There's not much difference in the amount of coronavirus in Spain as there is the the UK, so the idea that everyone who has been there is going to get infected and bring the virus back with them is the usual hysterical nonsense coming from the usual fearmongering drama queens. If there's one place where I do think it's a real risk that more virus could come from, that's India, because the official numbers are simply implausibly low given the size of the population and overcrowded living conditions. I wouldn't be surprised if we see increases of cases there of a quarter of a million per day within the next week, and they will soon exceed the USA and Brazil numbers combined.
That's exactly what needs to happen. A return to normality. The virus is going to be around for years to come in varying amounts in countless locations across the planet. It's going nowhere. Even if a working vaccine is developed, not everyone will have it, and the virus could well have mutated by then anyway - which could render any vaccine less effective or even completely ineffective. We have two choices; either we all go into hiding away from the virus for a few years and destroy all our prosperity that has taken centuries to achieve, or we accept that it's still out there, it will remain out there, and that sooner or later a high proportion of us will catch it, and just get on with daily life regardless.
Oh, and by the way, no self-respecting Englishman ever drinks the American version of Bud. It's shite. Even most of the British lager louts with very undiscerning tastes indeed don't drink it.