Coronavirus outbreak

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Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
In London the vast vast majority of folk I see on public transport (I use sparingly carefully) are complying with the mask rule but there are a few oblivious idiots. Have had words with two or three.

There is very clearly no policing of the rules whatsoever.

Have been in a small number of spoons and in truth feel safest there than anywhere apart from home. Seem to be very much on top of things,

Meanwhile in Italy things seem to be heating up and I can see more of this happening.

Damn damn this virus.

Wondering if the religious leaders will break cover for Christmas (and tell us where they've been)
I was working in London last Thursday and walked from Euston to Holborn and later back again. I have to say, from the brief exposure I had, I was impressed with the number of people like myself who were wearing masks and the rigorous enforcement on Euston. Although the area to the front of Euston before you enter the station was odd. Very few mask wearers compared to my walk to Holborn. Certainly the mask wearing on the streets away from Euston were higher than I have seen in my own area of the North West.


I don't understand how people think anyone can fix this immediately and keep an economy like nothing has occurred. Granted no one in power knows how the regular guy lives as it doesn't affect them but you can't have everything. Wether you agree with the truth or the conspiracies this event is unprecedented and has to change the way everyone does things including what we call right and normal wether we agree or not. Yes it is causing havoc, hardship, distress across the board but no one person or power has a magic solution that they can just go Da-Da! with.

True that ever happens the old ways have mostly gone a massive long over due economic rebalance is coming. What ever that will look like we don’t know but we know have to fight infectious diseases what works and what’s effective. So we can either follow the science and tried and tested public health. Or forget it and blunder on.Some part of world have understood that from the start and are much better if for it. The one thing that’s going all this is Covid deal with that and much of rest will be a hell of a lot more simple.


Resting in suspended Animation
I don't understand the current rules. There was a bus party wandering around Tobermory on the Isle of Mull last Thursday. In one of the shops they were asked where they had come from and they said Manchester. If Manchester is in some sort of lockdown why are they wandering around this country?

Manchester went into tier 3 the day after. That's why they were there in the sense of the question you were asking. The person on the street interprets the rules as tier 3 isn't allowed to leave the area, which seems to mean for a lot of people the surrounding area or region e.g. historic county of lancashire or neighbouring counties. If you look on the internet or ask for the local goss it doesn't do any good, for one finds loads of examples of people holding stuff they shouldn't be or going out of the local area (well I should I do as under tier 3, for tier 2 there were always loads of people zooming about).
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Manchester went into tier 3 the day after. That's why they were there in the sense of the question you were asking. The person on the street interprets the rules as tier 3 isn't allowed to leave the area, which seems to mean for a lot of people the surrounding area or region e.g. historic county of lancashire or neighbouring counties. If you look on the internet or ask for the local goss it doesn't do any good, for one finds loads of examples of people holding stuff they shouldn't be or going out of the local area (well I should I do as under tier 3, for tier 2 there were always loads of people zooming about).

I've been zooming everywhere to my friends and family a lot the last eight months.


Manchester went into tier 3 the day after. That's why they were there in the sense of the question you were asking. The person on the street interprets the rules as tier 3 isn't allowed to leave the area, which seems to mean for a lot of people the surrounding area or region e.g. historic county of lancashire or neighbouring counties. If you look on the internet or ask for the local goss it doesn't do any good, for one finds loads of examples of people holding stuff they shouldn't be or going out of the local area (well I should I do as under tier 3, for tier 2 there were always loads of people zooming about).

What’s not helping is if try and look for official rules you find a right load of a mismatch. Even local government look to be finding it hard to understand. Before moving to level 3 pubs here got told 2 households socially distanced on the same table was ok. As long as each household was treated as 2 bookings. The current plan to balance health and wealth with trying to be seen as playing to the popular view. Has left us with total fudge which is clear to see is doing little for either. As a member of sage pointed out some time ago was likely to happen.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
What’s not helping is if try and look for official rules you find a right load of a mismatch. Even local government look to be finding it hard to understand. Before moving to level 3 pubs here got told 2 households socially distanced on the same table was ok. As long as each household was treated as 2 bookings. The current plan to balance health and wealth with trying to be seen as playing to the popular view. Has left us with total fudge which is clear to see is doing little for either. As a member of sage pointed out some time ago was likely to happen.
All kind of confusion is bound to happen when there's a pandemic raging. The situation is bound to change rapidly and only the experts with brilliant hindsight will come up with the right answers. It's happening all across Europe and the rest of the world. At least the international beauty contest experts seem to have fallen silent recently.


Resting in suspended Animation
What’s not helping is if try and look for official rules you find a right load of a mismatch. Even local government look to be finding it hard to understand. Before moving to level 3 pubs here got told 2 households socially distanced on the same table was ok. As long as each household was treated as 2 bookings. The current plan to balance health and wealth with trying to be seen as playing to the popular view. Has left us with total fudge which is clear to see is doing little for either. As a member of sage pointed out some time ago was likely to happen.

