Without governments rules people wouldn't be hampered to avoid infection.
For ex I do everything by bike so have to transport everything with it too, and thus I'm not the saturday for the entire week or 1st week of the month for the entire month shopper. I never need/take a shopping cart. Now they force me to take one, and on top of that, they ration the carts, so like just a half dozen carts get touched by everybody.
That's what governments "measures" bring: precisely what they are claimed to avoid.
Last time I checked nobody wanted the flu. Anybody here that wants (to spread) the flu?
I don't need a government / force, really

Yet, I have since a month a harder time to avoid infection, due to their... measures.
Already at the very beginning of the story, mid march. Friday, after work, I intended to buy bread for the weekend and monday. First supermarket: no bread. It was just at the entry door so I was quick enough to back up to get out. Next supermarket: surprise, same story. But I started to notice something else: on a friday usually more people in the supermarkets, but then it was like overcrowded. About "as worse" as a sunny saturday afternoon. But I didn't take the time to think about, jumped on my bike to a nearby city. In the first supermarket there, I first started to realize something was going on. It wasn't just crowded, it was insane, alike they had thrown money on the ground and everybody wanting to grab it. Also, the amount garbage outside and inside the supermarket.. there are always some empty boxes there, but it was far beyond.
I again had to wrestle (yea haha) through the crowd, to again find no bread, and wrestle back out.
Then, the next supermarket, closer to the cities center. It was surrealistic. Already on the parking lot, piles of boxes, couldn't even find a place to stall my bike, had to roll a container against the wall. Inside the supermarket it was a ravage. Broken window at the entry, again empty boxes, but now totally torn apart. Products content (sugar, coffee, liquids) scattered around. When passing the counters, I finally became aware what was going on, personell of the supermarket talked to eachother, one saying that upon opening that morning, an whole crowd people was awaiting to flood the supermarket, wrecking everything on its path.
The reason: the evening before, the government had announced forced closure of shops. The biggest idiot in the world knows then that people gonna hampster, and that was what happened. Legalized force, so called to prevent people concentrations, causing the precisely that.
I already wasn't a government fan before, but now they've done completely for me.
Afterwards, I decided to look up flu data, in order to give it all a context, a base to form an opinion. If I look at history, all flu death peaks correlate with government measures, most if not all not even directly relevant. For ex, the most severe pandemic in human recorded history was the flu of 1918-1919. 50-100 million people died, a multiply of the worldwar I fighting deaths. But notably: the biggest contaminations and death tolls were on government organized people concentrations: soldiers recruitment camps, ship transports and other warfare related. So one could easily blame governments that massive death toll. And to take into account: the world population was back then just a fraction of nowadays.