Hello decadence
Although if you look at the list of people who have signed there’s a lot of mathematicians and PhD students (researchers in training). If I’d read a critique from a group of virologists or epidemiologists, I’d take more notice. So the CMO/CSA are probably not that worried.Thank you for the response @stowie. FWIW the critique of our government's "strategy" below by a Harvard Prof is better than what I could have written. Hope you like it:
I’m an epidemiologist. When I heard about Britain’s ‘herd immunity’ coronavirus plan, I thought it was satire
Matt Hancock has apparently started to try to row back this nonsense. Good thing, but does it not make you wonder what kind of "experts" have we chosen to steer our ship in this storm?
If I were the CMO/CSA, having received this from over 400 scientists etc etc, I would have resigned in shame.
Edit: it’s also worth knowing that Dr Hanage is not a full professor at Harvard. He’s the equivalent of a senior lecturer. So I suspect Professor Chris Whitty has a tad more experience in dealing with these things.
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