Discrimination and Loss of "freedom of movement" for poor and disabled

Is exclusion and discrimination of the poor and disabled in regards to cycling a serious problem?

  • yes

    Votes: 10 12.0%
  • no

    Votes: 29 34.9%
  • I am ignorant on the issue (lack of knowledge, not dumb)

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • your trolling

    Votes: 19 22.9%
  • your not trolling

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • They are a danger and should not be allowed (for what ever reason)

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I never knew I was discriminating by "exclusion"

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I don't want them cycling and think you need to be silenced

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • please educate me

    Votes: 12 14.5%
  • TMI (if this is your selection please PM as to why)

    Votes: 8 9.6%

  • Total voters
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Yeap it was "Hay Ho Pip & Dandy"

Watch out for the Moose!

Kryton was brilliant
“They just hosed him down and gave him a new hat”
I saw a clip of it and it looked like Lister and Rimmer had too much make up on. I like the idea though that 20 years later they are still just floating through space, as they would be. I thought rimmers aging could be justified by saying that Holly made him age with Lister so that things would feel more natural to Lister. After all the reason for Rimmers resurection was to keep Lister sane through his endless journey (I could do with a Lister for this thread) Kryten on the other hand is easy enough to make ageless because of all the latex in his make up. Glad that they have gone back to the old format. The Kochanski years weren't doing it for me.


Leg End Member
OK, OK, I give in. You've got me. I didn't want to to cave but, despite all of my evil minion training, you've broken me. You ARE being discriminated against. The world IS out to get you. It's all part of our dastardly plot. Me and the rest of the Illuminati are threatened by your very presence and have pulled all of our well hidden strings behind the fabric of society to have you killed by forcing you to ride on the road rather than the pavement.

Sure, we could have gone for the old poisoned tip umbrella or even a sniper behind a grassy knoll [1] but we were just too worried that people would not respect us for something that undevious. Wayne (he's another Illuminati) suggested we could drown you in squirrels[2]but the rest of us thought that was just silly.

The old people are actually an undercover team of crack evil henchmen, They film you 24/7 and beam the feed back to Illuminati HQ in Smithy's garage.

Why you may ask? You want the truth? You can't handle the truth. The truth is, there is no truth other than you're a risk to our highly complex and long term plans for world domination. Gaz is an important member of our team. We're planning to infiltrate him into the American political circles and have plotted a path whereby he becomes President in 2027, after we assassinate the incumbent, Adam Sandler. This is critical to our goals. So what? Well, Gaz walks to work. Through Minnesota! Your sidewalk riding is a clear and present danger to his very existence. We can't take the chance that you cycle into him or force him off the sidewalk into the road and under the wheels of a truck. The risk is just too great.

So, there you have it. We would have got away with it if it wasn't for thos pesky kids.


I can see only two problems with the above.
1] He lives no-where near a grassy knoll.
2] Think of the squirrels. What have they done to you. What are they all going to eat?


Oaf on a Bike
Regarding your desire to access the sidewalks for cycling, do you have a local disabilities group that could represent you in your discussions with the local authorities? Do you have a local area representative who could act for you with regard to your problems?

He doesn't appear to actually have a reason for riding on the sidewalk, either ignores the question or makes some vague reference to how road cycling is 101% fatal for the disabled. Surely if/when he does get someones attention the first thing they'll be asking is "why?" or on what grounds to make a concession for him.

As far as I can see that's as far as it goes, none of the arguements about constitutional rights, disability discrimination are relevant while he has an option - the same as any other cyclist, its just one that (perhaps understandably) he doesn't like.

disabled rider

So if your not capable of cycling don't cycle. You can still get a job and you can still improve your life with the assistance of the state/government resources.

So there's really nothing to complain about. People are not treated the same all over the world so stop acting as if they are and your there saviour.
You truly do need some help from a doctor or social worker, get it, it's free.

OK now the "red above " was an irrational comment. oldspice. I just got done explaining, in this community. I am not employable, professionals agree and SSA agrees. Your comment was based on unreality information. I also explained the rehabilitation services that SHOULD help me ARE NOT CAPABLE OF HELPING ME. II also pointed out the program that works with disabled only, refuses to help too. Temp agency won't either, been there done that. Most of the 29 jobs interviews, came through the local workforce center, the rest from the paper. I have done everything locally short of illegally lying or steeling or breaking other laws. I did not have the resources to move, I have less resources now than I did then.

I NEVER said wasn't capable of riding. I been doing it a long time. WHAT IS SAID is following the "current laws" I would be killed by a neglect driver NOT IF or might. People with out impairments is "might" The current laws is in essence the "medical definition" that everyone must conform to a "NORMAL PERSON MOLD" Under this, then Yes I am incapable of cycling. ((THEN this does not actually mean that I am not actually capable of riding. I have IMPAIRED RIDING. I do not have UNIMPAIRED RIDING))

THE POLICY IS WHAT IS GOING TO GET ME KILLED. Not my ability to ride.((If it was my cycling I would have already had major accidents or had been killed already)) Modifying policy, To accommodate for my impairment, to allow me on the side walk following ped rules, will remove the "I WILL BE KILLED BY NEGLIGENT DRIVERS" and change it to match other cyclist to "I MIGHT GET KILLED BY NEGLIGENT DRIVERS" Putting my risk on par with able bodied people.

