If anyone thinks that vaccination is going to result in reducing cases quickly, by itself, take a look at Israel's current experience.
They've vaccinated nearly half their population and yet their current daily cases are 78 per 100,000 (7-day average). (This is over twice the UK-wide rate, and worse than the worst borough in UK.)
I wonder if widespread vaccination has meant less adherence to prudent transmission-minimising behaviours? If so that's a lesson we need to keep clearly in mind.
The vaccination programme at present is very much about lowering the level of infection that an individual experiences and symptoms that whilst concerning will not lead to hospitalisation.
Indeed it may be that those vaccinated can carry the virus but are effectively asymptomatic. Too early to say. They don’t have the research evidence yet.
I know of two people that have had the vaccine (both doses) yet their antibody testing has come back negative i.e. no anti-bodies developed
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