Scotland : Ayrshire & Arran CC Arran Cycle - Sat 6th July 2013

Which Route will you do?

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105% knowledge on 105
And that my friends, sums up Christmas for a fife child

tug benson

Survived the Tour O the borders 2013
It's Tullibody louch stays dont let him kid you lot on


Meant to say in the previous message - i got to the carpark about 9.10 and joined the ticket Q about 5 minutes later. It was busy (a couple of coaches had just unloaded and they were all buying passenger tickets individually) so slow moving and i only barely made the boat. So i think (particularly if its a nice sunny day forecast) aim to get their a bit earlier than what i did :biggrin:


Without a clever title
I think Scotrail once offered combined train+ferry tickets, which would save the race to the ticket office for those of us coming down by train. I wonder if they still do that...

Edit: Yes they do, and they're even available to buy through the normal web store.
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