I'm trying to avoid going on this thread but as with others on it I am gobsmacked that some people are under the delusion that the government can somehow in king Canute fashion, hold the virus at bay with some policy or other! It is a viral infection and does not abide by our rules. It's a gene pool thing, it is established that it is contagious and crosses all ages. It hasn't been around long enough to make long term predictions as yet. It is incredibly unfortunate that businesses and jobs are in danger but this one virus has the potential to change social structure as we currently know it. If we don't adapt we suffer more and these di*ks that go on binges or just carry on as normal before the next shutdown are merely providing fuel for the next round. Lunacy. We ain't that smart as a species and just need to think differently, adapt and adapt again. Easy to say and hard to do but if we don't we could be screwed in so many ways all because we wanted dinner out or went to bloody sports games because we have a right.