Hospitals are starting to ration Covid treatment drugs at the moment, not sure how many hospital cases it would take to fill our hospitals again......
Well the Guardian will probably tell you the NHS will be overwhelmed by teatime. In reality the worst hit area, the North, has a Covid occupancy of 3-4%, this in hopitals that have been preparing for months and currently have huge vacant/dormant/prepared capacity. A panic stricken NHS coped at the virus peak, with huge amounts of staff covid-absent, why shouldn't it cope this winter? We are in another hysterical fear mongering mood, just like spring, it gets to me and I have to get comfort from the scientits who called it right since March. Are we to make the same mistakes again?
We can no more stop the spread of the virus in the vulnerable areas, care homes and hospitals, than we can flu. I've seen so many infection control measures put in place in good faith and for solid reasons, but still it spreads and that's where the deaths will be this winter, care homes and hospitals, next year too and the year after.....lockdown?
I see the government is (hopefully) not going to lockdown again, good, because they don't work, they know they are going to have to live/work with it, it's now the start of a long and protracted career protecting reversal. If you were to be presented with country graphs from all around the world, showing infections, hospitalistaions and deaths for 2020, then asked to mark where lockdown was introduced, you'd be stumped. There is nothing to go on, no event, no indicator, you'd be guessing as much as a blind man pinning a tail on a donkey.
"We really do appeal to all world leaders:stop using lockdown as your primary control me
The government is happy with a ridiculously flawed testing system. It can then manipulate and produce the figures and headlines however it likes, how else can you expain the 1000's of perfectly healthy Northern uni/college kids being used to produce policy? These asymptomatic or false postive kids are at the start of term and have practically no consequence for the rest of society.
I see that the government failed to produce any scientific evidence for it's recent measures by the Friday deadline, how could it? Into court, 15th October, now that will be interesting, they cannot lie & bluff there.
As ever, I am not a virus denier, conspiracy theorist nor re-set believer, it is an almighty cock up though.