Coronavirus outbreak

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No time for complacency
agreed. 2 days ago 87 ppl dies in Massachusetts from covid. yesterday 46. on my way back from the grocery store for lunch, I was passed by a speeding EMT & after it got in front of me I could see a heavy-set man with a mask on, sitting almost upright in the gurney. a grim reminder, there, but for the grace of God, go I


Cynical idealist
Prime example of human stupidity. Matt Hancock says 'Come down hard' on variant. In the same way that they give cancer a personality to somehow make people think it is against us on purpose and we have to fight the good fight! It is a virus! Personalise it all you want it takes people stay in and stay away from each other for Christ sake. What the hell is wrong with people!


Legendary Member
Sure, so does everyone.

But as with most such discussions, it's not black and white, it's about risk.

If social distancing is observed to the extent that case numbers are controlled, what's the additional risk of being on holiday vs not being on holiday?

We had a fortnight cycling and walking last summer. I suggest to you that the additional risk from that was negligible, and may even have been negative!

part of the enjoyment of our holiday is visiting cafes restaurants local attractions etc.The problem lies with those who do not follow local distancing rules we have to look back at the crowded beaches last year.As far as I’m concerned I will not contemplate golng on holiday until deaths and hospital admissions have significantly reduced. The thought of I may inadvertently carry the virus asymptotically and be the cause of infecting some one close to me and possible killing them
Prime example of human stupidity. Matt Hancock says 'Come down hard' on variant. In the same way that they give cancer a personality to somehow make people think it is against us on purpose and we have to fight the good fight! It is a virus! Personalise it all you want it takes people stay in and stay away from each other for Christ sake. What the hell is wrong with people!

I know - I felt like putting some hob nail boots on, grabbing a crowbar and walking down the street with a scowl on my face ......


Huge Member
Fly Fifer
Restrictions are here for the rest of this year !! I cannot see at all how they can be lifted entirely !? Holidaying abroad ?? Seriously there is just no way. These variants that are appearing are a worry . Seems one step forward and two back .

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"


I agree a lid needs to be kept on case numbers. Deaths across Europe should be very low indeed by summer. The danger is that we open up too much on the basis of deaths and lose control of cases.

Cases were controlled quite successfully across Europe last summer (UK cases were below 1000 from mid June to mid August) and this summer far more people will have some, or even near - complete immunity, from either infection or vaccination.

Not forgetting the other big issue of mixed messages. Just at a time we need to very clear about the risks and dangers. Take today Boris talks of the need to carful but then go on to talk about summer holidays.
We also had the other classic one wearing a mask then no mask once press ask questions. Yet every one around inc press had one on. I mean he was at vaccination centre for pity’s sake.

As for timing of opening up they a history of getting giddy and today the CBI has started to weigh in. The timing this time is critical even more given the ever changing virus. Questions if T&T can step up to the plate to meet it.Geater number of vaccinated public and the risk they get carried away.

Ajax Bay

East Devon
Think it would have a much greater effect on reducing transmission if masks were worn inside all the time.
Is there evidence that the virus is spreading in the open air with people keeping their distance? Most transmission is indoors.
Of course mandatory mask wearing in public outdoors would be much easier to enforce (mainly by public peer pressure, not policing per se) - which is why it's not seen as a stupid question - but along a path in rural Lantau? Mandating indoor mask-wearing would be nugatory - in any country in the world, let alone a liberal democracy. Routine in health care and care settings though, and rightly so, given the threat and the necessary constant mixing of individuals.
How do you think a yahoo poll asking this would go?
"Have your say: Should everyone wear face masks indoors in the UK?"
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