a false and damaging personal character statement of something I had not done or had no control over.

tried & turned down do you understand what this says? It says two things by its-self and in context of what you said. You were implying my actions, so it means in context. I tried going to interviews didn't get discriminated against by all 29 and refused to look any further. LOAD OF HOGWASH. It was how I was turned down I talked to 2 separate employment lawyers about this(They were the ones who said it was discrimination which I had no legal recourse to fight it,and THERE WERE NO OTHER JOBS I WAS QUALIFIED FOR, when I filed for disability insurance.

I have no idea what you meant by the Take the longer & safer way round

Where do you get off thinking, you know, whether I can work or not, over the accumulated experience of the SSA , MAYO CLINIC. Multiple Psychiatrists and Psychologists, work center groups for job placements and training, temp agencies, several employment and disability lawyers, Center for effective living, etc? Where do you get off saying that all of these groups are wrong and liars?? You just callously discredited them, and CALLED them LIARS with the above red quote you made, besides me.
I have tried repeatedly to say I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO SAYS I AM UNEMPLOYABLE. It does not have anything to do with my attitude. The above agencies and professionals have clearly marked my files as such, This involves face to face consultation with me. Believe me if they think you are the issue THEY TELL YOU to your face. All of these groups would get into serious legal trouble with the federal government if they lied about my case and it was as you said I am just being lazy.

Psychiatrist and psychologists could loose their license here for lying on my behalf. They are NOT going to risk their careers for me. Mayo Clinic could loose credibility and be charged of a crime for falsifying information to make it look as if I was unemployable if I am not. (They have told me directly, I am not making this up.)

All of these groups would rather say your employable, to cover their own ass. And have on many occasions when in doubt.
Do this one more time I will put you on permanent ignore.:angry:
I been busy, which is the reason I have not been here, every waking moment. I am not sitting idly by while I let society further abuse the crap out of us by exclusion. Following is a copy from open office, it got messed up a little when saved to file ".RTF" I have only just started it, this past Sat. evening, been doing a lot of reading to cross reference etc. I am doing this by myself and it is taking a lot of time to put it down.
Where to start: City council men and women....

I am here to address a normalization of discrimination, against A protected class of citizens. People with impairments, as you call people with disabilities or disabled people. This protected class of citizens are protected by a couple of civil rights laws. The law that has relevance to this situation, I am here to discuss Verbally or by this letter, is the ADA title 2 applying to local and state government. And a state law and lack of local adaptation, to said state law, is in violation of the title 2 ADA. No government shall create policy that “excludes” the inclusion of people with impairments.

I need to establish some back ground and perspective, to help you, to understand the normalization of the discrimination against us(people with impairments). Without doing so, I know for fact many of you may miss the point regarding discrimination of a protected class and how the state law violates our right to participate in society.

The reason I am appealing to you vs appealing to the state right now, is how fast the city is capable of making a permissive policy under chapter 131 That gives permission to me and others, our right to participate in society. The question becomes, do you have the integrity, to be the first in our state, to set a right where a wrong was committed?

Before I go any further, I need to establish background about myself, so you understand where I am coming from, in relation to the rest of the content I am going to share, to establish and show how I am being discriminated against, by the state and city in my ability to both participate and take care of myself.

What I am about to share about myself is not blame, complaining,seeking of pity or sympathy, nor is it open to analysis by you(City council or anyone else, not authorized, to see my my full history), nor any professionals who do not have direct contact with me. Only people allowed to analyze my case is my current doctors, and psychologist(who I been seeing for more than 6 years).

What I am about to share about myself is meant to establish a point of perspective, by a person who is being harmed by 'Normalized Discrimination”.

First establishing as “FACT” That I am “disabled”.
  1. I am a person with several impairments. Under the SSA, I am considered “Disabled” 2 major life activities are severely impaired. “working” , “Interpersonal relationships, both professionally and personally”.

The following is the individual impairments in which I have. I need to share them, because they have both direct and indirect relevance to my coming before you. I am going to list them in order of most importance to the discrimination in this situation.