I'm very close to tier 2. If I get on the bike or in the car or even a bus half a million here are very close to tier 1. The news has tended to focus, as is the case on this forum of those in manchester and some tier 2 areas nearby, but it's even worse around here.

I'm in on a saturday night, but I'm reliably informed many, many pubs here are still open. If they weren't, well some would get in their cars and head for tier 1 as I believe a lot of people locally know about.

A lot of restaurants/pubs were doing the screen thing to divide tables.

The rules around churches and activities/prayers outside on church grounds I find particularly odd, but fortunately that hasn't got widely discussed in the media otherwise that would not help. The 'beneficial and philanthropic organisation' is also being used on a larger scale I believe than was probably expected by the government. There are some places not that far away basically using it for large scale pub socials FFS.


I'm very close to tier 2. If I get on the bike or in the car or even a bus half a million here are very close to tier 1. The news has tended to focus, as is the case on this forum of those in manchester and some tier 2 areas nearby, but it's even worse around here.

I'm in on a saturday night, but I'm reliably informed many, many pubs here are still open. If they weren't, well some would get in their cars and head for tier 1 as I believe a lot of people locally know about.

A lot of restaurants/pubs were doing the screen thing to divide tables.

The rules around churches and activities/prayers outside on church grounds I find particularly odd, but fortunately that hasn't got widely discussed in the media otherwise that would not help. The 'beneficial and philanthropic organisation' is also being used on a larger scale I believe than was probably expected by the government. There are some places not that far away basically using it for large scale pub socials FFS.
Which ever way you look at it we are in a hell of mess and getting more complex by the day. Plenty of pubs are still open round here too plenty more are all of a sudden selling ”food “. People will travel come what and think oh sod it why bother.

I‘ve never fully understood around churches either. Guess it helps when you got a bunch of “employees” in the lords and by law have the right to meet government ministers privately when you like. Publicly they may have said we will open only when safe. But privately they made it clear to vicars they had to open. My mate’s a vicar has yet to open though but he’s knows his stuff being the union rep and teaching H&S for the union. Even they know it’s not a good idea to force him.

All the time this whole tier up, down in ,out fudge this and that panto carries on. The bigger the hole we find ourselves in with no sign of finding the ladder.
I was working in London last Thursday and walked from Euston to Holborn and later back again. I have to say, from the brief exposure I had, I was impressed with the number of people like myself who were wearing masks and the rigorous enforcement on Euston. Although the area to the front of Euston before you enter the station was odd. Very few mask wearers compared to my walk to Holborn. Certainly the mask wearing on the streets away from Euston were higher than I have seen in my own area of the North West.
To be honest, tho i have no medical expertise, i see wearing masks in the street as generally pointless. With regards to enforcement (or lack of) i was referring to actually on buses, trains, not in stations/transport hubs. Yes, the vast vast majority of folks in london are complying, though some folks outside london seem to think otherwise.
The rules around churches and activities/prayers outside on church grounds I find particularly odd, but fortunately that hasn't got widely discussed in the media otherwise that would not help.
Can you give me the facts on the first bit of your sentence (up to "odd") please, am unaware of. And why, whatever they are, is it fortunate they haven't been discussed? Am all in favour of open discussion.
It is not protecting people against themselves which bothers me. It is protecting myself from them without locking myself away.
The measures taken in England appear to be a complete shambles. Boris has consistently failed to take strong enough measures, he has consistently failed to make them easy to understand, has consistently failed to make them enforceable. And as for the Manchester debacle, I am appalled that they have treated public health measures like some sort of commercial negotiation. I can’t see any realistic prospect of Sturgeon being able to close the border but hopefully with the onset of winter the number of holidaymakers from England won’t be such an issue.


To be honest, tho i have no medical expertise, i see wearing masks in the street as generally pointless. With regards to enforcement (or lack of) i was referring to actually on buses, trains, not in stations/transport hubs. Yes, the vast vast majority of folks in london are complying, though some folks outside london seem to think otherwise.
On the whole lack of face covering in open public spacers is not too much of an issue. Provided that social distancing can be maintained if that is not possible or the space is partly enclosed then the use of face coverings is a good idea.
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The measures taken in England appear to be a complete shambles. Boris has -------- consistently failed to make them easy to understand, has consistently failed to make them enforceable.
Too too true - has shown that he doesn't understand them himself and with bare faced cheek refused to allow clear guidelines to be enforced against Cummings - and his own health professionals to answer questions on same.

Anyone with any degree of shame (Boris has none) doing what he has done, saying what he has said, would be wearing a mask full time, long long after the virus has passed.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
The measures taken in England appear to be a complete shambles. Boris has consistently failed to take strong enough measures, he has consistently failed to make them easy to understand, has consistently failed to make them enforceable. And as for the Manchester debacle, I am appalled that they have treated public health measures like some sort of commercial negotiation. I can’t see any realistic prospect of Sturgeon being able to close the border but hopefully with the onset of winter the number of holidaymakers from England won’t be such an issue.
I would'nt bank on lower numbers judging by the present numbers arriving but as I have 2 trips to Oban this coming week I should get a better impression.
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