You may be correct and someone on a ride yesterday told me the same. She was wearing a mask. It is quite confusing and I haven't seen the communications she received - one via the app and one by email.
Unfortunately me telling Mrs Lane that I have received advice from a mate on a ride and someone on a cycling forum hasn't cut much ice😄
She seems determined to do the right thing - even if it's the wrong thing. As a result I had to cancel the dentist - which to be honest wasnt much of a disappointment.
Definitely better to be safe.
If she was working at the time of the association with the infected person that that can be ignored as she should turn off the app when in work/volunteering.
i appreciate it’s easy for me to say but we ask all our teams to turn off/pause the app in work and if they get pinged they can legitimately discount it but if it is pinged when out of work that is different and must isolate/follow the guidance.
hopefully she will stay symptom free and the 10 days will soon be up.