The following don't appear to be vital in administering a Vaccine:
Legal Aspects Of Vaccination
Preventing Radicalisation (level 1)
Moving and Handling(Level 1)
Data security Awareness
Fire Safety (Level 1
Health Safety and Welfare (Level 1)
Equality Diversity and Human Rights
If I were doing the jabbing myself or responsible for the people doing the jabbing the only two I'd be willing to let the jabbers do without would be preventing radicalisation and equality, diversity and human rights. Both very important topics, but can be suspended temporarily. It's the nature of a large organisation in a fast-moving situation that sometimes things fall through the cracks.
On the other hand:
Legal aspects - I'd want to know that I'd not be sued for doing my job
Moving and handling - I'd expect that among the jabbees would be quite a lot who can't move for themselves
Data security - names, addresses, medical details!
Fire safety - how the hell do I respond if a fire breaks out in the rickety town hall we've taken over for the day?
Health, safety and welfare - you really think it's acceptable for someone playing with needles
not to have basic health, safety and welfare training?!
This is all basic level-1 mandatory training stuff. It'll take a retired GP or nurse a couple of hours to read the relevant material and answer a few questions to confirm they understand.