  1. I have moderate to profound hearing loss (basically 2/3 -3/4 total loss), It had gotten to the point it is very difficult to impossible to communicate verbally without hearing aids especially when lipreading is impossible.
2. Atypical Panic Attacks, Things within reach of my blind spot, where I can not hear, causes me to jump and stumble , and loose balance (balance related to the inner ear), Which then lead to the Atypical panic attack, That can impair my ability to physically move and affects my cardiovascular system. NOT the same thing as “Ambulatory impairments.”

3. Skeletal defect in the connective tissue. Farther I walk, the more intense the nerve pinching damage, causes extreme pain, that leads to severe swelling, vomiting, and bed rest, bed rest goes up in direct relation to the amount I push past the pain threshold. Pain medication does not help what so ever. Medication does not stop the nerves from being physically pinched. Avoiding certain types of activity, is the only thing, that has been able to reduce or prevent this from happening. Like avoid walking distance from my place to Baldwin.

4. Congenital Heart defect. Originally believed to be “WPW”(Wolfe Parkinson White syndrome) In my medical file it is listed as WPW. But it is not the classic WPW per say. My particular case is complicated. The doctors involved, do not fully understand my case, which they have told me to my face after the heart surgery. What they do know, is the WPW was not the cause of my heart doing in excess of 200 beats a minute and my accessory pathway goes down not up. So it was not the cause of the feedback loop that causes the excess heart rate. (I have another undiagnosed condition, which they refuse to acknowledge in my medical file, It weakens MAYO credibility, if they were to publicly acknowledge it as "we don't know". So it is listed as WPW, where the “radio-frequency ablation” stopped the short circuit in my heart.) Point here is the surgery did not solve all my cardiology problems. I suffer from them because the doctors refuse to investigate further to find the underlying cause, and refuse to admit in writing that they don't know. Number 2 above impacts number 4. Doctors do not know why, I have turned blue on multiple occasions.

5. C-PTSD Complex post traumatic stress disorder (caused: decades of torture and torment by peers both school and work place. What is official listed in my file is anxiety disorder/ atypical panic because the C-PTSD is not official recognized by American medical institutions DSM4 or DSM5 coming out. ) here it goes into detail about C-PTSD http://www.bullyonline.org/stress/ptsd.htm#Incidence Quick answer is: psychological injury that fundamentally altered my personality. Biggest change occurred when I was 6. This was recognized both by my mother and myself which resulted in My mother yanking me from school the rest of the year (corporal punishment by teacher, bullying by peers in school for hearing impairment and learning impairment.)

6. learning impairment related to “dyslexia” Flipping of letters and numbers and flipping of order example 69 to 96, when writing it, not when seeing it.
“Short-term memory” One reads a sentence and hold on to it. Then the next and the next. By the end of the paragraph, he pulls together the meaning of the full paragraph. This is working memory. He continues to read the full chapter and study it. Information is retained long enough to take a test and do well. This is short-term memory. But, unless the information is reviewed and studied over a longer period of time, it is not retained. With more effort over time, the information might become part of a general body of knowledge. It is long-term memory.

Social definition of disability. Where it is not the impairments that disable a person, but the exclusion by society. You are disabled, based on, society choosing to exclude you from taking care of yourself. Example Employers refuse to hire as soon as they hear I had heart surgery and have ongoing cardiac issues, turning blue etc. It had nothing to do with, whether, I am capable of doing the job. Under employment law, I am required to tell them these things or I would be guilty of committing a crime if I withheld it. This is what makes me unemployable, Exclusion by employers not wanting to deal with the impairments.

The reason It is important to keep my background in mind while reading the following, is if you don't, you will view all content I share from a able body perspective. You will not see the discrimination from an able body perspective, due to the normalized nature of the discrimination. If you look at it from the perspective of my background You will without a doubt see the “normalized discrimination” due to the fact it affects you directly if you were in my shoes.

