since many people are too lazy to read my very first post I am quoting the entire thing here.
Hello Ok first off I live in Minnesota USA.
As by my name, I am a disabled rider, who's sole transportation, is by bicycle, year round, even through Minnesota winters.
I need to clarify right from the beginning, so people realize, I AM NOT HERE TO TROLL. I have a serious issue that needs to be addressed. One in which my constitutionally protected right of freedom of movement is being challenged. As well as my right to live.
I recently discovered that my using common sense and biking style is criminal. To follow the law I WILL FOR A FACT BE KILLED. Nature of my disabilities do not mix with negligent drivers, which in my experience is "most" of you drivers out there. No offense, just real world observation.
I will go into detail in a thread I intend to start called Loss of "freedom of movement" for poor and disabled. Under current laws, we can not do the things we need to do, just to stay alive, without breaking laws. Laws which put us in deadly situations.
I am not here for entertainment. I am here because Of my constitutional rights and my life are being violated and endangered.
To those that think my predicament is entertainment, I ask you keep your comments to yourself. Your life is not at threat. Mine is.
To those that read my posts, will probably think I am insane or delusional or just plain wrong, or of a tinfoil hat nature. From your view, It will seam that way and may seam true. From mine, in the real world, it is what has kept me alive when following the letter of the law will kill me.(Fact) . As disabled rider 6+ years of cycling year round, zero injuries with 20 years+ total biking. Able body acquaintance of mine, in same time frame of 6 years, following letter of law, had 5 major accidents involving some hospital stays. Helmet did not do anything to help him, and in some cases made it worse, when parts of the car or other grabbed the helmet, yanking his head around..
Anyway Hi
Disabled Rider.
Irrational people do not write like above and bellow .
Also I find this read enlightening after the accusations towards me here;
I also pointed out the perspective I am using is of the receiving end of exclusion. If your not on the receiving end or not looking at it from that perspective, It will look irrational or crazy.
I am being very specific, in my grievances, like explaining the freedom of movement and how it excludes the poor over those more well off. There are many Intellectuals smarter than I am, that are saying the same thing. Are they irrational? only difference overall is they have a degree. I don't.
EDIT. OK sorry I need to Finish this example Got distracted when writing this forgot to Finish it.
I could get into what Is really irrational. It was someone I worked with Who said this too me. During a time I worked at a car wash. Just after the business did a complete overhaul expansion, that more than doubled its physical size.
He Told me, that he KNEW that the owner had built a tunnel, from his office to the movie rental place across the street. And that the Owner was using said tunnel to come and spy on us.
Problem is, I practically lived there and was the night security / custodian/ carpenter. I was there when they laid the foundation. No such tunnel was ever built, nor was there space to do so which would have compromised the existing foundation.
This is the part that got added:
He was being delusional. The irrationality of it or irrational thoughts on my part, believing what he said. And fearing myself that the boss was watching. Because, It would have required me to be detached from reality. Or expand on it and think OMG "everyone is out to get me" with no proof that is even happening. No I did not really believe this.
My point is your not qualified to say I am irrational I already admitted that it will or could appear to be irrational to those who looked at it from another view. Having a different, perspective does not make a person irrational. Irrational is being detached from reality. So if I was being so irrational as some posters think I am being then the following would be false. That when I said "I can't leave the city on my bicycle to go to my fishing hole because a sign says no bicycles " That If I was rich I could, because I could afford a car. Which is "not" forbidden, to drive cars on the 52. MN-DOT used a blanket excuse to exclude by claiming it was a safety issue. Within city limits yes because of the sound barrier they installed. Not outside the city though.
If your going to accuse someone of being irrational your going to have to back it up, with solid evidence with specific examples of the irrationality with a counter that shows how They are being so irrational.
Like I did above regarding the tunnel example. You can destroy a persons credibility for giving a blank accusation. Oh he being so irrational , everything he saying doesn't make sense, he totally detached from reality. etc ,etc
When I started this thread I knew this was the kind of crap and flack I was going to get. If I was truly irrational how would I know how to recognize that people would be giving me flack for sharing a different perspective of an issue, Especially when that issue involves "the normalization of exclusion" that is so widely accepted by society as a whole.
