I've given up trying to educate the Covidiots. As an ex copper friend says you can't polish a turd or educate an idiot.
It is very worrying how many people seem to think it's a conspiracy, that every country in the world is part of, and in being part of this conspiracy, has spent huge sums, damaging their own economy, incurring huge debt, all for some kind of scam against the people.
I trust the scientific evidence presented and am taking great care to not catch Covid and pass it on to my vulnerable wife.
But then the Flat Earthers seems to believe that one, along with the Moon landing was a fake brigade we now have Covid19 is a hoax. No wonder the USA elected Trump, people will believe anything, regardless of science, statistics and the number of deaths. I wonder how many people have bought into all of these conspiracies?
Meanwhile I'm taking off the tinfoil hat and going to have a chat with my mates from Venus, Jupiter and the Sirius system.