Discrimination and Loss of "freedom of movement" for poor and disabled

Is exclusion and discrimination of the poor and disabled in regards to cycling a serious problem?

  • yes

    Votes: 10 12.0%
  • no

    Votes: 29 34.9%
  • I am ignorant on the issue (lack of knowledge, not dumb)

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • your trolling

    Votes: 19 22.9%
  • your not trolling

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • They are a danger and should not be allowed (for what ever reason)

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I never knew I was discriminating by "exclusion"

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I don't want them cycling and think you need to be silenced

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • please educate me

    Votes: 12 14.5%
  • TMI (if this is your selection please PM as to why)

    Votes: 8 9.6%

  • Total voters
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Leg End Member
Ok, if you're speaking of your own particular circumstances, although it still strikes me as unusual that you've been given a blanket ban on flying, grand mal seizures or otherwise.

What concerned me was that others may read (as Trail Child did) that your comments were applicable to everyone with epilepsy.

I was also concerned in relation to your mention of restraint methods when it is definitely not recommended to attempt to restrain someone suffering a seizure. Nor is there any need for immediate medical intervention unless it is known to be the person's first seizure.

I realise you'll be familiar with the following so I post it solely to dispel any misconceptions others may hold regarding how to react to someone having a seizure.
If you see a person having a seizure..
Protect the person from injury - (remove harmful objects from nearby)
Cushion his head
Look for an epilepsy identity card or identity jewellery
Aid breathing by gently placing him in the recovery position once the seizure has finished
Stay with the person until recovery is complete
Be calmly reassuring
Restrain the person’s movements
Put anything in the person’s mouth
Try to move the person unless he is in danger
Give him anything to eat or drink until he is fully recovered
Attempt to bring him round
Call an ambulance if:
You know it is the person’s first seizure
The seizure continues for more than five minutes
One tonic-clonic seizure follows another without the person regaining consciousness between seizures
The person is injured during the seizure
You believe the person needs urgent medical attention

Apologies to DR and others for temporarily hijacking the thread.


I don't think you have "hijacked the thread" by talking about a disability

I posted what I have had done to me, due to dis-ability, on this thread "Discrimination against the poor & disabled" because many would class it as discrimination(I called it outright & blatant) & because I worked round the problem by finding & using alterate means of travel. As an example to the OP of what he could do, if he felt like trying.

A typical seizure for me would be a period of automation, I'm on auto pilot, (minutes to hours) followed by the seizure as people would understand/know it. These have lasted more than five minutes & often they go into Status Epileticus. Injuries to the head are common, with minor cuts(lots of blood) elsewhere. Hence immediate medical treatment required.

This information would have been given at the time of booking & at the time of check-in. If I were to fly. Travel by ferry requires the SOLAS accord to be taken into account. Same information that would be given if I was flying is given there.


Leg End Member
Maybe he's outside your window....watching....and waiting:ohmy:


If you can hear wheels squeaking, it's to late:eek:
Nah, the deer he's carrying is heavy! & he can't afford to maintain the bike.


Hecklers from the Classic Oldspice,

Have I missed something in this thread? As I just quoted a responce to Matt's post, because I liked what he'd written.
Your correct in your assumption about me NOT reading the whole thread; nonetheless, that does not give you the rite to snyde comments.


Hecklers from the Classic Oldspice,

Have I missed something in this thread? As I just quoted a responce to Matt's post, because I liked what he'd written.
Your correct in your assumption about me NOT reading the whole thread; nonetheless, that does not give you the rite to snyde comments.

I thought the whole point of this thread was to post snide comments, cant see any point to it otherwise - I still dont know what the OP is on about


Hard of hearing..I said Herd of Herring..oh FFS..
County Durham
Hecklers from the Classic Oldspice,

Have I missed something in this thread? As I just quoted a responce to Matt's post, because I liked what he'd written.
Your correct in your assumption about me NOT reading the whole thread; nonetheless, that does not give you the rite to snyde comments.
I think you misread Classic and Oldspice. They are responding to the OPs set of "rules" as to who could post in this thread and what they could post. Trying to tell cyclists what they are and are not allowed to say and think is a bit like trying to tell the tide not to go in or out. Their comments were certainly not intended to be snide, but instead to be a gentle leg pull aimed at the OP (who has proved to be a bit of a pompous, overly verbose oaf so far, TBH)


Leg End Member
Thanks Andy,
Gives a better understanding of the thread!
Apologies to : C & OS.
No apology required.
I'm posting on here as someone who is dis-abled for part of the time, due to a condtion(epilepsy), able bodied for the most of the time. See page 19, post 378. Where a few of the limitations on what I'd be told I would be able to do have been proved wrong. I'll never lay claim to beating the condition, its more a case of how I've worked round what it limits/prevents me from doing & living with it.
I agree with your first post on this thread, as I'm sure others would. With me its a case of sod em, I'll try & if I fail at least I can say I tried. Which is what I said you'd be able to say if you were to attempt to read this from the start.