A little fact finding on why the ADA was created:
Floor Statement Praising the Passage of the ADA September 7, 1989
"The Americans with Disabilities Act will end the American apartheid. The act has the potential to become one of the great civil rights laws of our generation. Disabled citizens deserve the opportunity to work for a living, ride a bus, have access to public and commercial buildings, and do all the other things that the rest of us take for granted. Mindless physical barriers and outdated social attitudes have made them second class citizens for too long. This legislation is a bill of rights for the disabled, and America will be a better and fairer nation because of it. "
20+ years later we still struggle to uphold this belief.
When the ADA was written:
Findings and purposes of the Congress
  • (1) Some 43,000,000 Americans have one or more physical or mental disabilities, and that number is increasing as the population as a whole grows older.
(2) Historically, society has tended to isolate and segregate individuals with disabilities, and, despite some improvements, such forms of discrimination against individuals with disabilities continue to be a serious and pervasive social problem.
(3) Discrimination against individuals with disabilities persists in such critical areas as employment, housing, public accommodations, education, transportation, communication, recreation, institutionalization, health services, voting, and access to public services.
(4) Unlike individuals who have experienced discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, or age, individuals who have experienced discrimination on the basis of disability have often had no legal recourse to redress such discrimination.
(5) Individuals with disabilities continually encounter various forms of discrimination, including outright intentional exclusion, the discriminatory effects of architectural, transportation, and communication barriers, overprotective rules and policies, failure to make modifications to existing facilities and practices, exclusionary qualification standards and criteria, segregation, and relegation to lesser services, programs, activities, benefits, jobs, or other opportunities.
(6) Census data, national polls, and other studies have documented that people with disabilities, as a group, occupy an inferior status in the society, and are severely disadvantaged socially, vocationally, economically, and educationally.
(7) individuals with disabilities are a discrete and insular minority who have been faced with restrictions and limitations, subjected to a history of purposeful unequal treatment, and relegated to a position of political powerlessness in the society, based on characteristics that are beyond the control of such individuals and resulting from stereotypic assumptions not truly indicative of the individual ability of such individuals to participate in, and contribute to, society.
(8) the nation's proper goals regarding individuals with disabilities are to assure equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for such individuals.
(9) the continuing existence of unfair and unnecessary discrimination and prejudice denies people with disabilities the opportunity to compete on an equal basis and to pursue those opportunities for which the free society is justifiably famous, and costs the United States billions of dollars in unnecessary expenses resulting from dependency and nonproductivity.

Purposesof the ADA:
  • (1) To provide a clear and comprehensive national mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with disabilities.
(2) To provide clear, strong, consistent, enforceable standards addressing discrimination against individuals with disabilities.
(3) To ensure that the federal government plays a central role in enforcing the standards established in this chapter on behalf of individuals with disabilities.
(4) To invoke the sweep of congressional authority, including the power to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment and to regulate commerce, in order to address the major areas of discrimination faced day to day by people with disabilities.

Title II - Public Services - (and public transportation) directed by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA); U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS); U.S. Department of Education (ED); U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). *public paths “Includes the use of sidewalks.” covered by title 2

I am burned out I am going to bed. And I need to reset after the last two responses. I did.

disabled rider

I have spoken with the very people you say that what you are say is wrong. Why don't I just pass them your details, (You post to much elsewhere) and let them get in touch with you on this matter.

When the dis-abled side doesn't work out you revert to the poor side. If you want any chance at convincing people you are serious on this matter you are going to have to stick to one or the other, not swap as you see fit for your argument.

I think you'll also find that some of the state law is the same as the federal law. If you are poor as you constantly say you are. How are you going to mount any kind of case?

In this case you are the nenegligent one in this You are placing yourself before everyone else & blaming them to boot. At some point you are going to have to learn to look out for yourself.

Hunting won't be a problem much longer for you, so your need to use the restricted parts of the roads system will no longer exist. Unless you continue to do it, illegally!

MNDOT do not contact me, they can not contact me. They do not know how to contact me, they do not have my address or email or phone number, nothing. so claiming they will contact me is False.