Here is a direct quote posted from a previous link coming from the director of the DRC in the UK, quote :
"This exclusion is more pernicious because it has become normalized - it is ever present but invisible," he said."
here are a few questions pointed out that are the focus of the DRC
Among the questions that the DRC wants answered are:
- How to ensure that disabled people are safe in their communities
- How to equip disabled people with the skills to play an active role in society
- How to ensure that people are in control of their lives
- How to reform the welfare state so that it supports independence rather than creating dependence
If you had bothered to actually read the content I shared like the links Then you would not have thought I was being so irrational.
These are the things I been trying to focus on, by making and changing policy to allow us with impairments to be more independent. Like making policy/ removing policy So that we can do things within our means, That will allow is to be independent, gathering food, etc. Working for an employer does not necessarily mean being independent. Especially if that employer is unwilling to pay you more than your cost of living, for a full time job. The Cost of living is higher for a person with Impairments especially if they are being forced to follow the medical disability model. example In my case I am not allowed to participate UNLESS I BUY EXPENSIVE HEARING AIDS. An employer threatened to fire me, if I did not find some way to acquire my aids. Hearing was not always necessary to perform my job and simple things like pad and pen would have sufficed or looking right at me so I can lipread. I am demanding that I be included by NOT forcing me to buy said $3000+ hearing aids is not irrational.
Yea to you, from your perspective, who has taken hearing for granted as the only means of communication used in most situation is going to see that as irrational. Your attitude is Why should I have to change how I treat and interact with other people. This is why your actions and exclusion of people who will not or can not conform to your method of communication, DOES DIRECT HARM, to the person who can not communicate using your method "voice." The person with the impairment can still communicate just fine, just not with voice without undue burden. I do not consider language unless it is based on some kind of impairment that garbles the language. not say English, Chinese, Spanish, etc.
Requesting to make accommodations in policy to allow me to ride on the sidewalks, where there is enough room, using pedestrian rules and speed is NOT irrational, when I have clearly shown how my riding on the street would get me killed especially in the winter with "black ice" in regards to my hearing. I had come up with an adaptation that will work for all involved. By continuing to say NO your "excluding" me with "intent to do harm" when I have demonstrated the significant increase in danger imposed upon me ov3er the average cyclist without impairments. This is what they would call willful negligence, if harm came to me by your refusal to amended policy.
If you really want to see irrational at work, watch people that consider themselves "elite" "better than every one else." They are above the rules vs everyone else. whole other set of rules apply to them, The rest of the species is their subjects, etc etc. Watch the video of mitt Romney
This was a convention for rich contribution Donors another words "elitist"
Here is a follow on video to the leaked video
Point is I am 1 of the 47% I can tell you I pay my fair share of taxes and some. sales tax, property tax etc. Its total garbage.
Quote:"Critics of Romney's "47 percent" remarks noted that many of those who don't pay federal incomes taxes pay other forms of taxes. More than 16 million elderly Americans avoid federal income taxes solely because of tax breaks that apply only to seniors, the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center reports. Millions of others don't pay federal income taxes because they don't earn enough after deductions and exemptions."
In other words WE are not tax evading like so many others especially the filthy rich.
Point is I can show irrationality when I see it. And show how it is irrational.
I might add I been through Cognitive behavioral therapy and some others so I know what to look for and how to check and balance to ensure I am not getting irrational. I have people I bounce this stuff off who will tell me if I am being irrational or not and I ask them why they think this I just don't accept their word blindly,
AS part of psychological injury recovery, NOT mental illness . There is a district difference between
psychological injury and mental illness mental illness is a chemical imbalance in the brain or an ORGANIC disorder of the brain. Psychological injury is like a car accident. with the difference being that the injury is psychological in nature and not physical. Oldspice this is directly in relation to you, Seriously get off the mental illness train in regards to me. If I had mental illness I would have included it in the section about me back in the beginning. Reason DSM doesn't recognize the injury is it would open the flood gates for litigation against abuse which leads to psychological injury, and COI.PDF dugs don't work on the injury thus if they get it classed mental illness they can force medication use. .(out side political pressure plus many other reasons.) By blaming the individual for the harm done to them by claiming mental illness, when it is not, lets the perpetrator off the hook for the harm they inflicted on the other. And then we can not get redress for the harm done, because it is fully blamed on us. By claiming I am mentally ill, instead of acknowledging I have psychological injury you are doing this --->>> and excusing the actions of the people who inflicted the devastating harm unto me. (past tense.)
