I'm genuinely bemused by your post:
The contrast UK Vs Europe roll out is stark.
would you have preferred to see us following the pattern apparent in the following:
I'm genuinely bemused by your post in at least three ways: first, it uses week old numbers when the latest are available but it does not really matter in this case; second, being involved in the EU vaccine project would have been in addition to the UK projects; and thirdly, how can you have "UK vs Europe" when Brexiters keep telling us that we are still part of Europe but not the EU.
I've been quite consistent in acknowledging that the vaccine gamble seems to be paying off for gov.uk - while also being critical that it has led to and seems likely to lead to some deadly decisions, as the UK bet everything on vacc.
An alternative assessment, fwiw and reluctantly as this is so much water under the bridge, in italics:
- mjr = True, the UK did opt out and arguably it was dumb. Much stronger argument it wasn't dumb: so 'false'.
False? False? Do you think the UK didn't opt out?
- mjr = True, but only just: EMA approved Moderna's vaccine on the 6th whereas the UK's MHRA approved it on 8th. "early access" - true, but in retrospect, irrelevant:
So still true then and even you only judge it irrelevant "in retrospect".
- mjr = Too soon to tell. Come on. Can't you even acknowledge that's just False and FALSE.
So you're willing to declare something false, based on 18 days of new drug approvals (how many drugs is that?), rather than wait and see?
- mjr = True. False. Government rightly judged that shackling the UK to the EU Vaccines 'scheme' was putting public health ahead of political (communautaire) ideology.
- mjr = True. False. Government rightly judged that shackling the UK to the EU Vaccines 'scheme' was putting public health ahead of political (communautaire) ideology.
Both of those seem to be based on the misunderstanding that we could not have had our own "scheme" as well as being part of the EU one, similar to some other EU nations.
Just think: if the gov.uk gamble hadn't paid off, how much could we have been hurt by not having access to the EU project?
HTH (but keep digging if you want)
Not really any point on keeping digging now that we've unearthed the staggering bias in your assessment.
