COVID Vaccine !

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Pale Rider

Legendary Member
Project Moonshot.

Better named project Bullshoot.

That didn't take long, did it?


I think at best - project moonshot is still unproven. Lots of concerns regarding how it would be used in schools - and since the regulator determined that it was not a proven technology and could not be used to avoid pupils and teachers self isolating it lost some of its proposed rationale. Someone I know has regular flow tests in a care home and these are then compared with regular "proper" tests to see if they are reliable. Interesting she said today they had someone who tested negative on the "normal" test but positive on the flow test - so was re tested on "normal" and came back positive. Maybe timing I am not sure. Anyway I don't think we know yet if moonshot is going to be great like vaccines or shoot like test and trace. Myself I can't see it ever working as well as Cummings intended.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
I think they are overestimating the number of people wanting to go to theatres badly enough to have their nose swabbed and wait half an hour (edit: and risk the cost of quarantine?). I don't think it will be viable unless something like one of the in-development spit or breath tests works.
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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
The plan is very clear. [...] Adults aged 18 to 50 May to August or maybe a little later. It does not appear that there is currently any reason to doubt this timetable things seem to going well. Timescales appear reasonable in the light of current progress.

Edit - next phase may well be children plus updated vaccine in the autumn seems likely. One thing this country seems good at is vaccinating - I expect they will continue to want to progress as far as possible.
1. If so, prudent 18-50s can kiss lots of summer fun goodbye, pretty much. Even if we are thrown under the bus by the country unlocking before we are vaccinated, we will still be exhorted to obey loads of rulez.

2. That "maybe" and "may well be" rather contradicts the claim that the plan is clear! So far it looks like guesswork. Let us see what is announced.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
I don't think there is one yet. I'm in two minds on this as it could be seen as discriminatory. What I badly want is confirmation I can't infectious, there are so many people I'd like to hug or shake hands with who won't be getting their shot for months. A year without physical contact is a long, long time.
Yes, where are the antibody tests needed to check a vaccine worked and is still working at an individual level?


1. If so, prudent 18-50s can kiss lots of summer fun goodbye, pretty much. Even if we are thrown under the bus by the country unlocking before we are vaccinated, we will still be exhorted to obey loads of rulez.

2. That "maybe" and "may well be" rather contradicts the claim that the plan is clear! So far it looks like guesswork. Let us see what is announced.

The plan so far announced is down to all adults 18+ by the ens of summer. This is the plan already announced and well understood.

The maybe and may well are not currently part of the plan but considered likely. Just because this isn't yet decoded does not mean the rest of the plan is not clear - it is.



1.7 more people added to the shielding list and moved up the vaccine priority ladder.


800,000 added to vaccine priority list. Also an extra 900,000 told to shield who have already had the vaccine.

Surprised that people who have had the vaccine are told to shield. I thought who had the vaccine would be deemed to have a measure of protection, although I know it's not 100% with one dose.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Surprised that people who have had the vaccine are told to shield. I thought who had the vaccine would be deemed to have a measure of protection, although I know it's not 100% with one dose.
Vaccines are not certain to work at an individual level. Until either cases are very very low or we have antibody tests to confirm successful vaccinations, shielding should continue. ☹


Vaccines are not certain to work at an individual level. Until either cases are very very low or we have antibody tests to confirm successful vaccinations, shielding should continue. ☹

Is that official guidance?


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Is that official guidance?
fark knows. Probably not.

China has missed its vaccination target, apparently favouring exporting it to get some goodwill over jabs for Chinese residents.

China has also prosecuted a load of vaccine fakers and smugglers.

Ominously "It did not say which country they were sent to."
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