Leg End Member
Ok, if you're speaking of your own particular circumstances, although it still strikes me as unusual that you've been given a blanket ban on flying, grand mal seizures or otherwise.
What concerned me was that others may read (as Trail Child did) that your comments were applicable to everyone with epilepsy.
I was also concerned in relation to your mention of restraint methods when it is definitely not recommended to attempt to restrain someone suffering a seizure. Nor is there any need for immediate medical intervention unless it is known to be the person's first seizure.
I realise you'll be familiar with the following so I post it solely to dispel any misconceptions others may hold regarding how to react to someone having a seizure.
If you see a person having a seizure..
Protect the person from injury - (remove harmful objects from nearby) Cushion his head Look for an epilepsy identity card or identity jewellery Aid breathing by gently placing him in the recovery position once the seizure has finishedStay with the person until recovery is complete Be calmly reassuringDO NOT
Restrain the person’s movements Put anything in the person’s mouth Try to move the person unless he is in danger Give him anything to eat or drink until he is fully recovered Attempt to bring him roundCall an ambulance if:You know it is the person’s first seizure The seizure continues for more than five minutes One tonic-clonic seizure follows another without the person regaining consciousness between seizures The person is injured during the seizure You believe the person needs urgent medical attention-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Apologies to DR and others for temporarily hijacking the thread.
I don't think you have "hijacked the thread" by talking about a disability
I posted what I have had done to me, due to dis-ability, on this thread "Discrimination against the poor & disabled" because many would class it as discrimination(I called it outright & blatant) & because I worked round the problem by finding & using alterate means of travel. As an example to the OP of what he could do, if he felt like trying.
A typical seizure for me would be a period of automation, I'm on auto pilot, (minutes to hours) followed by the seizure as people would understand/know it. These have lasted more than five minutes & often they go into Status Epileticus. Injuries to the head are common, with minor cuts(lots of blood) elsewhere. Hence immediate medical treatment required.
This information would have been given at the time of booking & at the time of check-in. If I were to fly. Travel by ferry requires the SOLAS accord to be taken into account. Same information that would be given if I was flying is given there.