Courier employees??

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
I once had a parcel containing a £50 webcam left on my front step. The step was right next to the pavement since the house had no garden or yard.

I have not used or even thought about that webcam for years. I once lent it to a friend who kept it for a year and then returned it a few years ago. I posted about it above and immediately heard a knock at my door. My friend was standing there ... "Any chance that I could borrow your webcam again?" :wacko:
I once had a parcel containing a £50 webcam left on my front step. The step was right next to the pavement since the house had no garden or yard.
Pah! £50? That's nothing. Parcelforce once left an iMac on my front door step. It was ironic, because I had a phone call saying "I don't want to come home and find it on my door step", "Oh, that won't happen".

Strawberry iMac, so quite along time ago. Back in the "good ol' days" before Yodel. I am not sure it has actually got any worse.



I have not used or even thought about that webcam for years. I once lent it to a friend who kept it for a year and then returned it a few years ago. I posted about it above and immediately heard a knock at my door. My friend was standing there ... "Any chance that I could borrow your webcam again?" :wacko:

Please, no. I do not want to see that iMac again!!!


I had a rather expensive DSLR left behind the front wheel of my car once and no note through the door. Luckily I was observant that evening and didn't end up reversing over it coming off the drive.
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I saw a supermarket delivery van doing its rounds when I was out on my bike last night. When the driver opened the back I could see that it contained at least 100 plastic crates of shopping. That's an awful lot of car journeys saved.
It's even better than that with ocado.



Legendary Member
London, UK
You could always go to the shop yourself and just buy it.

Do you not think that we are all being far too demanding. We complain about corruption, environmental impact, social values and yet we want everything, yesterday, for half the price, delivered at our convenience with a lovely bag of sweets to boot

How do we expect firms to maintain costs under those sorts of demands...without something having to give?
I demand a Ferrari at half the price the currently sell at. Heck, I DEMAND it!!! Yet Ferrari does not give me this deal. It is not the consumer demanding it, it is the supplier giving it and the consumer opting for the supplier that gives the best deal/service.

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Royal Mail once messed up a delivery for me. Just some car parts from Ebay but the postie knew we were happy for stuff to be left in the paper recycling bin at the back of the house with a note through the door. The problem this time was that it was dustbin day and the bin was at the kerbside in front of the house. We got home that evening to find a note saying the parcel was in the blue bin and a nice empty blue bin!
To add insult to injury when I complained to Royal mail they did refund the cost of the item (after jumping through many hoops and much form filling) but refused to pay the delivery cost! I ended up being about £3.99 out of pocket because of a technicality. Their rules are that they only pay the value of the goods where as I argued (unsuccessfully) that due to their stupid negligence I had paid an amount and got nothing so they should redress that loss.

Gert Lush

Senior Member
As a Royal Mail employee, watching these couriers doing things such as these really annoys me. If I did anything like that, they could easily find out it was me who delivered the parcel and I'd get in serious shoot. I was delivering once and saw a Yodel driver walk up to a house and through the packet over the fence into the garden and leave. I let them know when I delivered a parcel to them 10mins later..

The standards are completely different for RM compared to the couriers out there.
Kevin Alexander

Kevin Alexander

Im happy for a neighbour to be left the parcel but don't leave in a garden that has 2 paths leading to a park/other estates, thats irresponsible and asking for some tea leaf to come and help him/herself.

Or put it in the wheelie bin.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
I demand a Ferrari at half the price the currently sell at. Heck, I DEMAND it!!! Yet Ferrari does not give me this deal. It is not the consumer demanding it, it is the supplier giving it and the consumer opting for the supplier that gives the best deal/service.
Why would you supply, if not to a demand.?

Supply and demand, first rule of retail..second rule, never talk about retail.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
By being efficient and making proper use of modern logistical technology?

I actually think that there would be a much smaller environmental impact from one van delivering 50 parcels than 50 people driving into city centres to go shopping! And if the vans are clogging up the streets then think what the individual cars would be doing. You can bet that most of the people not buying online are not going to the shops on foot, by bike or even by bus or train.

I saw a supermarket delivery van doing its rounds when I was out on my bike last night. When the driver opened the back I could see that it contained at least 100 plastic crates of shopping. That's an awful lot of car journeys saved.

The last few deliveries from different companies gave me detailed tracking and each time I got a text message on the morning of the delivery giving an hour's window for the delivery. Each was made 20-30 minutes into that hour.

I think the best solution is what a lot of companies are doing now which is to offer to deliver parcels to local shops or post offices.

I agree about the drop off at shops and depots, but we are too lazy and want same day drop off ,min our back garden between the hours of 2.22 and 2.28 cos that when neighbours has finished and before the corrie omnibus starts... Besides, this, its not one truck delivering 50 items.

Even with the best organisational systems in the world, we then want it all sent back...the same day, at no extra cost, then a few other sizes, or colours sent out , for most of them to be sent back again. Makes one person driving to the shopping centre and trying it first look suddenly quite efficient.

I'm making a general point on the demands of society and our inherent laziness though, not really arguing with your counter.


Legendary Member
Our postman is a woman, and to ensure she continues to take care of my small parcels (fnarr fnarr) I buy her a bottle of rosé each Christmas. Shes on first name terms with everyone in the village and the Royal Mail would probably get a visit from a lynch mob if they tried to take her off our round.

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Yeah, worse in my experience, I opened my front door just as a postie was pushing through my letterbox a "Sorry you were out" card, that made for an interesting conversation...............
Like Globalti, we do have a normal postman who is pretty good and while not on 1st name terms we always say hello if we pass in the surrounding streets. When he is on holiday then all bets are off as far as standards of service go (Not calling the other guys though as it is probably some other highly stressed postie that is being almost forced to cover parts of this round in addition to doing his regular walk!)
[QUOTE 4357222, member: 45"]I'd you've not signed for a parcel and find it on your doorstep, what's stopping you calling the company and saying the parcel hasn't been delivered?[/QUOTE]
Honesty, decency, morals, not wanting dirty tricks like that done to yourself so why do it to others.... need I go on?

Gert Lush

Senior Member
Yeah, worse in my experience, I opened my front door just as a postie was pushing through my letterbox a "Sorry you were out" card, that made for an interesting conversation...............

Not that interesting really. The amount of times that's happened to me when I've already knocked twice and they didn't answer the door.
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