What you received from the MNDOT was lip service, that doesn't really say all that much. I went into more detail than they did.
I told you rochester MN had a fight With the MNDOT to keep some of the critical access points, open. MNDOT IGNORED the needs of poor and disabled along with the needs of the city itself.

They will not listen. They will pretend to listen to get you to shutup

You have some serious comprehension issues when reading my posts making a lot of accusations that are not true about me as a person , my motivation and and so call poor character. etc.


What your failing to comprehend is the fact that its not just the poor disabled is effected by the 52 access its all the poor who can not afford cars that is effected. I am speaking for 2 groups in regards of 52. POOR and POOR DISABLED.

I am speaking only of the disabled regarding the sidewalks downtown.

I do not know why you have such a hard time understanding this. I AM NOT CHANGING TACTICS.

I SAID discrimination is related to the lack of sidewalk permission, Freedom of movement was related to 52 and the south intersection on broadway, for the poor using cycles. 2 different issues that goes hand in hand when you have a poor disabled person trying to take care of himself..

I SAID this thread is dealing with 3 things discrimination down town, freedom of movement related to 52, 63 , and third advocacy for removing policy/ barriers that cause exclusions. That I rolled them up into one thread to make it easier for me to keep track of because it is all interlinked.


Living Legend & Old Fart
Deranged and deluded rider; I have to declare that I have two allergies. I am allergic to bull$h1t and crap! I neither give it nor do I take it. Isn't it time that you started again?
I can either take this thread on face value and believe that you are genuine which I do not. Perhaps this is some research for a degree or for a class project.
If you are, as you say, a utility cyclist why do you want to cycle about 100 miles between the Twin Cities and Rochester?
"If I take the frontage roads going parallel to 52 to the county rd 22/ "west circle drive" get on 52 there, past the barriers, that is a straight shot efficient safest route to oronoco and beyond" but remember you said that Hwy52 is unsafe so make your mind up!
Try http://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-...a=X&ei=RI98ULynEIm4yQGVxID4CQ&ved=0CCAQ8gEwAA
You have now said there are different ways of getting between the Twin Cities and Rochester and also give reasons why not to cycle those routes.
One thing I and possibly others have noticed about you is your list of ailments seems to be getting bigger but only after other posters have mentioned them!


Senior Member
Your in the USA and this is in most part if not all an English forum that deals with England (sometimes Europe ) so there's not much point in appealing as your issues (which you have many) do not relate to England.

Lot's of advice has been offered to you, but as usual your too blinkered to take heed of it. Have a nice hot bubble bath and a cup of tea.

Contact these chaps for advice, can't hurt.



Senior Member
PS What's wrong with public transport?

Found this on the net

Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Program

  • minnesota-disability-grants-2.1-800x800.jpg
    Public transportation can be difficult to access for persons with disabilities.
    The Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Program assist elderly persons and the disabled with no or limited access to existing transportation services. The grant program provides 80 percent of wheelchair-accessible vehicle costs and recipients contribute 20 percent from non-federal funds.
    The following Minnesota entities are eligible to receive grant funds: state/local governments, private nonprofit organizations, public transportation operators and tribal governments.
    Grant documents and applications can be downloaded on the Minnesota State Department of Transportation website. Hard copy and electronic copies of the application must be submitted.
    John Groothuis
    Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities
    Capital Grant Program (5310)
    395 John Ireland Boulevard, MS 430
    St. Paul, MN 55155


Senior Member
And this

Election Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Grant

  • minnesota-disability-grants-4.1-800x800.jpg
    Polling places are sometimes inaccessible for disabled voters. EAID grants help bridge the gap between voters and outdated polling facilities.
    The Election Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities (EAID) Grant is administered by the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State. The grants are intended to make polling places more accessible to disabled voters and are available in accordance with the federal Help American Vote icon1.png Act of 2002.
    Entities eligible for the EAID grant are cities, townships and counties. Applications are available on the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website. Applications must include demographic information about the locality and a description of proposed improvements.
    Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State
    Adam Aanerud
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