Discrimination and Loss of "freedom of movement" for poor and disabled

Is exclusion and discrimination of the poor and disabled in regards to cycling a serious problem?

  • yes

    Votes: 10 12.0%
  • no

    Votes: 29 34.9%
  • I am ignorant on the issue (lack of knowledge, not dumb)

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • your trolling

    Votes: 19 22.9%
  • your not trolling

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • They are a danger and should not be allowed (for what ever reason)

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I never knew I was discriminating by "exclusion"

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I don't want them cycling and think you need to be silenced

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • please educate me

    Votes: 12 14.5%
  • TMI (if this is your selection please PM as to why)

    Votes: 8 9.6%

  • Total voters
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disabled rider

Oh, and although I'm fortunate enough to be able bodied and well, I know a lot of people with varying degrees of disability who cycle, sometimes with major adaptations to their bikes or trikes, some without. I know a few who are much more mobile on bikes than off them. I don't know any who feel the need to take to the pavement - indeed, the barriers on many cyclepaths mean that they are happier using the road, where they know they will be unhindered. This is all in the UK, of course, and I have no experience of the US.

To the OP: If you want a reasonable discussion, you have to get to the point quicker. If you'd posted something along the lines of "I'm cyclist in the US. I have various disabilities and health problems that mean I feel safer on the sidewalk than the road, but I'm being penalised for riding there. Is this fair?" then I suspect we'd all have got to the point sooner. The point being that, sorry, if that's the rule, that's the rule. There are ways to make riding on the road safer for you, even in the US, but you seem to have closed your mind to changes in your riding technique, or physical aids like mirrors - both of which would help you, despite your opinion.

We all suffer from lousy driving, but unless we get a full, working, segregated cycle network, we have to use the system we have, and campaign to make it work. Running away to the pavement will make it worse for everyone, long term.

I would agree with you under current rules.

Going to the pave for slow moving disabled, isn't bad if they follow ped rules. We get into trouble when we try to use the street rules on the sidewalks. like moving faster than a jog in high traffic ped areas.

The most congested area here, I have been during rush hour. When I ride at speed of pedestrian traffic none of us had issues as far as I know. No one has said anything. But then many of them know me as the "guy with the black cat". Service animal advocate before they changed the definition to exclude everyone except those that could use dogs. even excluding monkeys which can perform tasks dogs can not. One of the times I stopped to ask an officer a question, not a word about me being there.

Guess what it boils down too:
Smokers didn't like the fact they lost their right to smoke in the building when they were not being considerate of other people needs. So they got kicked outside. Since they got their panties in a bundle they are lashing out to who ever even comes near them. They don't care their actions is really in a medical sense harming those around them.

Not sure where they can justify telling me to ride the street when they themselves are breaking 2 laws. loitering/blocking a thoroughfare. and violating constitutional rights of other people that move past them on said public sidewalks. We have freedom that only extends to another person face. Poisoning someone else direct air, violates that freedom of the other, by causing medical health problems and breathing problems.

which reminds me I need to go so I can get up in the morning to go to city hall and see what the status of changing policy is if they will do it or not.

.Disabled Rider


Living Legend & Old Fart
DR said that `One in which my constitutionally protected right of freedom of movement is being challenged' but all of us have out freedom of movement either challenged or restricted! Car drivers cannot drive on canal paths, UK cyclists cannot cycle on motorways and there are some road bridges here that I cannot cycle over and do not get me started on about freedom of movement in buildings - those doors that are marked `Authorised Personnel Only` are restricting my freedom of movement!

Disabled Rider, do you lock your apartment door when you go out and at night? You do? How dare you, how bl--dy dare you! You are restricting the movement of your friendly neighbourhood burglar! Leave it unlocked and he may take pity on a poor person and leave stuff for you; he is just like Santa Claus!

If you are poor and/or disabled then you cannot cycle on Hwy 52 and guess what? If you are rich and able-bodied you still cannot cycle on Hwy 52!


Leg End Member
Off Topic Posting
A did you know this moment.
Constant references are made to Capricorn 1 being NASA's admission that they faked the whole moon landing scenario. How many are aware that similar claims exist for the X Files. The producers were approached by the US Government prior to making it (The X Files) as how best to get the "truth" out to the public. Admitting what they had been doing over the years, secret services & and all. Opening bars of the theme tune is actually a coded message, that is changed slighly as required.

The series still has two FBI & one CIA "Advisors", checking the script so that it is correct, without giving too much out/away. And of course a series that becomes a hit, like this one did, will have more people sat in front of the televisions, right where they want them for this http://subliminalmanipulation.blogspot.co.uk/. Mass mind control of the general public.
Those that were not sat in front of the television were made to go to the cinema when the movie came out.

Sit in front of a computer, you can't escape them. Microsoft bought into Apple, however a common feature of all microsoft operating systems is the remote viewing that allows a third party to have access to your computer. Don't believe me do a search on your system for "Remote Desktop Connection". http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Remote Desktop Connection&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-gb:blush:E-SearchBox&ie=&oe=&redir_esc=&ei=Fb9zUIqbApOwhAfckIDACg

The only Windows operating system not to have it in was to have been windows 97. Never heard of it, don't worry it was released as windows 98 which included this in the system. Microsoft were not happy at having to include this, so left it out of windows 97, which didn't go down well in certain quarters so they were not allowed to release it. I have a copy, from the factory that made it. These factories are all based outside the US.