"So if your not capable of cycling don't cycle." <<---- This is the kind of crap, people say, to justify the exclusion, when someone with impairments, can not conform to a "Normal person" standard, Using the medical model of disability. In reality THIS comment is what the "example" of definition of social model of disability, that DISABLED a person with impairments, to prevent them from participating in society. It is "SOCIETIES BELIEF" that the person is "UNABLE TO" or is "NOT CAPABLE" of CONFORMING to a "NORMAL MOLD" "THE EXCLUSION FACTOR" . The question is whether you said it, by "intention" or whether it was an "automatic" response. If it was an "automatic response", this is the "NORMALIZATION" of the "exclusion factor" in action.

Oldspice How many times have I said I see professionals already??? THERE IS NO FREE HELP FOR ME. The budget isn't there for it. Then I DO NOT NEED THE FREE HELP. I already see professionals. Seeing anyone else, while seeing professionals is double dipping and is illegal here. Either your not actually reading what I am posting or your not comprehending what I am posting and making harmful comments to me as a result. And in the process people see your short post vs my long one, and take the easy road and ignore most of what I am actually saying and rely on your harmful post to base their response.

Disabled rider:angry:

Now I am asking you KNOCK IT OFF about the whole mental illness, needing professional help, etc. This is either the 2nd Or 3 time I asked or told you to stop doing that. your doing more harm than helping especially after how thoroughly I been explaining my situation. I am not even going to comment on the firearms that belongs in a "firearm forum" and is not relevant to this thread.


Bionic Subsonic
Nooo Don't challenge the boxes DR has decided to construct around himself! He might have to take some responsibility for his own actions rather than blaming discrimination and the state if you do that. :ohmy:

disabled rider

He doesn't appear to actually have a reason for riding on the sidewalk, either ignores the question or makes some vague reference to how road cycling is 101% fatal for the disabled. Surely if/when he does get someones attention the first thing they'll be asking is "why?" or on what grounds to make a concession for him.

As far as I can see that's as far as it goes, none of the arguements about constitutional rights, disability discrimination are relevant while he has an option - the same as any other cyclist, its just one that (perhaps understandably) he doesn't like.

You did not read my posts then, I have thoroughly explained it. Stop making comments "like this post " , when you haven't even been following what been saying and implying that I haven't said something , WHEN I ACTUALLY HAVE. Open your eyes.

Really how can you say I haven't said something if your not reading what I actually wrote? Or imply I am doing something that I am not. 3/4 to 4/5th of my hearing is GONE I am partially deaf Then if you had actually read my posts you would know that.

AND I HAVE NOT BEEN VAGUE The beginning I was establishing grounds for the thread I had not even started writing on the issue till the FIRST super post Super post happened due to peer pressure from posters, harassing me to get to the point . I have also explained this is DETAIL. Then your not actually reading my Posts. If you had you would not have wrote this post the way you did with such certainty.

Disabled rider:reading:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
[QUOTE 2088693, member: 45"]If you can ride a bike and work a computer, you're employable.[/quote]

Yes, and no. If you can ride a bike, and work a computer, AND have basic social skills and work ability, yes....

There are after all a lot of people with many more skill than that, who seem able to make themselves unemployable just through attitude etc.


Senior Member
@DR There is nothing offensive about mental illness and if a person is in need of assistance from a health care professinal then they should get the help (it's free)

You don't arf go on a lot and say very little that makes any sense/point. You are not capeable of riding a bicyle on the road and seeing as you are not a child get on the road, but you can't because you are not capeable of cycling on the road. Face facts not everyone was born to ride:thumbsup:.

You seem to adore health care workers when they say 'Your not fit for work' but anything they say that is not in your favour 'Is the government putting you down' LOL.

So you hunt dear, commute and solicit your local counselors regarding changing the law, you use a computer and you have firearms (its a English cycling forum. There is no firearm forum on this site) and yet you say that you are incapable of working:laugh::laugh::laugh:.

Comes down to

Can't work but i can hunt, demand/petition city hall for my rights the, government and the state is against me, i can carry a dead deer for miles on my bike and i can work a computer, pay bills, cook, and have a higher level of intelligence than all my class mates and i have a gun.......damn you world for not allowing me to work.


Oaf on a Bike
You did not read my posts then, I have thoroughly explained it. Stop making comments "like this post" , when you haven't even been following what been saying and implying that I haven't said something , WHEN I ACTUALLY HAVE. Open your eyes. <Snip>
I've read all of this thread, please show me where you've explained why you need to ride on the sidewalk.
I NEVER said wasn't capable of riding. I been doing it a long time. WHAT IS SAID is following the "current laws" I would be killed by a neglect driver NOT IF or might. People with out impairments is "might"
This is the vague comment im talking about, you don't explain why you're more at risk just say that you are.

THE POLICY IS WHAT IS GOING TO GET ME KILLED. Not my ability to ride.((If it was my cycling I would have already had major accidents or had been killed already)) Modifying policy, To accommodate for my impairment, to allow me on the side walk following ped rules, will remove the "I WILL BE KILLED BY NEGLIGENT DRIVERS" and change it to match other cyclist to "I MIGHT GET KILLED BY NEGLIGENT DRIVERS" Putting my risk on par with able bodied people.
Here you state the same "fact" again that you will get killed and an able bodied cyclist might not, but without any reasoning or evidence, that's not how a discussion works.

Q. Why with your self-professed good cycling ability are you personally more at risk than able bodied cyclists and in need of riding on the sidewalk?

I'm not trying to trip you up or pick an arguement with you, but you absolutely need to be able to answer that question if you want to convince people to agree that you should cycle on the sidewalk. You've had 18 pages of replies and an incredible amount of tolerance from this forum. :smile:
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