That’s probably why it got throw in a skip.He obviously has a crystal ball .Needs to check the input control or clean the glass because the input he is receiving sounds a load of crap.
That’s probably why it got throw in a skip.He obviously has a crystal ball .Needs to check the input control or clean the glass because the input he is receiving sounds a load of crap.
What is that supposed to show ?
So, just for @SkipdiverJohn here's a projection of what would happen if we let it rip from here.
View attachment 551444
That's 200k deaths by Christmas, peaking at ~5k per day. The drop in R at about December is herd immunity starting to kick in.
Now, this won't be acceptable so people will shield themselves from the carnage and/or govt will make strong interventions to mitigate. Obviously track and trace would be entirely overwhelmed.
Hopefully this informs why nobody in public health thinks this a good idea and why govt is prepared to do almost anything to avoid it.
A little explanation here
That's 200k deaths by Christmas, peaking at ~5k per day. The drop in R at about December is herd immunity starting to kick in.
Small choice of rotten apples innitAs you put it yourself later in your post:
Why doesn't that make the student-sacrifice plan impossible too?
Even if they are in uni-controlled housing, they're not prisoners and some will get out - and then there's all the food and services that have to be delivered.
Far from it being easily fixed, we can't completely isolate students from the "gown towns" hosting them. We can't even isolate them from their universities because some courses have essential lab or practical work that will put them in contact with Teaching Assistants at least, so now you've got to confine TAs and they're not as young as the students, so there will be a death toll, probably including many of our country's future researchers and lecturers.
And then you've got the problem of what happens when December 21st arrives and students want to go home as promised in return for this crazy plan but you've still got half of them testing antibody-negative in some unis?
And then you've got the problem of natural immunity maybe not lasting more than a couple of months, so do you have to do this all again next term? And the term after that? And next year? How long will it be before the "virtually zero" death toll doesn't look so zero? Do we know much about reinfection survival yet? And how many would suffer long-covid symptoms?
How is all this "easily fixed"?
It looks like a hell of a gamble compared to following WHO advice for a change: test, test, test, distance, mask and wash.
Those charts are nothing more than scaremongering nonsense drawn up by number crunching geeks. The actual, real-world reality simply doesn't bear out any of this fantasy.
Despite the official positive test numbers being way higher than those back in March/April, hospitalisations and deaths are only a small fraction of those six months ago.
Take those countries with large outbreaks and roughly comparable living standards:- The USA has a population five times that of the UK, similar living standards, similar demographics, and a similar level of medical expertise. At it's worst, the virus was taking out around 2,000 people a day. Now, it's what, around 7-800 deaths a day, with around 40,000 reported cases a day? Brazil was previously highlighted in this thread. They are running around 600 deaths a day on a population of around 210 million. and Brazil has a lower per capita GDP than the UK, less developed healthcare overall, and a substantial population of shanty town slum dwellers. If you assume their outbreak and death toll is worse because of this, if you downscale Brazil to the UK's population size you would be looking at a worse case scenario of well under 200 deaths a day going forward.
Indulging in blatant scaremongering achieves nothing. What is patently clear is that the worst of the doom & gloom predictions simply haven't come to pass, and as the virus progresses through the populace, then the hospitalisations and deaths can only go one way - downwards for the simple reason the virus has an ever-diminishing number of potential targets it can afflict.
In spring, there was little preparation, scant treatment knowledge, hysteria, catastrophic mistakes and a large amount of "dry tinder" potential victims. With what we know now and how things have changed, really, there would be 200k deaths by Christmas? Not remotely credible.
In spring, there was little preparation, scant treatment knowledge, hysteria, catastrophic mistakes and a large amount of "dry tinder" potential victims. With what we know now and how things have changed, really, there would be 200k deaths by Christmas? Not remotely credible.
Despite the official positive test numbers being way higher than those back in March/April, hospitalisations and deaths are only a small fraction of those six months ago.
These are total beds available in local ICU's.Hospitals are starting to ration Covid treatment drugs at the moment, not sure how many hospital cases it would take to fill our hospitals again......
When I last looked a while back, there were other estimates but they were all in the same zone.
Ahem. Widely quoted as 100,000 a day. And if you have looked recently you'll be aware of much higher, the highest estimate I am aware of is 315,000 at the peak.
You are in a funny mood. I'm not sure why you thought live tv pictures of Italian tv required a fact check when millions of people around the world saw it live, including commentary as to where the convoy was!!!!