We have a lot of polish people in my work place and it's very customary for them to shake hands We all clock in using biometric hand scanners. That's over 300 people touching the same device each day. Every delivery that comes into the factory gets signed off by me. Courier PDAs etc.
Thinking about it, i must i come into contact with literally thousands of people a day directly or indirectly by touching electronic devices.
The thing is, were are all virtually in the same boat with day to day life and there is very little we can do about it, apart from doing the basics like washing our hands ect.
I'm not going to get to worried or stressed about all of this, because there's nothing that's going stop it in its tracks. We've just got to be a little more careful and follow the advice given and hope for the best.
Seeing people panic buying hand sanitizer and bog rolls is just ludicrous. If i run short of bog rolls ive plenty of dock leafs in the back garden👍.
I worry for the more vulnerable people such as my dad and will keep my distance from him for the time being.
God knows what would happen if he had to self isolate for 2 weeks.
I don't think he could make a day without hobbling down to the pub for a few pints.
As for cycling I'm going to carry on as normal. It may come to a time when travel may be restricted and the turbo trainer will have to get a dusting off.
We just need to stay calm and not get to hung up on all the constant bombardment news we see on the Internet and tv and hopefully we will all come through it relatively unscathed.