This is a SMALL QUOTE" from specific to bullying THE RED APPLIES TO ME YOU DO NOT ALWAYS HAVE ALL SYMPTOMS blue is my added comment related to the points.
People suffering Complex PTSD as a result of bullying report consistent symptoms which further help to characterise psychiatric injury and differentiate it from mental illness. These include:
Fatigue with symptoms of or similar to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (formerly ME)
An anger of injustice stimulated to an excessive degree (sometimes but improperly attracting the words "manic" instead of motivated, "obsessive" instead of focused, and "angry" instead of "passionate", especially from those with something to fear)
An overwhelming desire for acknowledgement, understanding, recognition and validation of their experience(This is what I have been doing here, NOT the same thing as playing victim or what people thought of as victimization, described lower that is not highlighted in red.)
A simultaneous and paradoxical unwillingness to talk about the bullying (click
here to see why) or abuse (click
here to see why)
A lack of desire for revenge, but a strong motivation for justice
A tendency to oscillate between conciliation (forgiveness) and anger (revenge) with objectivity being the main casualty
Extreme fragility, where formerly the person was of a strong, stable character(this may be a factor The damage started when I turned 6 There is a distinct change in personality that never recovered, when I started school, I saw it, Mom saw it. Mom yanked me for the rest of the year, I "was" carefree happy kid who didn't worry about things, optimistic) This was torture by peers and teachers alike. corporal punishment was involved, when it was illegal at the time.
I was wearing hearing aids at the time, And was being forced to be right handed, left hand had bruises from the ruler.
Numbness, both physical (toes, fingertips, and lips) and emotional (inability to feel love and joy)
Hyperawareness and an acute sense of time passing, seasons changing, and distances travelled
An enhanced environmental awareness, often on a planetary scale
An appreciation of the need to adopt a healthier diet, possibly reducing or eliminating meat - especially red meat
Willingness to try complementary medicine and alternative, holistic therapies, etc
A constant feeling that one has to justify everything one says and does
A constant need to prove oneself, even when surrounded by good, positive people
An unusually strong sense of vulnerability, victimisation or possible victimisation, often wrongly diagnosed as "persecution"
(If I been saying that people were out to get me that is an example of this. I have not been doing that.)
Occasional violent intrusive visualisations
Feelings of worthlessness, rejection, a sense of being unwanted, unlikeable and unlovable
A feeling of being small, insignificant, and invisible
An overwhelming sense of betrayal, and a consequent inability and unwillingness to trust anyone, even those close to you.
In contrast to the chronic fatigue, depression etc, occasional false dawns with sudden bursts of energy accompanied by a feeling of "I'm better!", only to be followed by a full resurgence of symptoms a day or two later
Excessive guilt - when the cause of PTSD is bullying, the guilt expresses itself in forms distinct from "survivor guilt"; it comes out as:"
There is A WHOLE LOT more to the content above including the distinction between mental illness and Psychological injury.'
The site above helped me to put in to words What I had tried to get those around me to recognize over the years. I am not being irrational. Some one else put in to words, what been on my mind for more than 30 years.
So I am asking STOP the unfounded insults and attempt to discredit what I am saying. I did not share my personal story so you could do so. I shared my personally story to show a perspective that has just as much validity as yours, in hopes that you would be intelligent enough to recognize that just maybe the way you have been doing things is harming others. And Just maybe you might be more considerate in the future and to help people around you, The old saying what goes around comes around.