- Location
- Next door to Mr Benn at No 54
If I added up all the time that I have spent wishing I had children, it would amount to about three nano-seconds.
I am now of the age when people assume that I have grown-up children, and that they have left home.
On the rare occasion some one asks out-right if I have children, I say "no". Conversation then comes to a complete halt. Mischieviously, I then leave it them to "re-start" (or not) any conversation. Then I tell a jokey story about the teenager in this house who stays out all night, sleeps most of the day, demands food at any time of the day, and does not help at all around the house, treats the place like a hotel. He is 12 inches tall and fluffy and white and has long whiskers and has four legs.
Until I was forty I had a sneaking suspicion that I would suddenly regret not having children, but this did not happen, and I am very happy without them. This is mostly because I realise what tremendous responsibility they are, and the dedication and selflessness, and hard work and relentless energy that is needed if you have children.
I am now of the age when people assume that I have grown-up children, and that they have left home.

Until I was forty I had a sneaking suspicion that I would suddenly regret not having children, but this did not happen, and I am very happy without them. This is mostly because I realise what tremendous responsibility they are, and the dedication and selflessness, and hard work and relentless energy that is needed if you have children.