Imdeed. In terms of mobilising a resource response they make an excellent parallel. In fact, they are so alike that combat trained personnel are often used in times such as this.
I'm trained and authorised - first responder- to administer intra muscluar injections, and I won't even bother trying to jump through the hoops the government have set. If its anything like the recent flu jab it will be a production line, where each subject is in the company of the person administering for 2 or 3 minutes.
This is a national emergency, and the response to the now biggest single cause of death among adults in the UK does not require that I am trained to recognise radicalism or domestic abuse. The emergency nature of the situation would require that I jab 40 people an hour, and then go home when the emergency has passed.
And nothing more.
The wellbeing of individuals is important, but the wellbeing of the nation takes priority in an emergency sotuation such as this. In normal times we can afford considerations secondary to clinical need to be of such import - during a national emergency with a massive, overriding priority, we cannot allow it. Anything that distracts from addressing immedetiate clinical lead should be dispensed with, solely for Covid, and solely for the duration of the emergency.
As things stand covid is killing far more people in the UK than radicalism, domestic abuse, suicided related to mental health, so it is utter insanity that these temporaility less dangerous causes of death are being given training and awareness priority over the administering of life saving covid vaccines.