Think thats wrong, because you have never heard of it. Their operating systems were to have been 95, 97, 99 & their "big fix" for the millineum bug, Y2K, call it what you want. But it never happenned, or did it. Everyone rushing out to get their electronics protected...

Smartphones have an inbuilt facility for storing your location, some go further & keep a record of your phonecalls, which are later transmitted to private masts, for processing at a later date.
http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=smartphone location tracking&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-gb:blush:E-SearchBox&ie=&oe=&redir_esc=&ei=8sBzUNTcLdCWhQfSw4DYBQ
http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=smartphone location tracking&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-gb:blush:E-SearchBox&ie=&oe=&redir_esc=&ei=8sBzUNTcLdCWhQfSw4DYBQ
I have one I can use to listen into conversations, via a second or third hanset, even when its not switched on.

Medical records, blood transfusions:
http://www.demonbuster.com/winningow.html & http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.375403-Blood-Donation-Edit?page=2
Not for the faint hearted.
So as you can see you can't escape, they have covered every posibility.

Further proof needed! Look at all the new posts! that appeared overnight.


Leg End Member
My poor brain can't keep track of all the information in this thread anymore. The bit about not being fit enough to ride the longer way to the deer hunting area[1] but being able to drag around an animal that typically weighs more than an average man and like everyone else not being allowed to ride a bicycle on the pavement but not explaining why his disability prevents normal road cycling.

I was curious about the amount of meat you'd get from a deer too, it looks like it varies a lot but after dragging say a 100kg deer corpse up the apartment stairwell (which the neighbours must love)[2], apparently you'd be looking in the region of 45kg of edible meat or about 180 steaks :hungry: Poor Bambis :cry:
[1] That was to his "fishing hole". One hell of rod required to catch a deer.
[2] No they don't, but that discrimination


Well-Known Member
since many people are too lazy to read my very first post I am quoting the entire thing here.
Hello Ok first off I live in Minnesota USA.

As by my name, I am a disabled rider, who's sole transportation, is by bicycle, year round, even through Minnesota winters.


I stopped reading this post after the first sentence, not because I am LAZY! But because you are calling many, who have taken the time (and it has taken plenty!!) to read and post on this thread LAZY! How rude?! It is evident from the amount of replies that most people are trying to understand and question. If you don't like what you see why post in the first place?


Cracking a solo.
Off Topic Posting
A did you know this moment.
I blame the Illuminati and shape shifting lizards
David Icke


Senior Member
OK, OK, I give in. You've got me. I didn't want to to cave but, despite all of my evil minion training, you've broken me. You ARE being discriminated against. The world IS out to get you. It's all part of our dastardly plot. Me and the rest of the Illuminati are threatened by your very presence and have pulled all of our well hidden strings behind the fabric of society to have you killed by forcing you to ride on the road rather than the pavement.

Sure, we could have gone for the old poisoned tip umbrella or even a sniper behind a grassy knoll but we were just too worried that people would not respect us for something that undevious. Wayne (he's another Illuminati) suggested we could drown you in squirrels but the rest of us thought that was just silly.

The old people are actually an undercover team of crack evil henchmen, They film you 24/7 and beam the feed back to Illuminati HQ in Smithy's garage.

Why you may ask? You want the truth? You can't handle the truth. The truth is, there is no truth other than you're a risk to our highly complex and long term plans for world domination. Gaz is an important member of our team. We're planning to infiltrate him into the American political circles and have plotted a path whereby he becomes President in 2027, after we assassinate the incumbent, Adam Sandler. This is critical to our goals. So what? Well, Gaz walks to work. Through Minnesota! Your sidewalk riding is a clear and present danger to his very existence. We can't take the chance that you cycle into him or force him off the sidewalk into the road and under the wheels of a truck. The risk is just too great.

So, there you have it. We would have got away with it if it wasn't for thos pesky kids.



As an old bikerider, I never did any rambling. The whole peloton was against me, though, and prevented me from exploiting my potential to be world champion by constantly ganging up and getting to the finish before me. This happened for years and years, and finally I was forced to retire from a job I liked because of nature attacking me and making me too old to race at that level.
So I had to do something else, look at alternatives to get by, which is called playing your hand as best you can.
One thing I found out, constant complaining gets you not very far. My glass is at least half full. I've been lucky and am grateful for that. As I am for having (apparantly, according to some odd tests) an IQ between 140-160, which I suppose is OK and helps keep me positive.
I feel really sorry for people who are disadvantaged, and believe we should do all we can to help them achieve their potential, but their own positive contribution and acceptance of what is possible and sensible must also be part of the picture.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby


Charming but somewhat feckless
I am not here for entertainment. I am here because Of my constitutional rights and my life are being violated and endangered.

Regarding your desire to access the sidewalks for cycling, do you have a local disabilities group that could represent you in your discussions with the local authorities? Do you have a local area representative who could act for you with regard to your problems?

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