We've had pods for 2 weeks now, would maybe hold 60-80 people I'd imagine, with safe & separate car parking for maybe 30 cars. It's one of the busiest hospitals in the UK in a densely populated & very deprived area. I don't know for sure, but think the facility has been used once.
Will it spread?
The UK Chief Medical Officer thinks a global pandemic is almost certain, and that 95% of UK cases will fall within just a 9 week period. It's not know when that 9 week period will fall.
How many people could be infected?
An international study estuimated at least 1 in 5 (globally) were infected by Swine flu; fortuntely that one wasn't dangerous.
Let's assume Covid 19 affects a similar number here in the UK. What would that mean?
It would mean 14 million Brits infected.
Over 11 of these would be mild.
Nearly 2.7 million would hospital (inpatient) treatment.
There were approx 17 million hospital admissions last year. That 327,000 per week.
Do the maths, it's almost a doubling of admissions every week of that 9 week period.
Containment should continue as it will delay a nationwide surge in infections; when that happens, computer models suggest 95% of UK infections would occur in about 9 weeks.
However the remainder cause symptoms which are classed either severe or critical; in both cases the patient is hospitalised (for weeks).
Now consider the models mentioned by the Chief (UK) Medical Officer today, which predict that at some point there will be a very rapid spread of this virus.
Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty suggests there's probably zero chance of avoiding a global pandemic.
So far the number of UK cases has been fairly trivial
there's almost zero chance of preventing a global pandemic. We're getting only trivial numbers of infections in the UK currently, but that will rise. but eventually he expects to see that rising very rapidly, with 95% of infections occuring over just a 9 week period.
2) Approx 19% of Covid-19 cases as classed as severe or critical; these all require hospitalisation (weeks rather than days).