However given the way this thread started & went on it doesn't reflect on the title. Similar threads have been started elsewhere & on other cycling forums, OP admitted this. But in the lifetime of this thread other matters have come to light, which have no direct bearing on the thread title. Not all have been posted, some with good reason.

Sorry if you felt I was having a go at you, that was not the intention.


Living Legend & Old Fart
In addition to the advice in GC's post, may I add one thing? If the person is standing when the seizure starts and is about to collapse, do not attempt to arrest the fall because you may injure your back and one casualty is better to deal with than two!
Now I will go off topic and it is thanks to GC who unlocked a memory from almost 20 years ago! It was my last Saudi contract and I was paramedic supervisor at Jeddah Airport. I was working with a Fillipino called Job and we had an emergency call out to the support camp about 1 am. The support camp is a housing estate which houses airport workers. I knew the camp well but Job as new to the job so I drove and asked him to find the addresss in the map book so he could guide me. The map book was a copy of a larger 8 foot by 6 foot wall map of the airport which had been cut into A3 pages and indexed so for example the house we were going to was 18 D3; Page 18, square D3. I asked Job if he knew how to use the map book and he said "I know, I know". which is Fillipino English code for "I haven't a clue"
We were met at the door by the husband who told us that is wife was epilectic. Sh was lying on the living room floor just coming round. After checking her, putting her to bed we had a cuppa with the husband and advised him to go to the medical centre later.
Driving back Job told me that he was a bit confused because the woman had had a myocardial infarction and we left her there! Myocardial infarction, the silent killer, displays no signs or symptons, the heart just stops. That is what killed my late wife.
I spent the rest of the shift quizzing Job and just as the sun was rising he announced that he had made a mistake and that woman had had a migraine!
Getting back on topic. I checked the map. It is possible to travel from the Twin Cities to Rochester avoiding the highway mentioned but it will put an extra 4 mile on the journey!

on the road

Über Member
I know someone who is eppileptic, there was a few of us who used to go to a group meeting regulary and the advice he gave us was if he had seizure then to just put him in the recovery position, then to call his wife and then carry on as if he wasn't there.


Cycling Excusiast
...and then carry on as if he wasn't there.

Yes, to this, one of the most horrendous things for epileptics is when a large group gathers - sometimes in a seizure someone can still hear all the comments around them and find that people saying some of the most crap things quite upsetting.


Leg End Member
Yes, to this, one of the most horrendous things for epileptics is when a large group gathers - sometimes in a seizure someone can still hear all the comments around them and find that people saying some of the most crap things quite upsetting.
Getting carried of a bus, near a hospital, with four deep cuts to the face. Then going back to the same hospital the following day, for an appointment made weeks before, to find you've got the same driver as the previous day. Looked me up & down before sayin "If I go out & get drunk then I deserve everything I got". The brain had the answer before he'd finished, but the mouth couldn't deliver it. He was late the previous day, because of me.
I'd tried to cancel the appointment that morning, but the phone was put down on me. When I got to the hospital, the person who'd hung up on me couldn't stop apologizing. She thought it was a obscene/dirty call due to the heavy breathing & had already filed a report.


Cycling Excusiast
Getting carried of a bus, near a hospital, with four deep cuts to the face. Then going back to the same hospital the following day, for an appointment made weeks before, to find you've got the same driver as the previous day. Looked me up & down before sayin "If I go out & get drunk then I deserve everything I got". The brain had the answer before he'd finished, but the mouth couldn't deliver it. He was late the previous day, because of me.
I'd tried to cancel the appointment that morning, but the phone was put down on me. When I got to the hospital, the person who'd hung up on me couldn't stop apologizing. She thought it was a obscene/dirty call due to the heavy breathing & had already filed a report.

You'd hope that people who work in patient transport are offered training about the various symptoms of conditions but sadly this is not always the case.

I know that people with diabetes in the middle of a hypo can resemble someone blindingly drunk. I suppose, the thing is you get all walks of people in life that either get it or don't.


Leg End Member
You'd hope that people who work in patient transport are offered training about the various symptoms of conditions but sadly this is not always the case.

I know that people with diabetes in the middle of a hypo can resemble someone blindingly drunk. I suppose, the thing is you get all walks of people in life that either get it or don't.
It wasn't a hospital bus, just a normal service bus whose route took it past the hospital.


Cycling Excusiast
Oh I see, well that's the thing, people can be prejudiced as well all know about many things, let alone disabilities.

Sad really isn't it. My disability though different to yours, is a hidden condition and the amount of tosh I put up with in relation to it is annoying but I don't bother letting their limited views and narrow minds cloud my life. Too much to do, let's not let the ignorance of those inhibit our lives any further.
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