Same data repeated on either the BBC or the Guardian, I forget which. Because the political views of those reporting something may not appeal to you does not automatically make it wrong.
There is quite a lot wrong, though, with that article. For example, he is assuming that care home deaths where Covid-19 is not mentioned as a cause or as a factor, are dying of other causes and then, somewhat bizarrely, he is blaming those "non-Covid-19" deaths on the lockdown.
This ignores the fact that care home deaths have been occuring for weeks without anywhere near full Covid-19 testing. As a result, it can't be assumed that all care home deaths recorded solely as, say, cardiac failure or pneumonia are all not due to Covid-19, especially when those causes of death are precisely how the virus kills.
Having completely misrepresented the ONS death bar chart, he then says "How can it be clearer?". Idiot.