Sorry to burst your bubble. Apart from the extremely strange "credentials" attributed to the chap, his mortality calculation is wrong.
It is logically indefensible to calculate mortality based on deaths divided by number infected, when not all the infected have been cleared or died. To use his example of the Diamond Princess, there are 6 deaths to date, and 212 cleared, so the mortality is c3%, close to the latest WHO estimate of 3.4%.
Wots the theory on why Chinas stats appear to be going down ? - I thought the lockdown had been lifted ?
I do agree that we should find out what real experts say. Some interesting information has come out of China from the WHO team that went in, which might have debunked some commonly accepted beliefs:
1. Surprisingly, only 4.8% of infected people had runny noses.
2. Unlike flu, there are very few mild and asymptomatic cases escaping attention thereby fuelling further infection. This is consistent with how rapidly and clearly the rate of infection has since fallen in China.
3. While Wuhan was initially overwhelmed, and therefore shows a high mortality rate of c5.8%, it has been 0.7% in other regions in China.
4. Mortality rates however are now seen to be much higher elsewhere, in Italy and Iran, e.g. This might have something to do with the fact that contrary to common belief, relevant aspects of medicine in China, e.g. in ventilation, is sophisticated, and may not be practiced elsewhere.
5. It is difficult to see how the aggressive lockdown and intrusive solutions imposed in China can apply in the West, and if not does it mean more will be infected for longer?
Aspects of the team's conclusions can be seen
here and